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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. This 'gossip' comes from the local OrBorTor... so it's no doubt true. In any case, we are talking about the illegal bars on the beach and not the legal shops on the other side of the beach road. They were bulldozed before, so it would be no surprise to see them go again! :o


    Hi Simon,

    I live just around the corner from you and I think we're on the same team when I say We both love Nai Yang Beach.

    I can only hope that the gossip from the OrBorTor is only gossip - I should hate to see my family & friends suffer further hardship.

    Perhaps a lot hinges on the next local elections

    Cheers & Chok Dee

    Leung Ken

  2. ^ Leungken, most of us here have seen and done the big issues, so if you want to toodle off to the general forum and address what's happening in Burma, be my guest. This is the food forum. What do you want, a recipe for an A-bomb? Start your own thread. Some of us do eat food. I regret to brag, but I got roast beef, gravy and mashed potatoes at least once a year when I was a kid.

    OOOOPs SORRY Jet Gorgon....I'm toodling.. it's evidently a touchy subject.

    I stand corrected, chastened and chastised and promise never to interfere in the gravy wars again.

    My Apologies Again

  3. I am amazed at amount of friends who are expats that suffer from depression. Am wondering who else suffers from this mongrel of a thing and how you cope with it.

    I put some uplifting music (Try Bach's "Magnificat) on the stereo and think positive thoughts.

  4. My fam made gravy from almost any fried meat. I was shocked when I was in Thailand and all the English pub owners used bisto crystals for their Sunday roast gravies. What? Tastes like phoney baloney.

    Roast beef gravy is made from the drippings. Cook the roast and there's juice and scrapings enough for three days of gravy, so you can slice up onions and leftover beef to make leftover roast gravy on bread.

    Remove cooked beef from roaster, put roaster with juices on a hob and bring to a boil. Sprinkle flour in it and let brown while stirring with a fork. When the flour is cooked, start adding the hot water from the potatoes you cooked for the mash. Stir and stir until it thickens. Feking real gravy.

    You fry hamburgers, chicken, pork, liver, you can make gravy out of the drippings, as above. We usually did milk gravy for chuck or pork chops -- substitute milk for the potato water.

    Tutsi, backup please. :o


    It's good to read that so many people are tackling the really big issues, soon I'll be subjected to the perfect custard recipe - When I was a kid you were lucky to get meat, let alone gravy to put on it.

  5. I heard today that the owners of the Indigo Pearl have finally managed to find a way to get rid of the beach bars which clutter up the nearby beach. They have rented the beach foreshore (how??), and all beach-bars have been told to move or get bulldozed.

    The bars and shops on the 'land' side of the beach road have land titles, so cannot be moved.


    Please don't believe every piece of gossip you hear about Nai Yang Beach.

    Whilst Indigo Pearl have been wishing and hoping and trying to move the local traders away for many years, and have in fact succeeded in having the beach bulldozed before, only for it all to rise from the rubble not unlike Phoenix from the ashes, there is more at stake here than just The Pearl Organisation. The whole of the local community is affected and I cannot imagine the local governments could cope with the reaction to such unemployment and hardships by such action.

    My hope is for calm and peaceful dialogue, I have always maintained that there is a symbiotic relationship between the local hotels and the local beach traders, and that the tourists come to Nai Yang Beach for the best of both worlds, ie 1st Class hotels and a peaceful, quiet beach without any harassment.

    Please let's try to keep levelheaded about this discussion as it doesn't need too much interference as maintaining the status quo is probably in the best interest of all.

    May Peace & Harmony Reign

  6. have a friend that works there that says its been a nightmare and thats its not been that popular with the guests either

    Consequently this has had a huge impact on business for all the local traders, and coupled with the closure of Crown Nai Yang a couple of years ago many of the locals are doing it tough. Hopefully the future will be brighter for them with extensions planned for Nai Yang Beach Resort and the new Dewa currently under construction.

  7. Currently operating as ithe Indigo Pearl - all the colourful gardens gone and replaced with greenery (with the odd splash of white) truck loads of cement finish everywhere, doubt whether it will age well. Many older return guests cannot cope with the bathroom design (not user friendly) and the prices have all gone up.

    The owners choice of architect and landscape designer provers my mothers theory that some people have more money than sense. Why they think European tourists want to come and vacation in a themed industrialised tin mine in tropical Phuket is beyond me !

    Oh and the elephant (Tong Bai) was pensioned of and was last heard of in Isaan.

  8. Advertising , gotta take it with a pinch of salt sometimes.

    I found taking it by the handful of late has been more beneficial.

    I see the new Hyatt Regency supposedly opening at the southern end of Nai Yang Beach late 2007 is supposedly only a 35 min journey to the nightspots of Patong - better not go in that tuk-tuk if it's true !!

  9. i'm sure it also bothers you that i didn't shave yesterday. true or false? :o


    I am merely making observations for your edification.

    If however you didn't shave yesterday for the want of a razor-blade, perhaps we can start an appeal for you... Cut Throat Wanted

  10. Has anyone else noticed the new signs advertising "AQUAMINIUM" ? Somebody forgot to do their homework.

    Aqua = Water

    Minium = Red Lead or Vermilion

    No doubt it wont take long for us locals to be refering to it as "Bloody Waters"

    The point I was trying to make was the regarding the demented business name.

    Not unlike calling your business Doolittle & Dalley, Impact Driving, Dodgie Bros etc and the above Fawltey Towers.

    Name apart how anybody would want to live in a glorified fish-tank is beyond me.

    Perhaps each apartment comes with it's own "Siren"

  11. Has anyone else noticed the new signs advertising "AQUAMINIUM" ? Somebody forgot to do their homework.

    Aqua = Water

    Minium = Red Lead or Vermilion

    No doubt it wont take long for us locals to be refering to it as "Bloody Waters"

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