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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. I was lucky to have had a Mum who was a good sport and a Grandad ( her dad) who took me to watch Hitchen, with an up bringing like that one is happy just to watch a good game. Even now if I see the kids on the beach here having a kick about I'm right in there roaring encouragement. It's a great game after all.

  2. The one idea from Isaan that does seem to work is 2 C.D.'s glued together with their reflective surfaces outermost and suspended by a thread allowing them to swing and revolve - strangely it does help, perhaps the bags of water are a similar idea.

    Though in Oz people tend to put a bottle of water on their front lawns to keeps the dogs away !! How the hel_l that works I've no idea.

  3. chavy, I thought I'd help keep the lower league thread on the first page with a mention of Tranmere Rovers (the first proper club I ever watched way back in about 1955) can't really claim any greatness for them, but I always keep an affectionate eye on them from a distance. I see once again they are currently 2nd (In Division 1) but it's early days and no doubt will slip down afew notches as the season progresses.

    Hey Ken, Coincidently I met another Tranmere supporter a few weeks ago whilst in Kanchanaburi. This guy was a tube driver in London ! but was a true die hard Tranmere fan through & through.

    1955 Ken :D wow... I bet Prenton Park was a sight to behold in those days eh?? :o

    You better believe it.

    Dad never took me again, in fact he only went under suffurance, my Mum made him as it was my 8th birthday and I was football/sports mad.

    Next birthday Mum took me to watch the Toffees play Sheff Wd at Goodison Pk. not a fan of either but like a good game and became a Man Utd fan first off watching a cup final between Aston Villa And Man.U., only for our keeper (Ray Wood I think) got his jaw broken - then I was deeply affected by Munich aircrash - then totally pissed off the following cup final when Nat Lofthouse (Bolton Wanderers) barged our keeper over the line - all was fair in those days.

  4. "The Adventure of English" The Biography of a Language

    by Melvyn Bragg

    It actually reads like an adventure story

    That sounds interesting, I love books about language and its development (weird, I know :o ) Bill Bryson wrote a very funny and interesting one, Mother Tongue.

    Hi sbk,

    Here's me thinking I'd read all of Bill Bryson's books, that one must have slipped past some how. - Still reckon his yarn about walking around England was the best.

    Can't recommend Melvyn Bragg's book enough as it really is a good fun read about the history of the English language from about the 5th century upto the present. The language has a life of it's own and continues to grow.

  5. chavy, I thought I'd help keep the lower league thread on the first page with a mention of Tranmere Rovers (the first proper club I ever watched way back in about 1955) can't really claim any greatness for them, but I always keep an affectionate eye on them from a distance. I see once again they are currently 2nd (In Division 1) but it's early days and no doubt will slip down afew notches as the season progresses.

  6. The business of newspapers is to sell newspapers. It is not to inform or, educate.

    Silly Me. I Keep Forgetting

    Thanks for Reminding me Sir Burr

    But there was a time, a long time ago maybe, when there were newspapers who had reporters that actually reported news. Or was I just dreaming ?

  7. You shouldn't have any problems getting another 3 Months if the years visa not finished.

    Up to you which tour group you go as they are all pretty tough on the old back. I gave up the mini-bus runs and started to drive myself, not that much more expensive and even cheaper if you want to share with a couple of mates. By driving myself I leave Phuket early, 5:00 thereby missing all the traffic and early school bus runs etc.

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