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Posts posted by mjnaus

  1. I could get into the complete nonsense of what you are babbling. However, your ignorance keeps you happy and probably also keeps the local girls at the bar happy too!

    Ride the happy wave my friend. The only problem is that what you advocate is not the official line. For any self respecting person who has been legal for more years than your business plan, I just can't ride your wave.

    If I really wanted to live the undergound life - there are plenty of better examples to imitate.

    If you read all my posts, you will get the point that I do not need a quick visa run or another 30 days. I need something that is at a level that is much higher than you can comprehend - as demonstrated by your quick fix posts.

    However, thanks for taking the time to be friendly and trying to help - this is an honest thanks!

    Whatever dude.... Keep up the all whining and complaining and see where that's going to get you

  2. As I said, no job = get out of Thailand. I am sure you will realize that even the best could sometimes become unemployed.

    The draconian financial requirements are actually very high and in many EU countries most citizens do not possess this amount of savings.

    NO, I will restate, the prevailing system in Thailand is not family friendly. Taking a well off Western country (that has no real social security system similar to that in the EU - like Thailand) as an example - Canada has ZERO financial requirements to bring family there and remain for a 100 years.

    PR = no hope. Starting a business = 1-2 million in capital. ED visa does not allow one to work and support the family.

    No, sir, I stand by my position - it is an unfriendly system in Thailand for those who have Thai family members.

    You're not that well informed yourself either, my friend. When starting a company and looking to get a work permit through that company, the capital requirements are either 1 or 2 million (assuming you'll own the company together with your wife, it will be 1 million). However, this capital DOES NOT have to be paid into a bank account in full. As a matter of fact, ZERO has to actually be paid into a bank account when starting. When registering the company yourself (which is what me and my wife did), you're looking at startup costs of no more then 20.000 baht, and that's it!

    You seem to be dead set on the fact that the world is unfair and you are owed a whole lot. But the simple fact, you are where are at this point entirely due to your own choices and decisions. Is it currently not possible to meet the requirements for a PR, then make the changes required to meet those criteria. Nobody is putting a gun to your head to keep on working in some dead-end job at a public school.

    Lastly, a friend of mine is trying to get his Thai wife to join him in a certain western European country. And comparing the hoops they have to jump through and the amounts of money needed to make that work make the procedure here in Thailand look like a walk in the park....

    With all due respect, thanks for sharing you 20,000 Baht can live in Thailand forever plan. I am sure there are others on this forum that will say, you need 4 employees, social security and income tax proof (the first year OK... but then?).

    Forgive my poor inglis language skills; 1-2 million by the way it is written does encompass what you seem to think my comment lacked.

    I didn't say anything about yearly costs did I? Didn't catch the words STARTUP COSTS there?

    Also don't remember saying anything about a 20.000 life-in-Thailand-forever plan.

    Then, being married to a Thai, you won't need 4 employees, officially only two will do. And many local labour offices are fine with letting you get by the first years WITHOUT any employees.

    Anyway, you seem to be unable to turn your life around for the better, so it's probably better to accept the fact you'll be stuck in that dead-end public school teacher job until you're 45 years old, you'll get fired, you'll be broke and you'll end up being deported back home. Then, you can keep on complaining to everybody back home how Thailand treated you so badly whistling.gif

  3. As I said, no job = get out of Thailand. I am sure you will realize that even the best could sometimes become unemployed.

    The draconian financial requirements are actually very high and in many EU countries most citizens do not possess this amount of savings.

    NO, I will restate, the prevailing system in Thailand is not family friendly. Taking a well off Western country (that has no real social security system similar to that in the EU - like Thailand) as an example - Canada has ZERO financial requirements to bring family there and remain for a 100 years.

    PR = no hope. Starting a business = 1-2 million in capital. ED visa does not allow one to work and support the family.

    No, sir, I stand by my position - it is an unfriendly system in Thailand for those who have Thai family members.

    You're not that well informed yourself either, my friend. When starting a company and looking to get a work permit through that company, the capital requirements are either 1 or 2 million (assuming you'll own the company together with your wife, it will be 1 million). However, this capital DOES NOT have to be paid into a bank account in full. As a matter of fact, ZERO has to actually be paid into a bank account when starting. When registering the company yourself (which is what me and my wife did), you're looking at startup costs of no more then 20.000 baht, and that's it!

    You seem to be dead set on the fact that the world is unfair and you are owed a whole lot. But the simple fact, you are where are at this point entirely due to your own choices and decisions. Is it currently not possible to meet the requirements for a PR, then make the changes required to meet those criteria. Nobody is putting a gun to your head to keep on working in some dead-end job at a public school.

    Lastly, a friend of mine is trying to get his Thai wife to join him in a certain western European country. And comparing the hoops they have to jump through and the amounts of money needed to make that work make the procedure here in Thailand look like a walk in the park....

  4. And don't imagine they "can't find out". I, myself, have used a computer program that monitors my current location whenever I'm online...and from the IP address of my computer...can tell exactly where that computer is physically located at that time.

    If I, as a computer novice can find and use such a search program, then be sure that the Thai authorities can also do it.

    The only reason they don't do such things on a regular basis is that it isn't worth the trouble for them.

    Now, if you do deals routinely from your hotel room in let's just say Phuket, that earn you profits of 300 million Baht, it might be worthwhile for the Thai authorities to trace and document that fact.

    For the potential Thai tax revenue...if nothing else.

    Don't fool yourself, the technology is available and as a short trip to Pantip Plaza will reveal there are Thais who know how to use that technology. If it's worth their time and profitable enough.


    You're so far off here, I am not sure where to start....

    Even if someone would be able to locate your computer, that does not prove anything about what that computer has been doing. Further to that, connecting through proxies, using TOR hiding your location is just as easy using any kind of tool to pin-point a computer.

    Hiding and staying anonymous on the internet is still pretty darn easy. Using a good VPN I can connect to the internet through pretty much any country in the world and change my IP address every few minutes.

    Anyway, all of that is utterly irrelevant, as are most fear mongering comments in this thread, as it's simply impossible to connect any off-shore income to work done on a certain computer at a certain location. Sure, someone can rat you out to the authorities, but then it's still up to the Labour department or the Tax authority to come up with any kind of prove, which is pretty much impossible.

  5. Please keep in mind that the required capital DOES NOT have to be paid up. The only thing you pay is a fee of 5.000 per 1.000.000 baht capital when registering. As mentioned above, when married to a Thai the requirements for a work permit are 2 employees and 1.000.000 capital.

    Regarding the employees, these people don't actually have to work for you and you are not required to pay them an actual salary. They merely need to be on your books, meaning you will pay taxes and make contributions to the social system.

    Please don't be fooled into this being a very expensive undertaking as many posters would have you believe. The process of setting up the company is actually rather easy and can easily be done by your wife herself. We did it this way (my wife handled all the paperwork), all in all the registration costed us less then 15.000 baht. The yearly running costs are also very very low, we pay our accountant about 10.000 per year to handle everything, this includes the signature at the end of year.

    We're still in the process of getting me a work permit, so this might add some running costs. However, we still expect it to be very much worthwhile.

  6. It's not that interesting at all considering both British intelligence and the CIA have been backing the armed rebellion in Libya from the get go and most prominent rebels are either admitted Al Qaeda fighters or have been otherwise associated with western intelligence. Once you start looking for the links, you often find that the key figures are often linked somehow to western intelligence agencies; either working for them fighting an "enemy" (like Al Qaeda fighters under Osama Bin Laden fighting off the Sovjets)...

    Most of them?

    Al Qaeda didn't fight the Soviets per se. That was the Mujahideen -- something else entirely (though certainly some of the "Arab fighters" as they were known, did wind up in aQ); ObL was a relatively minor player in that war and aQ came about at the end of it for an entirely different purpose. There is no evidence of any but a rather tenuous and indirect link to western intelligence.

    Wow, you must have been on the Kool-Aid for a long time! Al Qaeda headman and popular US boogeyman Osama Bin Laden was trained by the CIA to fight the Russians. There is nothing speculative about this, it has been confirmed on many occasions by US government and intelligent officials. This is such common knowledge that I am not even going to bother providing links for this. Even the corporate established media outlets like CNN, Fox and BCC have made reports on this.

    ObL was a relatively minor player in that war and aQ came about at the end of it for an entirely different purpose. There is no evidence of any but a rather tenuous and indirect link to western intelligence.

    And where are your resources to back up this statement?

  7. Belhaj was detained by the CIA in Thailand in 2004 following an MI6 tip-off, allegedly tortured, then flown to Tripoli, where he says he suffered years of abuse in one of Muammar Gaddafi's prisons," the Guardian reported.

    Does anyone else find it interesting that following the alleged tortue he is sent to Tripolli by the CIA who if you believe speculation were supporting Gadafi at that time and now this guy is a high up in the overthrow of Gadafi once again speculation says The CIA are supporters of the Gadafi overthrow. It all boils down to "if we the minions were to ever find out what the governments of the world are really up too it would blow our socks off.

    It's not that interesting at all considering both British intelligence and the CIA have been backing the armed rebellion in Libya from the get go and most prominent rebels are either admitted Al Qaeda fighters or have been otherwise associated with western intelligence. Once you start looking for the links, you often find that the key figures are often linked somehow to western intelligence agencies; either working for them fighting an "enemy" (like Al Qaeda fighters under Osama Bin Laden fighting off the Sovjets) or being captured/hold/brainwashed/whatever and then let go... They're then considered an intelligence asset and can and often will be used again in the future.



  8. Novotel is right across from Lee Garden Plaza, does cross the road in front of MacDonalds and hop in the elevator. Lee Garden Plaza hotel usually goes for 1200 - 1300 a night, but prices vary, rooms are a bit run down though, and I'd definitely prefer staying at Novotel. Rooms are much better and the restaurants are great (Thursday night used to be Japanese buffet, with great quality stuff for somewhere around 600 or 700 a person). Prices at Novotel can vary though, last time I stayed we paid 1500, but we got a discount booking through a friends agent office.

  9. Had mine taken out 2 years ago at Sikarin Hatyai, total stay of four nights for a price of around 55.000 baht. Super service, single air-co room, extra bed for guest, small kitchen in the room, Wifi, restaurant on the floor. Arrived late at night, was diagnosed the next morning around 10.00 and in surgery about an hour after that.

    That was in a nice private hospital in a big city; so 94.000 seems quite high. And a one night stay makes no sense as well…. I wasn't able to move properly until two days after the surgery.

  10. But Thirachai also expressed hope that the turbulence would be short-term, and that Thailand would not be badly affected if world leaders can come up with effective measures.

    :cheesy: Now that is Funny and HOPE being the only thing Thailand can do, as many Europeans Know the game is up;China is feeling the drop in orders already

    About time the Baht got whacked as all other Currency's have been weaken far too much

    You must have been at the top of your class… whistling.gif

  11. I used to fly Nok internationally and they were better than Air Asia.

    Never had a problem with them.

    Great airline. But, internationally? I wish....

    They actually used to have a few international routes; I used them a few times to fly to Bangalore, India. Not exactly sure with other inter routes they had though. Unfortunately they canceled these routes shortly after they were introduced.

    Domestic, usually pretty good, but did have an occasional delay flying from BKK to Hatyai. But tons better then AirAsia, Thai Air or Orient Air!

    Note; they have some kind of partnership with Thai Air which might be ended soon as Thai Air is planning to launch their own low cost carier service.

  12. It always amuses me when Isaan folks are considered uneducated by fellow Thais. Like the rest of Thailand is following some sort of worthwhile curriculum and employing dedicated, skilled teachers but keeping it secret from the Isaanites.

    Well, to a certain extend it is true that certain areas in Thailand (Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Hatyai) have better private schools (and international ones) then other, more rural areas. And many of these schools have better skilled teachers and follow their own curriculums. There is definitely a difference in the quality of education between certain areas, just as there is in many other countries. Nothing wrong with that really.

  13. I live in the deep south (Hatyai) myself and there does seem to be some negative feelings, mostly from the south and Bangkok towards Isarn girls. I guess mostly because most of the girls working in the Adult Entertainment sectors in BKK and Pattaya are from the north east. Obviously, that doesn't mean ALL girls from Isarn choose this career :)

  14. I am very sorry to bust that bubble; but the nations currently in trouble in Europe won't be allowed to return to their previous currencies. Simply because this would mean the end of the Euro and very likely the EU with it; all the Euro skeptics will be proven right (they have been claiming this would happen from the get go) and the EU and Euro will loose whatever meager support they still enjoy at the moment.

    And the end of the EU and Euro would mean a major set back for the globalist NWO movement (as they have been planning the EU and Euro for more then 50 years now). A far more likely scenario (one which is actually unfolding right before our eyes) is that the entire EU will suffer for a long time to come where bailout after bailout (consisting of tax payer money) will be needed to for the troubled nations to make their interest payments to the banks and other institutions. And while the big corporations will enjoy the the fire sale of anything worth selling from Greece (and likely Portugal and Ireland to follow), the standard of living across the entire EU will be drastically reduced.

    Get your gold now.... biggrin.gif

    Not bursting my bubble,but for sure the Euro down south is finished. Italy ,Greece and Spain cannot afford an austerity package,you cannot get blood out of a stone. Riots are increasing in Spain ,the unemployment especially amongst the young is upwards of 44%,they cannot survive in the Euro. Italy has already told the EU that it cannot afford the austerity package being hoisted onto it ,and Germany is refusing any more aid = end of the Euro.

    Interesting to see the local elections in Germany about to kick off,see what the voters of Germany think.. The Piig countries will insist on the return to their previous currencies

    Why would you think those countries "can't afford austerity packages"? As long as there is wealth left, austerity measures can and will be put in place. Perhaps you're confusing "can't afford" with "the general population won't like it". In that case, you're obviously right, however history teaches us that this doesn't matter. It's never been about the people, but about making sure the banks, corporations and other institutions get their money. We can clearly tell from Greece that the people are fed up and are fighting austerity any way they can, but the measures are pushed through never the less. And when the people are robbed of their wealth, well then then there are always still national possesions (utilities like water supply, electricity, transport, education) that can and will be sold for scraps to foreign corporations (mostly mediated by the IMF and World Bank).

    So we're still a very long and painful journey away from "can't afford austerity" as we will see over the next few years....

  15. I am very sorry to bust that bubble; but the nations currently in trouble in Europe won't be allowed to return to their previous currencies. Simply because this would mean the end of the Euro and very likely the EU with it; all the Euro skeptics will be proven right (they have been claiming this would happen from the get go) and the EU and Euro will loose whatever meager support they still enjoy at the moment.

    And the end of the EU and Euro would mean a major set back for the globalist NWO movement (as they have been planning the EU and Euro for more then 50 years now). A far more likely scenario (one which is actually unfolding right before our eyes) is that the entire EU will suffer for a long time to come where bailout after bailout (consisting of tax payer money) will be needed to for the troubled nations to make their interest payments to the banks and other institutions. And while the big corporations will enjoy the the fire sale of anything worth selling from Greece (and likely Portugal and Ireland to follow), the standard of living across the entire EU will be drastically reduced.

    Get your gold now.... biggrin.gif

  16. Is your bf looking to study or teach?

    I am pretty sure the non-I ED visa only applies if he'll be studying. If that's what he's looking for, I am pretty sure there are no schools who offer courses + ED visas to foreigners in Songkhla or anywhere close (I am not a 100% sure though).

    If your bf is looking to teach; the ED visa won't apply and he'll need to get a non-I O or non-I B (Other or Business) to be able to get a work permit. There are a few agencies who have teachers work in schools in Songkhla, but it's my understanding that most of these agencies, as well as schools, are looking for native speakers with at least a ba degree. That said, it's still possible to get a teacher job here without being a native or having a proper degree, but in that situation it will much easier if you're bf would be here in Hatyai, so he'll be able to ask around and do some interviews.

    I am not a teacher myself, but I have plenty of friends who are teachers or who run or work for teacher agencies. If you need any more help, please contact me by PM. I'm Dutch also btw biggrin.gif

    - Matt

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