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Posts posted by mjnaus

  1. but saying that, the local gold shops are like cattle markets at the moment, u need to get a queue number and wait 3-4+ hours to do buy/sell.

    30 minutes ago i must have passed half a dozen gold shops in downtown Pattaya but did not see any queue.

    Perhaps demand in Pataya is not that high. We were just at our favorite gold trader in downtown Hatyai and had to wait about an hour or so before we could purchase (they didn't even have enough bullion in stock at the moment, gave us a certificate instead which can trade in in about three weeks). Before that we were checking out a different trader with less clientele, and he showed us a newspaper with on the frontpage a store in Chinatown BKK were there must have been at least some 100 people waiting in line outside the store...

  2. Innocent kids hiking in Iraq? Sure... I didn't realize Iraq was the newest spring break hotspot.

    At least these "innocents" received a trial, as opposed to all those innocents being captured and tortured by the US regime over the last decade our so without a trial OR their relatives knowing anything about their whereabouts or what's happening with them. At least Iran has the courtesy to make these events public.

    And of course the US regime just loves what's happening here; another sweet little propaganda tool, ready to used to get the ignorant masses back home behind yet another "humanitarian intervention" served on a silver platter by the Iranian government. "Look boys and girls, big bad Iran is now capturing and incarcerating our innocent holiday makers! Oh and they have big bombs as well, ready and waiting to used to kill us Americans! Oh, and they're killing peaceful protesters as well! Let's get in there and set things straight, shall we.". bah.gif

    It's sad that most Americans don't realize that their own government is responsible for creating the hostile world in which we're living at the moment.


  3. :cheesy: ...Right...actually I have a real job, which pays real money so I dont need to find addtional income sources to finance my life in Thailand, but it appears based on your comments it is something you have to do.


    What a tosser! You think you deserve credit because you're a freakin' wage slave? Next, you'll start making statements like "I bet I pay more taxes then you do" biggrin.gif

  4. It's a blatant and lame publicity show for internal Iranian purposes to take attention from the actual repressive practices of the government of Iran against their own people. It rates in absurdity to the Iranian political lines that there are no gays in Iran or that the holocaust didn't happen.

    Yes! And how dare they critisize a "developed" nation such as the UK? For shame! After all everything is as the media wants us to believe and Iran/Libya/Syria are pure evil and all western governments want nothing but the best for there people...

    There there ph34r.gif

  5. Thats my 'signature'

    does that explain why i only ever read about things that have happened that were 'previously expected' but not mentioned etc....?

    Post rhetoric all u want, u may well be the biggest hoarder in the east, but just like the rest of the regulars here, u waste time/energy on acting the genius..

    And failing!!

    "oh, look, golds gone down 50 baht this morning, i expected it to go lower"

    hindsight is magical, if ur a moron! or a troll, or both!

    my point being.....what the funk is the point!

    is 'common knowledge' so common that it need never be mentioned??

    are u all so caked in gold/silver that posting on here just breaks up an otherwise pointless day?



    ps - i don't know why u have a klingon as your avatar...but i can guess...and with hindsight, i may sound like a 'genius' to other 'geniuses'


    Looks like somebody could use a hug! biggrin.gif

  6. $40 million.... what a dam_n joke.... The article mentions some 11 million affected by this crisis, so it comes to some $3.5 per person... Didn't Greece (read the international banking cartel) just get their second bailout package worth some 150 billion euro approved last week? How about letting the corrupt banking establishment take a loss for a change and give some $$ to those who do need it?

  7. The point is that the amount of Gold being traded by these "funds" is a high multiple of the amount of physical Gold that has ever been mined - ergo if (when?) the Economy implodes there will simply not be enough actual Gold in existence to redeem - at the then current Market price for physical Gold - all the funds invested.

    It's just paper, like Dollar Bills or any other currency - backed by nothing but the reputation of the Issuer.

    Do you have any solid proof for making these statements? Do you have looked in detail at every gold fund out there and compared their backing to the total amount of physical gold in circulation?

  8. The reason for the post is so that the poster can use words like 'corrupt' and 'start World War III'. It's called US-bashing and has been largely absent for a time, but then that's probably because of all the threads on Israel.

    If you are to believe all the conspiracy theorists, as well as a few speculative historians, the best way to start a war is to let your enemy make a first strike (Pearl Harbor during WWII).

    So, where will these terrorists come from that the US might want to attack--Iraq--oops, already attacked them; Afghanistan, oops, again; Libya, another oops. Yemen is a possibility, but it is too much turmoil to know who the enemy is. Saudi Arabia, for practical and economic reasons, I think not.

    It's hard to fight a conventional war, when the enemy is ideology that isn't confined to a border.

    Give it time, my friend. Eventually the propagande will wear off and you'll come around...

  9. dealing with them effects my metal health security, they are the laziest most incompitant group of employees i have ever had the mis fortune to deal with. they are bone idle who sit around eating and talking away to friends on mobiles all day. in the holidays there kids are every where in the offices.

    i went all the way to chon buri this week for international driving licence, they lady who should have been working behind the desk was sat with mates eating at 11.30 eventually somebody came, the woman sat said go to pattaya, last year pattaya tol me i had to go there adn did and got it. i hate going to any goverment office and hope new goverment sort them out, Thaskin told them several times take care of your customers you have to work better, hopefully that mentality comes back.

    Second that. Never seen a lazier bunch in my life!

  10. Sorry for the hijack. I have a paypal account that was started in Canada and has US founds in it. I would like to send that money to my Thai account. Can I add a Thai account to my candadian paypal if I exchange the money to baht first or should I open a separate paypal account ?

    I have never been able to make this work (had similar ideas in the past). When setting up a US Paypal account, I am pretty sure you can only add US bank accounts to that Paypal account. For a Thai bank account you would need to create a Thai Paypal account.

  11. I agree with one of the other comments stating that perhaps the maid thought you left her these coins as tip. I also often leave some change for the maid and I am pretty sure this is rather common. And since the money was returned to you fair and square, it definitely looks like the maid was under the impression the coins were a tip; if she wouldn't taken it with bad intentions, would you really think she would have returned it?

    Anyway, a lousy 100 baht... There are more important things in life.

  12. Sigh...... Do your research and get with the program.... The US, France and the UK are not there to "support the rebel movement", there are there because Gaddafi doesn't give a shit about the western globalist movement, the international banking cartel and so-called "global elite". They're there to accomodate a regime change. They are there to put some other dictator in place who does play ball with the corrupt western establishment. You seriously think the US, France and the UK give a rats ass about the "poor oppressed people of Libya".

    It's unbelievable how people believe every single word coming out their corrupt governments mouth. NATO is full-out trying to take control of the entire middle east and we let them because they're there for "humanitarian reasons". "Bringing democracy" and killing civilizations in the process ... More Kool-Aid anyone?

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