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Posts posted by mjnaus

  1. coffee1.gif

    What's wrong with what I have suggested "freelance" person setting up a Ltd company is a done thing certainly in the UK so why wouldn't the model work in Thailand and tack the WP to it ?

    Nobody said it doesn't work or there's anything wrong with it; I'm sure it does work. That, however, does not automatically mean it's the best solution available, does it?

    Again, if efforts can be pooled, and a single company can supply multiple WPs for freelancers and remote workers, then that would drastically reduce overhead and therefor be a cheaper, and more efficient solution as opposed to each individual worker setting up their own Ltd for the sole purpose or acquiring a work permit.

    Whatever is the norm in the UK is utterly irrelevant to our little discussion here; we're discussing options in Thailand, not the UK. If foreigners looking for a WP in Uganda are required to offer two goats and a chicken to the village headman and dance naked under the moon, that wouldn't change anything to the road to a WP in Thailand, would it?

  2. Obviously this proposition would not be directed at freelancers making 30.000 a month. This would be directed at serious web entrepreneurs and remote workers, and I'd guess it wouldn't be interesting for those making south of a 100.000 a month. For those web workers making a lot less then said amount, I seriously doubt they'll be in Thailand for a long time and are serious about either their work or about making their situation in Thailand legit.

    As to WP being locked for location and job description; my understanding is that a location is mentioned in the work permit, however I'm not totally clear as to wether or not working anywhere else then said location is against any laws (I can't imagine it would be though; I know several foreign engineers who are employed by Thai employers and who are working at different locations around Thailand). Options for the location would be either our head office, or (if allowed) the contractors home/shared office.

    As for the job description; I reckon the actual job description for the contractor would be used here; ie programmer, web developer, graphic designer, translator, remote teacher, copy writer, etc.

  3. coffee1.gif

    How about Belgium playing a super boring football match against Algeria?

    Anyways.... Guess I'll bite smile.png

    How about setting up a Thb 1.0 million Ltd company, pay their tax, business set up fees, monthly book keeping fees, unemployment contributions, and own medical scheme and costs towards the WP ?

    And then what? That's exactly what they'd be doing, or rather what our company would be doing. The only difference would be that one Ltd would be supporting multiple WPs, rather then the additional overhead of setting up god knows how many additional Ltd's for the sole purpose of supporting a WP.

    There are no benefits to each individual going through all the hassle of setting up a new Ltd, solely for the purchase of getting a WP. To me, it makes a lot more sense to pool efforts and have a single registered Ltd, one that's already creating Thai jobs and has the infrastructure in place to support multiple WPs.

    Each web worker with a WP through this structure would be meeting all the legal requirements, paying taxes, paying into the social fund, etc.

  4. Is this not exactly what the BOI companies offer?

    I wouldn't know a thing about the legalities, however stating "for each work permit we'd have to increase capital and pay additional contributions into the social fund" sounds over simplistic as there is actually a requirement to hire real people, and you can be forced to provide proof of their workplace and conditions at any time. So if you plan to provide 10 WPs you better start looking at some office space for the 40 Thai workers.

    I have worked as an independent most of my career, and even though I have lived full time in Thailand since 2005 I have never worked here as the more I looked into it, the more I decided there were just too many obstacles. Maybe specific to my field; if I were to open a restaurant or bar perhaps it is easier.

    Are you saying internet workers aren't "real people" rolleyes.gif Just kidding... I understand what you're saying, and I do need to work on the details of the concept and run it by our lawyer and perhaps other expert. That said, as far as I know, there are no laws dictating foreign workers can't work remotely within Thailand, and it would be fairly easy to arrange a serviced office whenever needed or whenever an official from the labour department would come over for an inspection (which in some cases never happens). As for the Thai employees, no need to get into the nitty gritty of it, we can failly easily facilitate this.

    As I said, the concept might need fine tuning and should be reviewed an actual experts (if we ever get that far), but at this point I don't see any hurdles which would make this a non-starter.

  5. It appears a thread like this pops of every so often (perhaps more often recently?) and I think it's clear that the current laws (wether enforced or not) are not designed for the current day and age.

    That said; there might a way to solve the problem for freelance/web workers wanting to go legit by obtaining a work permit and paying income taxes in Thailand. We have a registered company in Thailand and we could, theoretically supply internet workers with a work permit. Obviously, this would mean for each work permit we'd have to increase capital and pay additional contributions into the social fund.

    To those following this thread and working online, would you be willing to pay a fee to go fully legit and receive a work permit? I am not saying we're actually going to be supplying this service, however I have been playing with the idea for a while, and it seems there is a way to make this work.

    Our company does software development and related services, so hiring several foreigners who are doing similar work seems like fair game to me. There were times when I was doing remote development work and was making north of 100.000b a month, during those days I would have been more then happy to pay say 10.000 a month in exchange for a WP and the change to be fully legit...


  6. Hi Sheryl,

    Me and my wife went through the same trouble last year. We have a young pedigree german shepherd and needed to find the best possible place to stay while we're traveling. We have researched places all over Thailand, and in out opinion you can't beat The Dogfather on Samui. It's ran by a couple from Switzerland who go above and beyond to take carr of their guests. They have two types of accommodation, regualr runs which are about 8 meters long and about a meter wide (inside the run there's a room with water bowl and place to sleep), so there is plenty of space for the animals while they're inside. They take the dogs out for daily excercise several times per day and do group activities as well (Michael has also done some training with my dog as well while he was there).

    The place looks very well maintained and there's always people on the grounds (Michael and his wife live there themselves). The prices are around 500 a day for the regular rooms, they also have premium rooms with AC which obviously cost more).

    We have left our shepherd there two times now and the next visit is scheduled for October.

    Hope this helps!

  7. I think this was bound to happen, and many were expecting this.

    I was back home in Amsterdam a few weeks back applying for the same visa (non "O" multiple entry) and for the past 8 years the only requirement was a marriage certificate. The clerk informed me the rules were now changed and I needed to show income as well (a Thai bank book showing money coming into my account was accepted). He couldn't tell me an exact amount that was needed each month, but advised me to show at least the equivalent of 2.000 euros. The new rules in Amsterdam have been in affect for about a year now (according to this guy), however the website still shows the old requirements. Be aware

  8. You can get away with some online work until someone gets upset and turns you in.

    Do you really think that you will need to wait "until someone gets upset and turns you in". The Thai government is not as naive and incompetent as most here would have you believe. I employ an email tracking service which gives me date of opening, duration of opening, and IP address where opened for my emails. . Many of my overseas emails ( sent from Thailand) are quietly opened at IP addresses belonging to the Thai governement, sometimes more than once on an individual email. Do you suppose this is being done for the amusement of civil servants ?

    Try retrieving/sending emails over a secure connection :)

    • Like 1
  9. Thanks for the appropriate modding guys! Was getting sick and tired of all those people who find it's a good idea to bitch and moan about people trying to help suffering creatures... The other thread was also pretty much getting out of control.

    I think it's wonderful that people put their time and effort into trying to ease suffering; whatever the kind of suffering might be and whoever is on the receiving end... period!

    • Like 1
  10. No money to take care of them. Better they starve in the 'safety' of an unfunded shelter (over 70% of those intercepted died of starvation) than provide protein to poor people, money or plastic buckets to those who don't want to take care of them, and deprive traders of a livelihood supplying a market. Is starvation a more merciful death than a quick death at the hands of a skilled butcher?

    There are truly needy people, including children, who don't have enough to eat every day in Thailand. What caring person would donate to feed and vaccinate dogs that no one will ever adopt when there is so much need among the human population. Some people need to get their priorities straight. I can hardly wait to hear from those who value stray dogs more than human children.

    Skilled butcher? Are you kidding?

    Dogs are beaten for hours with sticks and bats while they're still alive, to "soften" the meat. After which, the dogs are being skinned, often times while still alive. I suggest you research dog trade in SEA before make silly statements like the one above...

    That was the practice in Tahiti as late as the 1950s. It has never been the method in SEA. Hours? Really? Does the dog have to be alive all that time for the meat to soften? Why don't those same people beat chickens and pigs for hours to tenderize them? How much harder is it to skin a live dog than a dead one? You must have a very low opinion of people in SEA to think they are foolish enough to waste time beating dogs and cruel enough to skin them alive. I think you are confused. I guarantee you cannot find one reference on the entire World Wide Web to support your malarkey. That's not value added and when you stir-fry or stew small pieces (as they do in SEA) it is very tender. By the way, what is so silly about putting the welfare of children above that of stray dogs?


    If you're too lazy to actually read through the thread and look at links submitted by other posters, or do the research yourself (they have this new internet thingy nowadays, it's called Google and it gives you heaps of info on pretty much anything, give it a spin!), I certainly won't go and try to convince you that this actually still happens, both the torturing and live skinning.

    I would also much rather live in a world where people wouldn't have time to beat the living shit out of defenceless dogs or where nobody would be cruel enough to skin them alive. Too bad for me my eyes are wide open...

  11. We're looking to hire two or three web developers to help us launch a rather large project roll-out in Australia (after Australia, New Zealand, UK and US). We operate a large business community with over 150.000 current websites and we're looking to deploy roughly a dozen new features over the coming months. More details about the operations can be provided over PM.

    We're looking for someone with at least two years experience building actual products for the web and who can show us a portfolio and or code samples. You will have experience working on server-side solutions (PHP/CodeIgniter) and front-end solutions (HTML/CSS/JS/JQUERY).

    As our company headquarters is located in Sydney; you will be working remotely and there will be a strong focus on goal completion, rather then working on fixed hours. It doesn't really matter wether you start work at 8 in the morning or 11 at night, as long as goals are completed and deadlines are met. We will start off with a trial period in which we will give you a few small projects to work on, either for a fixed price or paid by the hour. Once completed these tasks and we both feel we're a good fit, we'll draw up a contract and start paying the agreed salary (between 35,000 - 50,000 to start with).

    Our lead developer will be visiting Bangkok just after the songkran holidays to meet with a number of candidates (just a short introduction chat), and will be visiting Bangkok once or twice monthly after the work has started.

    For more information and/or questions, please contact [email protected]

  12. Regarding, "only allowed to breed once they have passed all Schutzhund qualifications;"

    I doubt that, never hear that, a LINK please!

    Nothing to find here,more coming, I check.


    "Only German Shepherds that had passed a Schutzhund test or a herding test were allowed to breed and thus have their progeny registered as German Shepherd Dogs. This is true in Germany to this day" quote from Wikipedia page on "Schutzhund".

    • Like 1
  13. 1.000.000.- is 1 Mill. Baht each Sure?

    I brought a Dogue de Bordeoux 8 years ago, myself from Germany to Thailand.

    1.500 Euro for the dog, flights 2 time return from Austria to Germany and back, once look the dog, than second trip take the dog. 500 Euro.

    Flight to Thailand 650 Euro, 130 Euro for the transport box I bought.

    =2.780 x 50 = 139.000.- Baht, take away my box and the normal not necessary flights to Germany = 100.000 Baht

    But 1.000.000.- Million Baht one dog ? Not a -0- to much? whistling.gif

    All dogs a not prized equally my friend. How many titles did your Bordeaux had under his belt? Not sure how this works with your breed, but germans shepherd dogs in Germany are only allowed to breed once they have passed all Schutzhund qualifications; which will right away increase their value. Add one or more championships titles and the price tag of such a dog can easily reach five digits (Euro money that is)

  14. We bought our GSD puppy a few months back from a professional breeder in Songkhla for 25.000. The dog came with all pink pedigree papers and sire is an imported champion from Germany. If interested, PM me and I will get you the phone number.

    We're also in contact with a Malaysian trainer who trains Shepherds and Malinois dogs for the Malaysian police force/army and Singapore police. He might be able to point you to more proper breeders if you'd like more options.

  15. About an hour ago the news reader on TV was talking about a bomb. So I guess we can now rule out the "gas explosion" theory?

    It smells a bit like the local government trying to do damage control and keep the tourists coming in for songkran celebrations. Also it looks like to much of a coincidence to have this happen at the exact same time as the attacks in Yala. To me, it looks like the style of bombing we had a few years ago in Hatyai, except a bit bigger bombs this time around...

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