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Everything posted by geovalin

  1. Taking a firm stand against invasion of a sovereign country, Cambodia yesterday joined the nations that voted against Russia’s attempts to annex four regions of Ukraine in voting held at a special UN General Assembly (UNGA) session. Responding to the UN resolution, held during an emergency special session in New York, Chum Sounry, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that Cambodia disapproves of any kind of invasion and annexation of territories of a sovereign country as it understands the historical implications, security concerns as well as complexities involved in it. He added, “Cambodia, as a small country, upholds the respect of sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of all UN member states as well as the United Nations Charter.” Out of 193 members of the UNGA, the resolution was supported by 143 countries, while 35 states – including China, India and Cambodia’s neighbours Thailand, Vietnam and Laos abstained from the voting. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501168113/disapproving-invasion-cambodia-votes-against-russia-at-unga/
  2. Thai and Cambodian border police at Aranyaprathet and Pong Nam Ron, a three-hour drive from Pattaya, have detailed the rules for foreigners wishing to obtain a further 45 days to extend their stay in Thailand. The new entry stamp can later be extended for a further month at Thai immigration offices for 1,900 baht. The scheme is popular with Brits, western Europeans, Americans and Australians. Borey San, a Cambodian clearance officer, said it was essential that applicants register with a Pattaya tour and minibus operator in advance of travel to the border. The company must then send a passport copy to the border post of choice to check that the applicant is eligible for the new permission. Unregistered individuals arriving at the frontier under their own steam could not be serviced the same day and would need to spend several days or a week in Cambodia on vacation pending a review of their application. The alternative was to remain in Thailand to risk overstay. A Thai immigration captain explained that most nationalities could take advantage of the visa run scheme, but there were 19 countries whose citizens could not get a new permission at any land border. The countries included China, India, several central Asian “stans” and a dozen states in Africa and the Indian Ocean. Separately, no individual could take advantage of the scheme more than twice in a 12-month period to prevent foreigners living permanently in Thailand by regular border trips. He said prior submission of passport copies was necessary to avoid international visitors wasting their time by turning up unannounced. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501168519/immigration-police-detail-restrictions-on-cambodian-visa-runs-from-pattaya/
  3. In a horrible incident last evening, a person drowned and 10 school students went missing after a ferry they were boarding sank in Kandal’s Lerk Dek district this evening. The incident was confirmed by Am Thou, the Police Chief of Lerk Dek district. The rescue operation is still going on while the authorities do not know the cause of the sinking yet. https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501168477/ferry-sinks-in-kandal-one-drowned-and-10-student-missing/
  4. Sirens blared around 12:25 p.m. as three city buses escorted by armed police inched out of central Phnom Penh’s leafy St. 310. Officers had spent the morning stationed at a high-rise apartment building on the street, blocking traffic on both Monivong Blvd. and St. 63. Police endlessly waved off arriving motorbikes and cars as delivery drivers accumulated at the roadblocks, phoning their customers to come out to pick up their food orders. Within the police cordon, curious workers from the next-door Wownow delivery service office building smoked cigarettes and looked on amid a swarm of officers carrying electric shock batons. At least six marked police trucks were parked on the street. The police officers could be overheard speaking on their walkie-talkies and to onlookers that this was the third batch of foreign residents being removed from the apartment block this week, and on previous days there had been scuffles. Some wondered what need there was spending so much time arresting “konchao,” a word that literally translates to children but refers to subordinate staff and is commonly used in Khmer translation of Chinese gangster movies. read more https://vodenglish.news/police-raid-delivers-dozens-of-foreign-nationals-straight-to-airport/
  5. Cardamom Tented Camp in Cambodia has won the 2022 Hotel Investment Conference Asia Pacific (HICAP) Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action. Apart from climate action, there were awards for building preservation/adaptive reuse, positive community impact, and sustainable design. Seven judges, mostly from institutional sustainability backgrounds, assessed the submissions. The BHN Group, which runs the HICAP event, announced the winners on 12 October. The judges based the climate action decision on Cardamom Tented Camp’s ability to work with partners to preserve 180 sq km of lowland rainforest in the Botum Sakor national park in southwest Cambodia. On climate action, it is estimated that the forest that the camp helps protect sequesters about 108,652 tons of carbon per year, according to Wildlife Works. Since opening in 2017, the tented camp’s motto has been, “Your Stay Keeps the Forest Standing.” It makes the claim because monthly salaries of 10 Wildlife Alliance forest rangers are supplemented by profits from the camp. read more https://drifttravel.com/cardamom-in-cambodia-wins-sustainable-hotel-award/
  6. Of Cambodia’s 25 provinces 23 have been affected by floods with four severely inundated with water and 110,000 families left stranded due to the natural disaster, the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) confirmed. NCDM spokesman Soth Kim Kol Mony said yesterday that so far floods have affected 23 provinces, inundating 105 districts and 438 communes while 112,760 families have been affected equal to 507,420 people. Mony said that there were 4,556 families representing 25,502 people who were evacuated to safety in Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Battambang and Banteay Meanchey provinces which suffered extreme flooding. Flash floods, he added, have damaged more than 180,000 hectares of land and over 60,000 hectares of rice have been destroyed. “The floods are still inundating much land, and water levels in some areas will increase causing more damage to rice crops across the country,” he said. The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has forecast rain to continue in badly inundated areas and floods will continue. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501167534/110000-families-flooded-out/
  7. Siem Reap provincial authorities have voiced concern over the health of children staying at the “doomsday farmstead” following reports that some have had to be brought out for hospital treatment after falling ill. Some 300 youngsters, who were brought along by their parents, are remaining at the farmstead following a “prophesy” by League for Democracy Party (LDP) president Khem Veasna that the world is due to end following a devastating flood and only Siem Reap would be spared. The authorities are concerned by reports that some of them have fallen ill after spending several months there without access to nutritious food and a setting that would promote their mental and physical well-being. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/1167406/victims-of-doomsday-children-at-veasnas-farm-reportedly-falling-ill/
  8. Not a single penny from the state exchequer has been used in the making of Son Under the Full Moon Light, Prime Minister Hun Sen said, while addressing a graduation ceremony yesterday. The filming of the biopic on Prime Minister Hun Sen which will be released next year is 30% complete and has already spent $ 2,5 million. Addressing over 2,000 students at Phnom Penh International University (PPIU) during a graduation ceremony, Mr Hun Sen said that the movie – that cost around $6 million – will be screened during the next Khmer New Year. “However, I did not even use one cent from government budget to make this movie. If the cost of production exceeds the estimated budget plan and I will have no more money to complete it, my children will continue the filmmaking process, and the public can also donate to get it done,” said Mr Hun Sen. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501166801/pm-says-he-solely-bears-cost-of-6-mn-biopic-on-him/
  9. Kak Sovannchhay will be haunted by his conviction for the rest of his life, his mother said. Cambodia’s Supreme Court ordered the Court of Appeals to retry the case of Kak Sovanchhay, the autistic teenage son of opposition activists, who was last year sentenced to eight months in prison for incitement and insulting public officials. Kak Sovannchhay, 17, is the son of Kak Komphear, a jailed senior official of the banned opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP). He was arrested at his home in Phnom Penh on June 24, 2021, over a Facebook post and voice messages in which he was critical of the government in response to someone calling his father a traitor. The Phnom Penh Municipal Court sentenced him on Nov. 1, but credited him four-and-a-half months for time served and commuted the remainder of his sentence, thereby allowing his release a little more than a week later. Additionally the court ordered he remain under judicial supervision for two years. He appealed the conviction but it was upheld on March 14, 2022. The Supreme Court on Wednesday accepted the facts from the appellate trial but rejected the conviction and six conditions set on Kak Sovannchhay while under judicial supervision. Prum Chantha, Kak Sovannchhay’s mother, told RFA’s Khmer Service that her son’s imprisonment was a threat from the government because her family continues to promote democracy. She said the Court of Appeals should drop the sentence because her son, who was only 16 at the time of his arrest, was a child. Additionally the sentence leaves a mark on his record that could seriously affect his future. “First, it affects his opportunities to learn, second he gets discrimination, and third, when he goes to find work, his name will be associated with the conviction, so it is a very serious punishment,” said Prum Chantha. “He is just a minor and he has a disability,” she said, referring to his autism. “He is very young.” Kak Sovannchhay’s lawyer Sam Sokong told RFA he believes the verdict is a violation of his client’s human rights. “I urge the authorities as well as the Royal Government to consider the case of this child and to consider the interests of the child as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other rights related to children's rights,” he said. Based on Cambodia’s Penal Code and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Cambodia is a party, judges should be highly considerate and refrain from convicting children, opting for rehabilitation or education instead of imprisonment, Sam Sokong said. Am Sam Ath of the local Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (Licadho), a local NGO, told RFA that he believes the Supreme Court handed the case back to the appellate court because it is skeptical about certain aspects of the law and how they were applied in Kak Sovannchhay’s case. He urged the Court of Appeals to retry the case as soon as possible and drop all charges. “We look at first the interests of the child,” he said. “Secondly, this child has a chronic disability called autism, and thirdly, if we look at the dialogue in social media used to convict him was a private conversation,” he said. Kak Sovannchhay had been previously arrested in October 2020, then in April 2021, two men attacked him with bricks while he was driving a motorbike, leaving him with a fractured skull. Police never found either attacker. The conviction and sentence of an autisitic child was neither necessary nor proportionate, a May 2022 report on the trial by the American Bar Association said. “Sovannchhay’s conviction further shows the lengths to which the Cambodian government will go to silence dissenting voices as well as the urgent need to reform Cambodia’s ‘incitement’ law, which has been a crucial tool in the authorities’ crackdown on civil society,” the report said. Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Eugene Whong. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/kak_sovannchhay-10122022183105.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036.
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  10. Both Cambodian and foreign workers must be allowed to leave their workplaces after work, the Labor Ministry clarified during a press conference on Wednesday, while deflecting a question about the nature of global scams being perpetrated out of Cambodia. During a review of the ministry’s work over the last five years, Labor Ministry spokesman Heng Sour was asked about Cambodia’s spate of human trafficking in which thousands of foreign workers have been trapped in criminal scam compounds and forced to cheat people online. One of the centers of the trafficking and scams has been the coastal city of Sihanoukville, where authorities have now raided 10 compounds and found over 2,000 workers. Sour said on Wednesday that the city had a total of 60,000 foreign workers with work permits, and estimated that there were a further 10,000 to 12,000 without. read more https://vodenglish.news/labor-ministry-clarifies-confining-workers-is-illegal/
  11. The missing face that recently fell from an apsara statue in Ta Prohm in Angkor Archaeological Park will be restored as soon as the weather obliges, the Apsara Authority said this week. On the morning of September 30, a temple official reported that the face of a prominent carving had cracked and fallen off, according to a statement. Ta Prohm is famous for the trees and roots growing in and around the temple grounds. The effect was a faceless statue looking out from a thicket of roots and alarming those accustomed to seeing its full form. In one Facebook post that was shared more than 5,000 times, a Siem Reap tour guide called on police to explain the loss along with photos of the missing stone: “What could have caused this?” he asked. The apsara statue's fallen face. (Hap Kim An)The apsara statue’s fallen face. (Hap Kim An) But the statue’s face had not been stolen or even damaged: As roots grew behind the statue’s stone surface, they pushed into preexisting cracks and caused the face of the carving to fall, Apsara official Neth Simon explained in a statement Tuesday. In another stroke of luck, the face landed among more tree roots and avoided major breakage. read more https://vodenglish.news/apsara-authority-to-restore-ta-prohm-statues-fallen-face/
  12. At least 25 world leaders will attend the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits and Related Summits as well as the 2nd ASEAN Global Dialogue scheduled from November 8 to 13 in Phnom Penh. The information was shared by Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, while presiding over a graduation ceremony for 2,115 students of Phnom Penh International University (PPIU), held at the Chroy Changvar International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Phnom Penh this morning. The leaders are heads of state/government and heads of international organisations, including the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Asian Development Bank, World Trade Organisation, World Health Organisation, the Council of the European Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, World Economic Forum, etc. “I have reserved 25 watches made in Cambodia as the souvenir for the leaders who are going to attend the ASEAN Summits and Related Summits in November,” he underlined. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501166537/25-leaders-to-attend-asean-summits-and-related-summits-next-month/
  13. Cambodia exported $17.52 billion worth of goods in the January-September period of 2022, an increase of 22.1 percent compared to the same period in 2021, according to the General Department of Customs and Excise report yesterday. The US remains the biggest market for Cambodia-made products, importing $7.04 billion worth of products from the country, accounting 40 percent of its total export amount. It was a 29.4 percent increase year-on-year, the report pointed out. Vietnam is the second biggest market for Cambodia’s products, with $1.55 billion worth of goods, showing a year-on-year increase of 3.1 percent. It was followed by Japan and China at $897 million and $895 million, respectively. The Kingdom imported $23.76 billion worth of goods during the period, an increase of 15.2 percent. The report said China was the biggest importer to Cambodia with $7.9 billion, accounting for 33 percent of its total imports. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501165920/cambodia-exports-surge-22-to-17-52-billion/
  14. Severe flooding in Banteay Meanchey has hit 36,000 hectares of rice fields and 3,000 cassava farms — and driven snakes into warm kitchens where they have now bitten 300 residents, authorities said. Over the past month, heavy rain has inundated the western province, affecting 14,000 homes and causing the evacuations of almost 1,400 families, deputy provincial administration director Nong Vuthy said on Tuesday. But snakes have also been fleeing the floodwaters too, Vuthy said. “They get cold and try to find somewhere warm like a kitchen. But people don’t realize it,” he said. “Snakes are also like people trying to find a safe place. Their homes are also flooded so they need to run too.” About 300 people have been bitten over the past month, and they have been treated or taken to hospital, and no one has died, Vuthy said. Anticipating the invasion, the administration ordered additional antivenom and put medical staff on alert. read more https://vodenglish.news/snakes-seeking-shelter-from-floods-bite-300-people/
  15. The Ministry of Education wants the law to ban alcohol advertising in sports events and venues to be enacted as soon as possible to prevent the use of alcohol that affect children and youth. Undersecretary of State for the Ministry of Education Soeur Socheata said the ministry in the meanwhile is working with stakeholders to carry out awareness campaigns in schools to educate students on the ills of alcohol. “Factors that attract children and young people to drink alcohol are due to the influence of alcohol promotion in public places, education institutions, schools and via media,” she told the press during the speaking contest on Prohibition of Advertising of Alcohol Products in All Forms at Sports Events and Sports Venues yesterday. “I believe that with the will of the government and the participation of the General Department of Sports, through the dissemination of information on the disadvantages of alcohol advertising on various media, we hope that Cambodia can eliminate all forms of advertising on the digital media as soon as possible,” she said. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501166813/ministry-pitches-for-no-alcohol-ad-at-sport-events/
  16. Farmers have borne the brunt of the disaster. Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen fired his agriculture minister over the weekend, following the loss of tens of thousands of hectares of rice paddies and other crops in torrential flooding — a move farm groups welcomed Monday as a sign of more government attention to their plight. Agriculture Minister Veng Sakhon was replaced on Saturday by Aun Pornmoniroth, deputy prime minister and minister of economy and finance, who is now also acting minister of agriculture. “I call for an urgent cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and subnational authorities such as the National Disaster Management Committee to jointly make assessments on the scale of the damage and to prepare for transporting rice seeds and other plant seeds to be distributed to target areas,” Hun San said in a public audio message on Oct. 8. “It is a necessity, and we have to do it urgently.” A royal decree dated Oct. 8 and signed by King Norodom Sihamoni formally terminated Veng Sakhon without providing a reason and said that Hun Sen was in charge of implementing the decree. Farm groups and civil society activists welcomed the firing, and urged Hun Sen and the ruling Cambodian People’s Party to take similar actions with senior officials at other ministries who have been inactive and not responsive to the needs of the people. Theng Savoeun, president of the Coalition of Cambodian Farmer Community, noted that Hun Sen warned Veng Sakhon about his inaction on several occasions. His sacking “could relate to several factors that some of our farmers are facing with issues of lacking access to market, while others have been affected by the floods without proper intervention, [and] the failure to help provide seeds to farmers in times of need,” he told RFAs. “It shows the lack of responsibility during his term.” Theng Savoeun urged the government to consider sacking other officials at the Agriculture Ministry who are not performing their duties. Devastating floods caused by torrential rains following a severe drought in the Southeast Asian nation have destroyed almost 24,700 hectares of rice fields nationwide, according to a report by the National Disaster Management Committee (NDMC). More than 770 communes in 22 provinces across Cambodia had been affected, especially in the northern part of the country. Additionally, the floods damaged more than 133,230 hectares of rice paddy fields and nearly 11,850 hectares of mixed crops, the NDMC said. At least 20 people have died, and over 1,700 families have had to be evacuated. The NDMC said the rainy season, which usually ends in October, would continue until December this year due to the La Nina phenomenon that cools ocean surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean and results in heavy rains in Southeast Asia every three to five years. The situation hasn’t boded well for farmers, hit hard first by the drought and now by heavy rains and flooding, given that agricultural activities are the main source of income for many Cambodians living in rural areas. Hun Sen requested that Heng Samrin, president of the National Assembly, arrange a vote of confidence for Dith Tyna, the current secretary of state of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, to be the new agriculture minister. Yang Saing Koma, an agriculture expert-turned-politician and the current chairman of the board of directors of the Grassroots Democracy Party, told RFA that Veng Sakhon appeared to be out of touch and had difficulty working with civil society and political parties. “It reflects the reality not just inside the Ministry of Agriculture,” he said. “Likewise, it happens among other ministries. It is just the fact that the Agriculture Ministry plays a vital role in Cambodia given the fact that it relates to so many people who are farmers and to the country’s economy,” he said. RFA could not reach Veng Sakhon for comment. Veng Sakhon faced criticism for irregularities during the bidding of licenses for importing pork to local markets and the seizure of thousands of acres of forest land by the wealthy around Lake Tonle Sap for their personal interest or ownership. The former minister also was involved in granting protected land near the Phnom Tamao Zoo to a private company for development, resulting in the clearance of several hectares of protected forest land. The project was later revoked by Hun Sen following public outcry on social media. Translated by Sovannarith Keo for RFA Khmer. Written in English by Roseanne Gerin. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/agriculture-minister-10102022184301.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036.
  17. PARIS - A French court on Monday cleared veteran Cambodian opposition figure Sam Rainsy of all charges in defamation cases brought by the prime minister and a top police official of his home country. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and his son-in-law and deputy national police chief, Mr Dy Vichea, had filed complaints against France-based Rainsy, 73, over Facebook posts dating back to 2019. Mr Hun Sen contested Rainsy's allegation that he was behind the 2008 death in a helicopter crash of national police chief Hok Lundy, who was Mr Dy Vichea's father. "Hun Sen killed Hok Lundy using a bomb placed inside his helicopter," Rainsy claimed on Facebook. The leader of Cambodia's government "decided to murder Hok Lundy because he knew too much about Hun Sen's misdeeds", he added. Rainsy is the co-founder of the Cambodia National Rescue Party, the South-east Asian nation's main opposition movement. read more https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/cambodian-dissident-cleared-in-defamation-trial-in-france
  18. Sihanoukville authorities have fielded 420 human trafficking complaints in 51 days, leading to 1,605 foreign nationals being marked for deportation, according to an official report. A statement issued by the National Committee for Counter Trafficking on Saturday said that between August 18 and October 4, authorities raided 10 locations in Sihanoukville based on trafficking victims’ 420 complaints, 229 of them related to kidnapping, torture, prostitution and illegal gambling, and found 2,760 foreign workers. Some 1,946 of the foreign nationals had passports, though 1,512 did not have work permits and were fined before being allowed to leave company premises, it said. In addition, 1,605 foreign nationals faced deportations as a result of the raids: Preparations are complete for 685 of the foreigners from 10 countries, while 920 others of 23 nationalities are still being processed, the statement said. read more https://vodenglish.news/2760-foreign-workers-found-in-sihanoukville-raids/
  19. Dith Tina, Energy Ministry secretary of state and the son of Supreme Court president Dith Munty, has been put forward as the replacement for sacked Agriculture Minister Veng Sakhon. Sakhon was removed from his position by royal decree over the weekend, with Finance Minister Aun Pornmoniroth made acting minister. But Prime Minister Hun Sen also signed an official government request to the National Assembly to make Tina the new agriculture minister. Tina’s father is Supreme Court president Dith Munty, while another member of his family — Cambodia Microfinance Association vice chair Dith Nita — is married to Environment Minister Say Sam Al, the son of Senate president Say Chhum. The request, also signed on Saturday, was posted online by pro-government Fresh News on Monday. Sakhon’s removal came after public criticism from Hun Sen in February over not cooperating with other officials. read more https://vodenglish.news/supreme-justices-son-selected-for-agriculture-minister/
  20. After years of painstaking research, silk which once adorned Cambodia is now back. Khmer Times went unearthing the whole process by talking to key persons involved who have restored the lost glory of the Kingdom After decades of research, Cambodia has started producing its first pure Khmer silk yarn in a bid to push back the import by supplying silk products made from the newly- and locally-developed raw material to both domestic and overseas markets, according to a prominent economist. Silk yarn is reeled from cocoons that are developed by silkworms raised with mulberry at farms to be woven to produce silk products such as shirts, neckties, bags, scarves, pillow covers, souvenirs and decorative materials that would be available in some shops under renovation that showcases the purity of Khmer silk yarn, national identity and civilisation in those products, according to the prominent economist. Mey Kalyan, senior advisor of the Supreme National Economic Council (SNEC), told Khmer Times that the year 2022 is the re-birth year of pure Khmer silk yarn like the early stage of the prosperity of the Roman Empire in the 15th or 16th century as this nationally identical raw material of cloth has been disappeared most likely for many decades, which has opened an opportunity for the imported to dominate the market, especially in the supply side. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501165438/the-resuscitation-of-khmer-silk/
  21. PHNOM PENH, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on Saturday signed a royal decree to sack Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon from his post. In the royal decree, the king said, "Veng Sakhon is dismissed from the post of the minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries." "Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, must take responsibility to implement this royal decree from the day of signature," the king said. Sakhon, 62, had held the post of the minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries since April 2016. It's rare that a minister is fired from a job in the Southeast Asian nation. No reasons were explained for the dismissal, but in February, Hun Sen warned to dismiss Sakhon for incompetence and non-cooperation with other government ministries. On Saturday, Hun Sen also made a decision, designating Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance Aun Pornmoniroth as the acting minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, in addition to his current job. https://english.news.cn/20221008/df777d6b29bf4976b90769af690871c6/c.html
  22. “Around 50 people have been rescued so far. We are trying to get back others too. We do not have the exact number of people captive in Myanmar. We are in touch with many Indians there,” MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said on Indians stuck in Myanmar. New Delhi: Around 50 people from Myanmar and 80 from Cambodia who were held captive in fake job rackets have been rescued, India said on Friday and added a word of caution asking citizens to remain extremely careful of dubious jobs they accept. “Around 50 people have been rescued so far. We are trying to get back others too. We do not have the exact number of people captive in Myanmar. We are in touch with many Indians there,” MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said on Indians stuck in Myanmar. He further added that some of these have been released from Myanmar’s captivity and some are with Myanmar police as they entered the country illegally. Over instances of similar job rackets in Laos and Cambodia, Bagchi said that our Embassies in Vientiane, Phnom Penh and Bangkok have been helping in repatriating people from there. https://newsroompost.com/world/india-rescues-50-people-trapped-in-job-rackets-in-myanmar-around-80-from-cambodia/5198065.html
  23. PHNOM PENH, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Flash floods have been hitting parts of Cambodia, leaving at least four people dead, Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen said on Saturday. In a voice message released publicly, Hun Sen said rainwater flooding has also forced the evacuation of a number of affected families to higher ground. He added that the floods have inundated 151,412 hectares of rice paddy and 41,024 hectares of other crops. "Water has receded at some places, but risen at some places, and according to weather forecast, there will be some more rains," Hun Sen said. "However, the situation is under control." He ordered Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance Aun Pornmoniroth, who is also the acting minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, to assess the damage caused to rice paddy and other crops and advised him to prepare seeds to distribute to farmers for replanting when water recedes. Floods usually hit the Southeast Asian nation between August and October every year. Last year, flash floods claimed 11 lives and forced the evacuation of 172,297 people, according to an official report. http://www.china.org.cn/world/Off_the_Wire/2022-10/08/content_78455912.htm
  24. The Kampot tourist port, which will play an important role in connecting sea tourism in Cambodia and neighboring countries, has been completed. The main tourist port in Kampot province is located next to Dang Prek, a tributary in Teuk Chhou district, about 6 km from Kampot city. Construction of the seaport on more than 4 hectares of land began in 2018 and was completed in June 2022. Necessary infrastructure have also been built to serve the berths of cruise ships and buildings for tourists. According to the report, the infrastructure includes: a port with a wharf of more than 123 meters long and more than 11 meters wide, passenger and restaurant buildings, roads, garbage collection facilities, technical buildings, public bathrooms, reservoirs, ponds and other facilities. Kampot Tourism Port was built under an ADB loan of more than $ 18 million. Construction process by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. After the completion of construction on October 7, 2022, Deputy Prime Minister Aun Porn Moniroth, accompanied by Senior Minister Sun Chanthol, Minister of Public Works and Transport and Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism, visited the port. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501165066/20-million-kampot-tourist-port-completed/
  25. The Preah Sihanouk Provincial Administration has issued guidelines on the management of casinos, hotels, restaurants, condominiums and other business owners to prevent ‘detention, human trafficking, sex work, and crimes against Cambodian law.’ The issuance of this instruction is due to the fact that in the past, the Sihanoukville Provincial Administration has observed business locations, casinos, hotels, restaurants, condominiums and some businesses after obtaining business licenses from the Royal Government or from the Ministry, have not yet informed the provincial administration or the relevant authorities about the operation of their business and have not yet raised the name tag of their business location. The Sihanoukville provincial administration added that some locations were fenced off, making it difficult for authorities to inspect each location, and on the other hand, creating conditions for opportunists to commit crimes such as detention, human trafficking, sex work, and crimes against Cambodian law. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501165131/preah-sihanouk-provincial-administration-issues-strict-guidelines-for-casinos-hotels-restaurants-condominiums-and-other-businesses/
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