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Posts posted by geovalin

  1. In the long run the one year extension will cause you the least hassle,

    but it is not a requirement.

    If you plan on doing visa runs, get the multi-entry O based on your marriage, then you only need to do the border run every three months.

    Hello Astral

    I have this kind of one year Visa O needing a stamp every 3 months.

    Am I oliged to cross a border OR any immigration office inside the country can stamp?

    Thank you


  2. Actually, I know these guys (John and M. Scobble, not the Italian one, cf BKK Post), well I didn't meet them since 3 years but I guess they didn't change. They are gentlemen. The fourth one, M. D. who had not been cought is an ass hole but respects also all the laws of all the countries. None of them is in young boys and they are very prude and cautious. By the way, the BBKPost writes there is nothing against them.

    They had this business since 7 years and received already thousands of tourists(by the way, gays). If they had provide underage boys or even boys, do you think they would still be at large? If you knew M. Scobble, you even could not imagine him cross the street out of the pedestrian crossing. He's always thinking about paying his taxes and all.

    Now what is very possible is that they had been framed: a staff of them making a mistake if sollicitated by a fake customer (a ###### Aussie policeman playing at a sex maniac who could have ask some thing special to a local guide).

    The found magazines are a joke. I don't know if they have, read or enjoy them but I'm sure they have not more than the average Thai or farangs. I was waiting in a an office recently where the idle young female secretaries was watching HARD porno with some interest. At 10:00 and in front of every body.

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