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Everything posted by jastheace

  1. sounds like a plan. IMO in the order of KK, UT, NK. then you can spend any spare days in NK, and get the grit of KK out of your hair.
  2. mukdahan and nong khai have good waterfront bars and restos. ubon has a beach with eateries by a river beach. khon kaen too big and built up for my liking, but still a great plave to visit passing from korat to udon. all have markets, 7/11's, bars, music, and 'other' types of entertainment not disimilar to that found in pattaya phuket etc. all easy doable on local buses between them. have yourself a little adventure.
  3. and... @Iamfalang.... where do you live....?
  4. they're all much a 'same same but different'. all have things to do and see, most have an expat scene of sorts. why not visit them all and give us a report and mark yourself each out of 10...
  5. if it really rattled your cage, and are concerned for the future business model of the resto, you should offer a business consultation with the management. i'm sure Deano would love to meet you. btw, how much do you think a fair price for your time would be for the consultation? 30B?
  6. 20 years ago and when in perfect health, don't really care. but now, the ones which contribute (personally) to my appearance... 1. skin 2.liver 3.kidney(s) if these weaken, you will look like... Another chang anyone...?
  7. here... i wish you all the best of luck. sucks that she's in the uk though.
  8. if you are in england, find a local solicitor who deals in family matters. a quick google should point you in the right direction. a consultation will cost around 140 notes, and could be the best 140 nicker you've spent for a while. you may need some advice from an online thai lawyer as well, probably cost around 5000 baht, for advice only, there is a pinned topic on this forum.. somewhere. search for 'thai law' on the search bar... if you can't find it let us know and i'll have a lookie for the link. the england solicitor should be your first step though, they'll need your wives name, maybe ID to check there's no conlict of interest.
  9. where are you currently? where is yr 'wife' and daughter? are you still cohabiting? i do empathise with you btw.
  10. i've rented 7 properties around thailand, got my deposit back once, and made to feel real awkward about it. however, with 2 months deposit i've always got away with not paying the last months rent, thus only losing 1 months money. no biggy, since i've never rented for less than a year... just factored it into the deal....
  11. i didn't say you were lying. i said that already! i have been found out? interesting... now i will say it... you are lying!!!... 555
  12. i beg to differ. i quoted you already previously. take the time to read my post in full. actually.... don't bother. i don't have time to repeatedly explain what i wrote. try google translate...
  13. i didn't say it wasn't. i was saying that in my experience, this wasn't an isolated incident, i've encountered similar on several occasions, at different bars and restaurants. sometimes the goods have been consumed before a fuss is made. it seems common... that's all i was saying...
  14. i've just had an idea for the name of my next business venture...
  15. in my experience, could be any bar in any town at any time of day. i could say... 'was it the old farang in a checker shirt and socks/sandles in top tit bar soi khao noi on saturday morning...' someone would say ' yeah, i saw that too...'
  16. Confused.... a member for 8 years...with 2347 posts.... asks that question....
  17. that i know of, this has been said for at least 12 years. is there a target date? if i was told that the target year was 2570, i would still have to ask... 2570 BE? or 2570 CE?
  18. simple, invite the emerald isles finest caravan club members over. they'll clear all that 'spare' cable and more down the local scrappy for the 'black stuff' fund.
  19. the 2 in the complex near kiss (soi diana) are both reasonable regarding price and quality. for the price conscious amongst us... well... there is kiss... just saying...
  20. and wear and tear on the flip flops. but the real answer is.... because they can, because they can afford to... and maybe to show they that they can afford to... but trying to be serious, why do the bar girls get a mo'cy taxi to go from one end of the soi to the other?... 5 mins walk, or 15 mins waving for said mo'cy, getting on, helmet on (sometimes), adjusting helmet (if donned), adjusting skirt if worn and riding side saddle, reaching end of soi, fiddling around for the 60 baht fare, handing helmet back (if if if) ,purse back in handbag, go to salon to make good hair and make up...etc etc etc...hmmm
  21. i remember when there was a major outbreak of avian influenza in this part of the world, and i guess chicken exports were affected. boneless skin on breast going for around 10 baht a kilo, chicken feet still 90 baht a kilo, go figure...
  22. a simple will should suffice, together with a division of parenting rights to make it water tight. online templates available at wonder.legal website, forms in Thai, but translate to english. edit the form to suit, download pdf version for a couple hundred baht. find a couple of witnesses to sign and you're all good. you could get it done by a solicitor, but sounds as if there's likely to be no contention if you and mrs are in mutual agreement. start it tonight, get it signed in the morning, job done.
  23. before we give you advice on your budget for food, please tell us how much you pay the 'maid'....
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