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Posts posted by shotover

  1. Then try this site!



    Then check out FAQ

    Was'nt to hard to find!!!

    All positions are voluntary. In the villages at various times we occasionally need builders, plumbers, teachers, health workers, counselors, administrators, computer people, and others. However, anyone who wants to help is welcome. These volunteers are co-ordinated through our partner agency 'Kid's Ark Foundation' and generally we require a month of your time as a minimum.There are also roles in covert teams which are co-ordinated through our Director of Operations in Thailand and we can utilise you for a few days to a few weeks. However, it can be a long process to become involved in a covert team (6 months or more) and we prefer people with some experience though this is not always necessary, depending on the individual. We also prefer people who are willing to get involved in other aspects of our work. Bear in mind that we are increasingly utilizing local personnel in Thailand so the requirement for Caucasian personnel is diminishing.

    Note: All Grey Man volunteers who work in Thailand are required to have a national police check and have completed the Grey Man basic course.

    How do I know you are a genuine organization?

    We are an incorporated non-profit organization under Australian law and a registered charity (No. CH1673). This can be checked through the Office of Fair Trading in Brisbane. Our books are audited annually.


    This is for an application under the right to information act Queensland


    Thanks for the info. I had looked at this site, read their statements, but did not contact the Fair Trading Office for official financial disclosures.

    But based on their website, it does seem their motives are properly focused on helping those needing it, and they are not diverting large amounts of contributions into compensating the foreign 'saviours', such as the IJM is.

    And also good that they have high standards and strict background requirements for checking out the volunteers to exclude volunteers who may have dubious reasons for wanting to investigate this type of crime.

  2. I have never heard such ridiculous dribble in all my life. The only person who gets paid is a thai in Bangkok. The other few still work fulltime jobs as public sernants and serving police officers. They give up thier free time for the cause and not financial gain. 12.7 million US dollars for the salaries what absolute poop. They recieve a couple of hundred 1000 Aust dollars per year for the organisation not themselves..

    Self proclaimed charity more absolute dribble. They are a registered charity N# CH1673, IA35605


    The prefix in the organisation number refers to:

    • CH - Registered charity: an organisation authorised to fundraise in Queensland whose objects are solely charitable.
    • IA - Incorporated Association: an association granted status as a legal entity under the Queensland Associations Incorporation Act

    They are registered with the Australian tax office and bound by Australian law. The are audited just like any other organisation if they were found to be in breach of any Australian law then they would be prosecuted.

    Established in 2004, The Grey Man is an Australian registered charity (CH1673) and An international organisation dedicated to eradicating the trafficking and exploitation of children. Based in Brisbane, Australia our activities are focused on the countries of South East Asia

    I see in your text that you have an extreem hatred of these people and what they do. Why is that? Are they treading on your turf. Your post is full of absolute rubbish and not one single fact.

    If the Grey Man investigators are working without salary, than I commend them for this. Much more noble than organizations such as the IJM who pay themselves 6-figure salaries while investigating crimes where the victims are impovershed.

    Do they post their required financial disclosures and staff salaries online?

    I searched online, but have not found anything yet.

  3. FAQ . . . . . . Do you accept volunteers?

    Although we appreciate the generousity of people in wanting to donate their time to help The Grey Man we no longer accept volunteers. If you want to help in the fight against child trafficking the best way to do so is to either donate to us or join one of our branches (Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane)and get involved in fundraising. The more funds we have the more children we can rescue and send to school.

    But organizations that do not accept volunteers willing to give their time to help, but only want monetary donations, raise my suspicion radar.

    That's quite a leap of logic to make there. Maybe there are other possibilities ?

    Maybe it takes specific skill sets to do the work ?

    Maybe the Charity has more than enough volunteers already ?

    Maybe they are otherwise engaged and cannot train new ones at the moment ?

    Like I said, you've made quite a leap of logic and landed fuc_k knows where. It could also be because of a hundred other reasons, but you single out one imagined in your head and purport it to be fact.

    It is very typical of posters on anonymous forums.

    You've taken quite a leap of logic yourself in regards to my post. I never said there could not be any valid reason for asking only for money but not accepting volunteers, nor did I purport anything to be fact.

    I simply said organizations who did this raised my suspicions.

    I would like to see some facts such as financial disclosures (amounts received, amount of salaries and other administrative costs, percent of donations spent directly to benefit their clients, etc.).

    An example of a similar well-known organization devoted to fighing child sex exploitation (a good cause, IMO) is the International Justice Mission.

    To their credit, IJM does post their required financial disclosures online. (http://www.ijm.org/resources/financials/2009IRS990.pdf)

    To their discredit, their staff salaries total $12.7 million USD, out of about $21.8 million in donations. Their top 10 officers average annual compensation of about $145,000 USD in 2009 . . . nice pay during the recession. The lowest compensation is $128,000, and the highest is about $233,000 annually. A total of 16 individuals in this organization recieved over $100k USD in compensation during 2009.

    They did spend $192,000 on victim aftercare expenses in 2009.

  4. FAQ . . . . . . Do you accept volunteers?

    Although we appreciate the generousity of people in wanting to donate their time to help The Grey Man we no longer accept volunteers. If you want to help in the fight against child trafficking the best way to do so is to either donate to us or join one of our branches (Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane)and get involved in fundraising. The more funds we have the more children we can rescue and send to school.

    I can't speak to this specific organization; But organizations that do not accept volunteers willing to give their time to help, but only want monetary donations, raise my suspicion radar. Does this organization have its financial statements posted on the internet to give potential donors some assurance that their contributions are being used effectively?

    Are Aussie and Thai law enforcement so corrupt or inept that they cannot conduct their own investigations? Hmmm, maybe they are.

    You seem to be quite obsessed with the subject of child sex exploitation, given the enormous amount of time you spend researching this topic. Are you affiliated with the Grey Men organization? If not, you should be.

    I've looked, but not yet found, the nationality of the 'western' owners of the bar raided in Ban Chang. Any idea?

  5. Is this "farang operative" a Foreign Tourist Police Volunteer?

    The FTPA were used previously in sting operations against Uzbekistan prostitutes. Those women were arrested AFTER the sex was actually performed and completed, which is contradictory to every other law enforcement practices I've heard of any where in the world. It's just another aspect to the disgraceful and unethical conduct of the FTPA.

    I am sure that members of the FTPV read this board.

    So do any want to step up and either acknowledge, or deny, that their members participated in this raid, or any others?

    Or do they find it safer to just ignore this concern?

  6. I was in Siam Paragon about 7 pm tonight, and stopped by the KK shop just to see how business was doing... Almost as long a line as the other weeknight night, not quite out the door... but still probably 50+ people waiting at that hour of the evening to buy dognuts!!!

    The diet police must be mortified!

    I noticed on their menu board sign, I believe, the prices are something like 27 baht for the regular glazed and 32 baht for their fancier varieties... I may be off a couple baht on one or the other of those figures... but close. I had the impression they're more expensive that the other place in Emporium and such...

    So a regular glazed at 27 baht compares to about $1.10 USD (33 baht) in the USA and about 21 baht in the Philippines. Many varieties of Mr Donut in Bangkok are available for about 12 baht?

  7. Who in the right mind would want to share a hotel with Africans?

    Now i make sure when i check in that no Africans are staying, if the hotel does have a African staying I will just WALK OUT, it's just not worth the HIV risk staying in the same hotel.

    Thank God the Thais can stand up to the savages.


    This is my personal choice and I know plenty of higher class farang such as myself who hold the same views.

    Although I only stay in 5* hotels I might have to check this Nava hotel out.

    And I am suprised a African teacher is on this fred, can i ask do you have to take a AIDS test before you work with thai children?

    One would like to think of the HIV risk

    This is perhaps the most ignorant post I have ever read on this, or any other, forum.

  8. The Bangkok Post has done a number of investigative exposes on criminal activities in the Sukhumvit area, previously highlighting the open drug dealing by African gangs, illegal bar and vendor activities, etc.

    Often they have someone working undercover gethering evidence and photos, a very dangerous project for all involved.

    Despite often excellent reporting and solid evidence, Thai police and politicians do NOTHING. I am not so naive as to not understand why this is, with the embedded corruption. But I would also understand if the Post and other media would just give up, considering the risk their staff is taking.

  9. I know Frank personally.

    Not seen him for a few years, he was always a much more portly chap so it appears as though he has been hitting the drugs way too much.

    If you ever met him you'd find him a likeable guy, he has fukced up seriously though. Your a nice guy Frank, but you can't expect much sympathy.

    RIP to the victims.

    Thanks for the post. It is refreshing to hear from someone who actually knows Giannini, after reading dozens of posts just speculating about him.

    Very little information about him from the media. Maybe future info will reveal if he had lived in Thailand for many years, if he had a business or worked here, and if his visa was valid.

  10. Health Hotel?? Is this one of the short time hotels near Beach Road?

    Pedos are in every country, and just about every community. For those posters citing Pattaya as a pedo-infested locale, have you looked at your home community.

    USA law enforcement groups have websites listing sex offenders, and these guys are everywhere, and come from all backgrounds (blue-collar, professional, religious, military, judicial).

  11. I'm planning to rent a car through the Thai Visa carrental site, and would appreciate any feedback.

    1. Is it easy to change the rental dates after picking the car up? I would be more likely to add days rather than use fewer days than the original reservation dates.

    2. Any preference between Budget and Thai Rent a Car? Prices seem close.

    3. Any other suggestions.

    I am planning to pick the car up when I arrive at the Bkk airport.

  12. The Cambodian lady who has been begging underneath the Asoke BTS station for at the least the past 5 years. About every other month, she changes out the adorable daughters that sleep on the sidewalk next to her.

    How can the authorities overlook someone who has begged at such a busy spot for such a long time?

  13. I have a situation that might be somewhat unusual; I was not able to find a similar topic by searching this forum.

    I have a non-immigrant O-A visa (retirement) that expires on 20 February 2010. I am currently staying outside Thailand, and plan to return to Thailand on 18 Febraury, and then departing on 23 February.

    I do not plan to extend the visa as my future visits to Thailand will be of short stays only.

    Will Thai Immigration stamp my passport for entry only through 20 February (my visa expiration date), as they have on prior visits during the past year?

    Or can I enter on a 30 day visa waiver?


  14. Bangkok Self Storage has backpacker storage which costs 100 baht per bag per week. So, depending on how much you're storing it could cost as little as 400 baht for a month. And they're very secure, clean and professional. I've personally used them and recommend them. 2000 baht ($66) doesn't sound like a lot for short-term storage if you've got the whole contents of an apartment in there, but each to his own!

    . . .

    Business must be good for Bangkok Self Storage. I went by there today to look at their storage space and inquire about their storage rates.

    The smallest rooom they had (1.5 by 1.5 meters) was 3950 per month.

    A slightly larger room, (3 by 2 meters) is 4950 per month.

    They told me it is climate controlled, thought that does not mean air con in the storage area, as it was quite warm inside. They do offer 24 hour access, and good security, but I thought much too expensive.

    I'll be looking for a cheap room in Phrakanong for 2000 baht monthly or less.

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