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Posts posted by shotover

  1. Thanks for the detail steps on your visa application experience in Singapore, and congratulations on the easy process. A couple of questions, if you don't mind:

    3. I am over 50 and stated as purpose of visit : retirement. I used my UK passport. I was in Singapore only on a business trip of a few days.

    4. Attached a passport size foto (one) and a copy of my latest bank balance in Euro (over the equivalent of 800.000 baht).

    6. Friendly muslim lady checked form and examined bank balance copy. Called a Thai staff for confirmation that it wouild be ok as she first asked me to present the bank book itself (which I did not have on me). OK given.

    Did you also provide them with a medical certificate and police report from the UK? I thought these were normally required for a non-O visa for purposes of retirement.

    Did they accept a bank statement from a bank outside Thailand? I thought they usually would want to see at least 800,000 baht deposited in a Thai bank before issuing a non-O visa for retirement.

  2. Enter June 1, 2005 and receive allowed to stay stamp May 31, 2006.  Obtain re-entry permit which will have same May 31, 2006 date and re-enter using the re-entry permit and the date on it (May 31, 2006) will be the allowed stay.

    Thanks for the clarification. If you have a non-immigrant, multi-entry O-A visa, there is no need to obtain a reentry permit when you leave Thailand expecting to return prior to the visa expiration date, correct?

  3. "There is no requirement to show any deposit of 65k per month at any time. You either have 800k in a bank account or certification of pension from your Embassy with a bank account (and at least any shortfall of pension in it)."

    Thanks for this clarification. I had recalled earlier posts in this forum that indicated, when applying for a retirement visa extension, that Thai Immigration looked at the applicant's Thai bank book for proof that funds were being transferred from overseas, in order to demonstrate that the applicant is not earning income working in Thailand under a retirement visa.

    Apparently, this is not the case, and a certification of pension from the Embassy alone is sufficient to meet the financial requirements for extending the Retirement visa.

    Then again, on any given day, any given Immigration official at Suan Phlu can apply a different process. :o

  4. Maybe I'm missing something in this initial post, but it's my understanding and experience that if a person is applying for a Non-immigrant O retirement visa through a Thai consulate or embassy outside Thailand using pension income to meet financial requirements, then having a Thai bank account at the time of application is not necessary.

    However, if you are extending an existing retirement visa at a Thai Immigration office, then you are required to show that you have either 800,000 baht in a Thai bank, or that you have deposited at least 65,000 per month in a Thai bank account from cash transfers originating outside Thailand.

  5. . . . Fee: $ 50 for a single-entry ONLY, no multiple-entry.

    - "Single Entry only" -- Can someone explain "single entry" vs "multiple entry"?

    The Thai Immigration process remains consistently inconsistent. :o

    On September 8, the Thai Consulate in Houston issued to me a non-immigrant, O-A multi entry retirement visa ($125 USD) with virtually no fuss. I understand this to mean I can leave and reenter Thailand during the next year unlimited times using this visa.

    If you stay in Thailand for 90 days without leaving, you are required to report to the local immigration office. Also, if your Thai address changes, you are required to report the new address to Thai Immigration within 48 hours of the change.

    If this is not correct or clear, I am sure one of our wiser members will clarify and correct.

    One thing I am unclear on regarding the single entry O retirement visa. Hypothetically, if I enter Thailand initially on June 1 using a single entry O visa , then subsequently purchase a reentry permit upon leaving Thailand on June 30, can I return to Thailand under the same visa July 30, and still be eligible to stay in the Kingdom under this visa for the remaining 10 months the visa is valid?

  6. Persons from Thailand's northern hill tribes often do not have ID cards and are therefore subject to extortion and abuse when attempting to support themselves or just scrap enough food together to survive.

    I know of a young lady from a hilltribe who is currently working (or slaving) as a maid/nanny for a foreign couple in my condo building. She is desperate to find another job to escape the bad situation (low pay, harrassment, no personal freedom) she is in. However, the lack of Thai citizenship and an ID card is making this change very hard.

    Cheers to the Moderator for quickly discouraging the normal ranting and raving that repetitively goes on during news threads of these sorts.

  7. Not wishing to enter into the neverending debate on the seriousness of the driver's actions, or appropriateness of her punishment, or what countries's citizens believe what . . . , I do wish to address some of the information provided in the posts which contrast to prior published reports in newspapers and TV News programs.

    1. I have yet to see a report (including the one published in this thread) which said she was driving intoxicated when the accident occurred, nor was she charged with this crime. Maybe she was, I just haven't seen nor heard this reported. Reports did indicate she was driving very fast when she struck the 3 pedestrians.

    2. All reports I have seen, including TV news footage, report the accident occurred on New Petchaburi Road, not on Sukhumvit/Asok. See The Nation.

    My only other comment is that drivers in Thailand generally do not observe 'defensive driving' practices, in that they commonly speed through intersections and change lanes without considering pedestrians or other vehicles may do the unexpected, and enter into their paths.

  8. There were more than 12 shots? I must have missed two then! I stopped counting at 10!

    ( actually, I "accidently" dropped one shot that Lojack handed to me from the bar, but Illysion gave me an extra shot on the next round, so that kind of even things out, I think. I really can't remember much around then......

    Just one fallen soldier out of dozens, very low collateral damage. impressed that you remembered the flavors; I liked the red ones (actually all of them).

    But I do hope to return to the Land of Smiles as soon as I can - and drink even more with you guys!

    They better start on mixing the shots now! :o

  9. I recall her appearing on talk shows tearfully lamenting how she had been 'tricked' into performing in the video (according to GF's translation). I'm sure Mom and Pops certainly loss loads of face seeing their beautiful actress daughter appearing in a VCD seen by about half the Thai population getting shagged condomless in all positions by a foreign bloke.

    I'm guessing the guy took some viagra, along with applying a desensitizer, as most guys wouldn't have lasted more than 5 minutes with this beautiful sex machine.

    Apparently she's now flipping a bird at society by appearing on page 1 of newspapers hand-in-hand with her Tom girlfriend.

    I'm not criticizing the girl as what she did is her business, and it was a FINE performance, in my books. However, it is unfortunate her family must absorb the shame of the publicity.

  10. I had a great time meeting alot of the Thaivisa folks last night....and a special shot out to my comrades in the quality control division(pardon the pun). We were making sure your shots met the appropriate standards before they were served to the masses. Thanks again for the party, had a great time.

    I agree the Shot QC team (you, Narachon, Ilusion, and myself) did an admirable job of testing, and approving, each tray of shots prior to distribution to the room. Ilusion continually greased the barkeep to ensure we were notified each time a new shot tray was produced. To the barkeep's credit, each sample passed our rigourous tests. I stopped counting after 12 shots.

    I ended up sharing a bottle of Thai whiskey with some NEP dek serves at a late night karaoke shop. The Thai whiskey seemed to sober me up some.

    All in all, kudos for the organizers for a greatly organized party at a superb venue. Certainly a highlight night for me.

    Narachon, hope you have a pleasant trip back to the USA, and wish you a speedy return to this side of the planet.

  11. I have flown via Phnom Penh International airport many times and there they have the cameras. Still one hands in 1 picture with visa (on arrival) application.

    I am  guessing that in the future every country will do the pic thing...

    Prior to PNH airport installing the cameras, I flew into Phnom Penh with a friend who had forgotten to bring his passport photos. The Cambo Immigration official duly collected an extra dollar from my friend for not bringing his photo, but they did not take one for their records!

  12. I'll second your appreciation of the great taste and value of the offerings at Big Al's. Ate there the first time in May, and that became my regular spot for the 1st meal of the day. The taco burger is my fave, but tried at least 6 items on the menu, and liked them all. These are his recipes, and kudos to him for training the ladies to buy the ingredients and prepare them East LA style.

    Fascinating listening to Big Al talk of his days in California. The first day I met him, I was surprised later that afternoon when I picked up an issue of the PattayaMail, and saw an article with a photo of Big Al holding a young Thai guy who had snatched his mobile phone at a nearby bar. Al, all 150+ kilos of him, chased the poor bugger down, and delivered him to the Thai police.

    I'm surprised the thief didn't have a heart attack watching this big guy bear down on him.

  13. Doc, I just got back from Thailand after obtaining my Tourist Visa out of Los Angeles.  Do you know something about the Thai Consulate in Houston?  Would I have a better shot of obtaining the multi by going through Houston and not Los Angeles?


    I can second Doc PP's advice as I easily obtained a multi-entry Non-Imm O-A visa last year from the Houston Consulate. The person processing my visa in Houston was an American attorney who works for the Thai consulate there. She was very helpful and easy to work with, unlike the Thai embassy staff in Washington DC.

  14. I am a USA citizen wanting to apply for a non immigrant O-A visa allowing a one year entry stamp based on retirement in Thailand. My basic travel plans are:

    July 10 - Fly to Singapore

    July 13 - Return to Thailand from Singapore

    August 12 - Fly to the USA

    Around September 25 - Return to Thailand from the USA.

    Immigration officials at Suan Phlu recently told me I could apply for a non immigrant O-A visa allowing a one year entry stamp based on retirement at any Thai embassy outside Thailand. However, these same officials have a solid track record of giving me conflicting, and incorrect, information. I seem to get more accurate info on this board.

    Sounds as though my options are to (1) request a 60 day tourist visa or (2) apply for a non-imm O visa allowing a stay of 60 days.

  15. I'm going to Singapore in about 10 days and thought I would apply for a new retirement visa. My original Retirement visa expired in April :o , and I currently am in Thailand on a 30 day entry stamp.

    I'm planning to take the following documents:

    1. Application form T.M.7

    2. Passport and copies of picture page and current entry stamp

    3. 2 photos (4 x 6 cm)

    4. Letter from embassy stating I want to retire in Thailand certifying my pension income exceeds 65,000 baht monthly.

    5. 2 copies of a current medical certificate.


    A. Is it ok to get the embassy letter certifying my pension income, and medical certificate from the USA embassy in Bangkok, or do I have to get these documents in Singapore?

    B. If I apply for the visa on a Monday, is is reasonable to expect to receive it by Wednesday?

    Not sure if it's worth doing now as I'll be traveling back to the USA in mid-August, but thought I might try as long as I am going to be there.

    Appreciate any feedback and suggestions.

  16. "The officer said it was still possible that Wassana had jumped from the room on the 10th floor while the four witnesses who were with her in the room at the time had turned away from where she was standing. The four all claim not to have witnessed Wassana's fall."

    An earlier newspaper article reported Wassana was alone in the room at the time she jumped. Wonder who these 4 persons were? Any members of the MP's family?

  17. I would try to get a tourist visa (rather than 30 day entry) (Singapore or Penang are quick and cheap flights) and after return convert it into a long stay (retirement) at immigration (they can do that and only requirement will be the medical and money in bank).  No need to go through all the home country paperwork again.

    Thanks for the suggestion on getting a tourist visa.

    I went ahead and arranged a quick border trip to Poipet, as I have some things I need to do in Bkk later this week.

    Does anyone know if Phnom Penh still requires a 3 day wait to get a tourist visa? I assume Singapore would be one day turnaround.

  18. Well. it's visa run time for me! Live and learn.

    Went to Thai Immigration at Suan Phlu today, showed them my passport with my visa stamp and subsequent 'admitted until; stamps, and asked "Is this correct?"

    I asked when I would have to apply for an O-A visa extension, and was told not until May 2006, which was the latest 'admitted until' date stamp. I had asked this same question in March and was told by 2 different officials the same thing.

    Being a skeptical person, I referred them to the O-A visa stamp, and asked again "Are you sure because this visa was issued over 1 year ago"?

    This generated a confused look, about 15 minutes of consultation with several different Imm Officers peering through my passport, and me picking up snippets of comments such as "Khao Tham Phit" ("They did wrong") and "Mai Mii Visa" ("has no visa" - Yikes!).

    They finally decided I was entitled to 30 days after my arrival (which was 29 days ago) and said I needed to apply for a 10 day extension. They drew a redline through my latest 'admitted until' date of May 15 2006, and changed it until June 14, 2005. Rather than go make a photo, fill out another form, wait in line a long time, and pay 1900 baht for another 10 days, I'm taking a trip to Poipet for antoher 30 days, and I'll sort out another O-A visa next time I go back to the States.

    I appreciate the good advice I got from those on this board, and hope that others learn from my misunderstandings. It would also be nice that the Thai Immigration officials get some training on understanding how to process these visas and offering accurate advice, but I'll rely on others' advice and my own experience next time.

  19. yeah I think anyone that is a fight fan, loved Tyson at his peak - he really was unstoppable. I agree he has been worn down over the years and the last reports was, he was broke - maybe its the money he is hungry for instead of the fight these days?

    I heard Jeff Fenech is now his manager / promotor, but that come from a guy at the gym, so not sure really.

    I pay 2000k a month for tv here and I still dont get any fight coverage or aussie rules  :o

    Tyson reportedly received $5 million USD for this fight, but allegedly $2 million went to creditors, another large amount to IRS, and Tyson may receive around $250,000.

    I also watched the fight on Channel 3 in Bkk Sunday morning. Sad fight and ending.

    Fenech is indeed Tyson's trainer, and spoke very highly of Tyson after the fight.

  20. Harp, I received my 1 year multi-entry O-A visa on April 7 2004, and assumed it would expire April 6 2005. I left Thailand on April 23, 2005, and returned May 16, 2005. The admitted until date was stamped May 15, 2006. A reentry permit must not be needed with a multi-entry visa as I have left and reentered Thailand 5 or 6 times since I received the visa without a reentry permit.

    I have a feeling my next visit to Suan Phlu will produce a mind-grinding headache.

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