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Posts posted by disgruntled

  1. Funny this thread has more posts than I would have expected. I like McDs. It's prole-food. I keeps us lower income lower lifestyle people nice and square. Is the Silom place next to the intersection opposite lumpini park? I might just waddle down there one of these days.

  2. I'm 6 foot and my wife is probably 4'9 or so(Esarn). No problems with natural birth. I wonder if my daughter will be short or tall or in the middle. I wouldn't worry. She'll be fine. I too never really noticed my wife's size. When we went to the US I realized what a midget I had married! But she's a normal Thai Thai woman or Esarn woman. The younger girls seem to be a bit taller nowadays though. I would guess the teenagers are getting taller due to milk and all the other food that has been available since the 80's. But who knows, maybe the earth is losing its gravitation pull! :o:D

  3. Every day the chance of seeing the sky goes down. It would be nice to see something but pollution and light won't let me see anything up there. I think soon we will only be able to see pictures of the sky. There are some cities in China where I bet people have never seen past the pollution. Not funny, it becoming reality in a lot of places.

    Less people means more.

  4. It could be that with all the water under the city the buildings are shifting. We've had a lot of waterlines opening up in Prathumthani. Is Bangkok going to sink into the mud? Maybe Atlantis went down into the earth rather than the sea?

  5. I can't agree with most of you about population. Less is more to me. How can you set a goal of 20 billion? If that's possible then maybe we should do the science; we might find out that we are already over our limit. I see the whole idea of having children to support the current economic system as silly. We don't need to have children to support old people we need to adjust the way we live and the economic - social support systems to work with the reality we face.

    Millions of people die worldwide due to poverty yet we want more people? Sounds selfish to me. I believe Singapore, Japan, Germany, and Russia pay incentives to people who create babies. They want their own babies not some 'culturally inferior' babies in my view. Sad truth. The US and some other countries don't seek births to solve their social issues they do it by allowing migration.

    The world has so many environmental issues right now. If you want more people you would probably believe that nature's equillibrium is not important anymore as we can manage it. If this is the case then it a dog eat dog world. War will be used as a solution if man's new environment management and economic system fails.

    As for Thailand, all the talk about lots of land and no one to farm it is just garbage from what I see. If you want to see overpopulation there are plenty of places where there are too many people and no work. You can make money from farming in Thailand if you have a 100 rai. The people I know and Thaksin knows don't have enough land to let any of their kids farm. The workers coming to Bangkok are coming because there is no work upcountry. Fifty years ago when a farmer divided his 100 rai with his 7 kids they all got 10 - 15 rai. they had 4 kids and they got what? Nothing they came to Bangkok. Bangkok isn't growing due to people upcountry getting bored with their lives. People come to the city out of necessity. When they come businesses grow and they need more people to sustain them. Ask farmer if they would like to get more land to farm they'll say hel_l yeah.

    The 'need' for population is due to the economic system we are currently using. I also believe real estate has a lot to do with it too. As they say they are not making any more land. They are making more people. Let populations go down and the whole real estate based system will have a heart attack. Just look at the loan crisis in the US.

    It's just my opinion. Everyone has the right to decide what kind of world we live in or sustain. Religious leaders want more people of their beliefs. Nationalistic people want babies and possibly outsiders who will sustain their culture (both visually and philosphically) and way of living. We all have a right to seek the world we want. For as long as I can remember, for some starnge reason the issue of reducing population has never been considered.

    If you look at the Philipines a wonderfully population-stabile country, you will see the benefits of a thriving population.

    Babies for a stronger future. Have three or four or ten! Yeah!

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