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Posts posted by TonyLeung

  1. Hi,

    I listened there are factory of polo lascoste (original) in Thailand. Could u tell me me where can find it and buy some to the cheapest price?

    Thx :o

    "Polo" (Ralph Lauren) and "Lacoste" are actually different brands, you realise?

    You do realise "Polo" is a style of shirt ie for playing the game of Polo and Ralph Lauren do make them so do many other company's including Lacoste

    I agree with the above poster about the quality of Lacoste - Much prefer Ralph Lauren or Brookes Brothers

    The RL Polo was the very best when they were made in the USA IMO.Now,they are the same as most of 'em that are made in Asia...crapola.Thin crappy cotton etc...

    You get what you pay for.

    Im pretty sure its cheaper in America.

  2. I have noticed that there are many farang in Thailand who believe the following:

    Thai women are more feminine than farang women. They are kinder and make better long term partners.


    Thai men are very bad. They do not treat Thai women fairly. They are selfish and do not make good long term partners.


    Having these two beliefs seems contradicting to me. If Thai men are so bad, and they make up 50% of Thai society, than why are Thai women so good? Aren't Thai women a product of Thai men, and vice versa?

  3. I often wonder if those who are so critical of Thailand, and how they choose to do things, share their obsrervations with Thai neighbours - I suspect that most don't. It seems to me a bit appaling that people can be so ungrateful to a host country. It is probably all smiles and friendly chat in front of a Thai's face but once safely hid behind a computer screen, the disgruntled farang, can tell the world how the Thais are doing it wrong.

    These people are quick to point out how the the west does things the proper way in regards to; education, work ethic,health, police ad nauseum, but isn't it strange how these same people continue to live in Thailand. I suppose some people get some type of satisfaction from looking down on their Thai neighbour and being critical.

    IMO it's mostly therapeutic. The most common 'tell' is combining all western achievements from the Greeks to Motorola and saying 'where would you be without "us" ?' (somehow implying that he/she is related to Socrates or is a telecoms expat, apparently feeling unwanted or unappreciated), the same way some blacks like to try to take credit for their cultural contribution to music, or as silly as Arabs saying that they should be accepted in whatever society because 'you use Arabic numerals in everyday life,' or the Chinese saying 'where would you be without the magnetic compass or gun powder?,' etc. etc. In other words it's therapy for someone who apparently is questioning his/her own self worth but cannot bear to do so on an individual level, and thus tries to do so on a broader 'team' level.

    ...'see? that's why I shouldn't have to leave every 90 days, should be able to own land, and why I don't think you should have your 'brother' sleeping over all the time.'


    You nailed it.

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