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Posts posted by TonyLeung

  1. it maybe nice for the expats and tourist ,not so nice for the thai worker on 4000b amonth. :o

    Yes I do feel sad about those and why there is so many poor people in this world.

    US is spending 800 Billion Dollar on the war in Iraq.

    This money could be better spend helping the poor.

    But it is far away from home, so what can we do?

    This world is sick.

    This sounds like something a really intelligent 5 year old would say.

    What do you have to say other then this?

    If I were to make a list of ways to spot dumb people, blaming a completely unrelated problem on the American government and the War in Iraq would be right at the top.

    Somchai jumped out of a coconut tree and smashed his skull because he saw Ping kissing his cousin, well thats clearly Dick Cheney's fault.

    Villa ran out of imported tomatos? Its probably because of the escalating price of oil, a Saudi-American conspiracy. Think about the tomato surplus that would exist if the USA withdrew from Iraq.

  2. What has US spending on war got to do with the problem of suicide in Thailand?

    As far as I understood, he ment that if the reason, that poor people in Thailand are more prone to commit suicide, because of lack of money, then it would save many lifes to spend the money on these poor thai's, instead of use the money to kill other humans in Iraq.

    With all respect.


    How many other poor countries are there in the world that the United States is morally responsible for?

  3. it maybe nice for the expats and tourist ,not so nice for the thai worker on 4000b amonth. :o

    Yes I do feel sad about those and why there is so many poor people in this world.

    US is spending 800 Billion Dollar on the war in Iraq.

    This money could be better spend helping the poor.

    But it is far away from home, so what can we do?

    This world is sick.

    This sounds like something a really intelligent 5 year old would say.

  4. Where there is a will for a deal amongst the Chinese, there will be a way.

    For sure. However, Chinese usually like to preserve knowledge of the language in their children, and commonly send them to Saturday classes to learn to read and write. It's clearly highly advantageous for business reasons, too.

    By the third generation, I think its very unlikely/unusual for grand children to speak the language of their grand parents. I bet its <1% worldwide.

  5. Comparing wearing a yellow t-shirt on Monday to wearing jetukram necklaces seems pretty silly. I wear the yellow shirt probably 25% of the time because its either dirty or i forget. I don't see it as being any different than stopping in public when the National Anthem comes on at 6:00 PM. Its a symbol of respect for the Thais and their country.

    I don't know why it gets you bent out of shape.

  6. Rang Mahal at Rembrants is the best. If you have surplus in your pockets :o

    Is Rembrant off Sukhumvit? What soi? I forgot.

    Soi 18. I think its about 800 baht after drink, tax and tip.

    I think the food is average, but others seem to dig it.

  7. "So then, if a child is born to two Chinese parents in Thailand do they get Thai citizenship? If so then why not farangs?"

    i can't answer your question, but i can give you a story from a friend. Her father was born in Thailand, as were 5 of his siblings. His parents and 5 different siblings came from China, illegally or semi illegally because they weren't issued papers or citizenship right off the bat. they have had to pay to get citizenship and i think two of his siblings still do not have citizenship. my friend has gone to meetings held at city council and has contacted ngo type organisations to try and get this sorted. i think one of them paid a Thai person for their papers/identity. As a family, they have done well (I guess with 12 people working together it is easy). none of them speak Chinese, only Thai.

    perhaps when an Asian baby was born in a hospital in Thailand in 1960 it might be easy to just write something down for the paperwork and slip someone money. Or maybe they weren't even born in a hospital but in a home (this was the case with my aunt in NY in 1950).

    who knows, but it doesn't take much stretch of the imagination to see this is easier for a Chinese person than a German.

  8. One very important aspect of "paying for it" financially is that it gives the payer a measure of control over the payee. They can be "boss" in the interaction, whether short-term or much longer.

    At the same time, paying financially exempts the person from other emotional/"moral" obligations, and lets the payer feel they're not in danger of emotional manipulation, that is of "paying" in psychological ways.

    This makes sense, but my gut feeling is that those who enter these types of relationships are more likely to do so out of a lack of options.

  9. Jing, check out this post.

    SBK, it may be that you aren't aware of all the reasons behind why the Thai women you know married the foreigners they did, but I would venture to say they didn't end up with men who were financially dependent on them... they probably found the wealthiest guys they could attract.

    Um, no, actually, you are incorrect. One that I know quite well is very well-to-do, University educated and attractive. Her husband's family, while not poor is most likely not nearly as asset wealthy as her family. She could have very easily married someone much wealthier than herself.

    I am pretty sure that she actually loves the guy having known her for 18 years.

    Not everyone approaches relationships in such a cynical fashion. Yes, many do, but be aware that there are always exceptions to every rule and not everyone will fit your idea of what is the norm here.

    Also, as to the idea that women look for wealthy men, well certainly some women do, and of course it exists in the West as well, but is, I think, a dying tradition and one generally looked down upon by women themselves. Of course, someone will always come up with some example to refute this idea but again, it is merely an instance and IMO as a woman, not the norm in the West anymore.

  10. Jing, take a look at this post

    These topics always go this way, it seems.

    In fact, I do know several Thai women with foreign husbands who did NOT marry a foreigner for money. These women have assets of their own and, astoundingly enough, seem to have married these men because they love them. Amazing that can happen, even in Thailand.

    What I find interesting is the entirely male perspective on relationships, as if they are all somehow transactions with the man giving a disproportionate amount of whatever (himself, his money etc). I wonder how many of these guys actually stop to think about what their wife/girlfriend does for them? Or that perhaps we do things for each other in a relationship because we love the other person and like to see them happy?

    Not saying all Thai/Farang relationships are not financial transactions, what I am saying is that most certainly not all of them are. And if you continue to view your relationship for what you can get out of it, or what it offers you then you are bound to attract someone who behaves the same. A sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. You get what you give.

  11. Have you guys considered that you have certain characteristics or qualities that cause the women who aren't interested solely in money to avoid you?

    Tony, your contributions to this topic don't merit a serious response but I'll try to elucidate for you just a little bit in spite of your apparent supercilious attitude.

    Consider the market for potential mates to be analagous to any other competitive market -- the prime assets will generally find their way into the hands of those with greater resources. At the risk of further alienating the female/feminist contingent here on TV I would suggest that a woman's greatest resource when it comes to attracting men is her sex appeal. If you wish to refute that, please give an example of a successful and/or handsome male (i.e. a "good catch") who has chosen an unattractive woman as his mate.

    Conversely, I would suggest that a man's greatest resource for attracting women is the sum total combination of his charm, good looks, and financial werewithal... with finances being the dominant factor. If you wish to refute that please give us an example of a beautiful woman from a non-disadvantaged background who has chosen a poor, boring, unattractive man as her mate.

    My earlier homily about attractive women and wealthy men was obviously an oversimplication as there are other factors at work, such as the woman's degree of affluence, the man's appearance and personal charisma, social status, and the like.

    From a fellow who makes comments implying that he can have all the beautiful women he wants without spending a dime, it sure would be interesting to see a picture of you and your latest conquest along with an accounting of your expenditures to date.

    Of course, every guy is a Valentino when they're hacking away at their keyboard on an internet forum.

    You claimed that women care about money more than anything else. This might be true for the kind of women you date and spend your time with, but it is not true for myself or others who have commented in this thread (which includes female posters). I am sorry if that makes you angry.

  12. I don't know whether to pity or make fun of you sad saps.

    What, you actually care what other people do?

    You sad, sad man.

    You realize that these argument can be applied to any statement that anyone makes on this board, right? People are stating their different opinions and beliefs, I am stating that I think they are sad. So no one should judge anyone else's opinion? But you just judged my stated opinion...

  13. "Afterall, they are no more "THAI" than I am.. "

    What are you talking about? They moved to Thailand as families, became Thai Citizens, and then married each other.

    You came to Thailand by yourself and married a Thai girl? How are you more Thai than someone who

    1. was born in Thailand

    2. has Thai Citizenship

    3. speaks fluent Thai

    My great grandmother who went from Italy to America was never an American, but her kids were. You are not Thai, but your kids will be...

    And if I have to be honest, I think all these posts complaining about Thai Chinese are from guys who are self conscious about their Thai wife's social status, family, education, etc.

  14. I don't know whether to pity or make fun of you sad saps.

    What "sad saps"? Because they are dumb enough to pay Thai lady money or because they are complaining about it? I suppose you are a "real man" & pay 'em nothing.

    Thats it. Keep going until it makes you feel better. Perhaps I can inspire you to make a Stickman Bangkok reader's submission.

  15. Have you guys considered that you have certain characteristics or qualities that cause the women who aren't interested solely in money to avoid you?


    I pay young beautiful women to have sex with me. some actually like me and i still pay them, they need it. I also pay for all my legal software

    i see you buy illegal software but dont pay for sex, guess we all have our vices so how about live and let live tony

    i didn't condemn anyone for paying for sex, just for claiming that all Thai women all prostitutes and demand money for their company.

  16. luumak,

    this might sound crazy and blow your mind so maybe you should down first. Ok, are you sitting down?

    not everyone goes to bars to meet female company.

    Breathe in and out slowly, its going to be Ok.

    many of us have relationships with independent, educated Thai women who can stand on their own two feet.

    Breath in and out slowly, you aren't going to die. The sun will still set tonight and rise tomorrow.

  17. "I have not met ANY woman in Thailand, who was interested in a relationship with me, that did not expect or demand money."

    Perhaps you should take a look in the mirror and try to figure out why this is.

    It seems that ALL the other Farangs I know in Thailand should also look in the mirror, because they are in the same situation. I don't know ANY Farangs of my personal aquaintence who go for free. If you are claiming that you don't give Thai ladies any money & you have a close relationship with them, I would like to know your secret.

    The words you use "who go for free" give me a good idea where you are coming from.

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