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Posts posted by TonyLeung

  1. "Just walk around any city in Europe and tell me how many dressed up girls, who want to look pretty, have you seen. None."

    If I read between the lines here is what I get: I couldn't get girls in my home country, I am bitter about it and now saying idiotic stuff like there are zero attractive women in the entire European continent. In Thailand, the women are poor and have realized what a stud I am.

  2. Why don't you reread what you wrote. You said 13-29 year old women in Thailand take pride in trying to look good and pretty whereas women in Europe try as hard as they can to look ugly.

    So you are telling me there is a big difference in the way 13 year Thai girls dress and the pride they take in their appearence as opposed to 13 year old European girls?

    That is pretty creepy dude.

  3. I've noticed that farang seem to really love these illusions of wild, corrupt, lawlessness. the way the OP writes his story, you can tell that it is fictionalized. its the type of story a drunk tells you in a bar.

    another example is farang who take so much pride in telling you a story about slipping a cop money. they probably could have recieved the same result without a kickback. i think it makes them feel like they are in a movie or something.

  4. I think too many people think there is a clear cut division between Chinese Thais and other Thais. I dont really see any 'model' Thais on T.V Just lots of standard Thai people that don't look too much like Lao or Khymer Thais.

    Can you really be a model in Thailand if not thai-chinese or thai-farang? :o

    You can be a model if the majority of the population finds you attractive. if they dont, then you cant. see if you connect the dots.

  5. I had some well dressed farang come into a low end restaraunt. He was dressed well, dockers etc. Shaved head, looked sharp, much like Mr. Clean.

    I waved, he doged me... acted as if were a low life. Me, dressed in some sandals, shorts and simple shirt.

    A week later I saw Mr. Clean again at a fancy restaraunt... it pleased me when I saw the glimmer of recognition on his face. It must have disurbed him greatly to see me again, at an expensive restaraunt.... and me again, dressed down, complete with my un-matching sandals.

    You should have blown your nose with your tshirt to pysch him out.

  6. But the bottom line is that economically and politically, Thailand is an ethnic Chinese colony. At some point in the future, Thailand will align itself more closely with China than with the United States and the west. This will probably happen when the Yuan is accepted as payment in exchange for oil in the Middle East. The question then become whether the Thai-Farang luuk khreung, like my own kids, will be allowed to stay. I am beginning to accept that I would be asked to leave at that distant point in the future.

    That sounds rather dramatic, but China has had "luk krungs" for centuries without feeling the need to ask them to leave or anything like cleansing them out. No reason to believe it'll be any different here. Mostly because a generation and a half down the road, they pretty much look like everyone else, usually complete with a local last name and flawless accent as well.


    Historically Luuk Kreung have not always fared well in Asia during times of animosity between east and west. Currently there is a fairly positive relationship between China and the US. But when times get tougher and the competition for natural resources gets stiffer then things have the potential to change dramatically for the worse and racism inevitably appears.

    I think the doggy doo doo begins to hit the fan when the dollar is no longer the monopoly currency for oil. The first shoe will drop when the Saudis accept Euros and we have the petroeuro rivaling the petrodollar. The second and really big shoe drops when they begin to accept the Yuan.

    If Saudia Arabia starts to accept the Yuan I would put it at 50/50 that every female leuk krueng in Thailand is rounded up and auctioned off to the highest bidder to work as a maid and sex slave. The male luek krueng will definitely be murdered. The president of the USA will have no choice but to kneel at the feet of the Czar of China kissing his feet and begging him to take 2,000,000 virgin American girls as his personal consorts inexchange for economy aide for the American public whose GPD has fallen below Ethiopia. In 5 years, The US government will then have to concede California to Mexico, now a world super power.

  7. If I may, as the OP, bring this thread back to one my original questions -

    And I'll re-phrase a bit here - does anyone else get the feeling that the MEDIA (newspapers, magazines, TV commercials, Soap Operas, etc, etc..) are 'portraying' Chinese-Thais as the 'model' Thais that everyone should be yearning to be like - or indeed actually become?

    And yes, yes, TV portrays luuk kreung actors as 'models' but that's just cause their 'pretty' and have 'white' skin (IMHO...not because they want Thais to marry Farangs - to be sure they are not encouraging that).

    Hope to see some thoughtful responses on the above question as relates Thai-Chinese in media portrayal. Thanks - TG2

    Can you give us some examples of how commericals portray Thai-Chinese as being model Thais?

    How do you know the guy sipping Nestles coffee with the smoking hot girl friend is Thai-Chinese? Is it because he has white skin?

  8. Yes, it is the typical nonsense you constantly see on Thai Visa. They seem to like these simple generalizations, "The government has always been corrupt". Great what does that have to do with the new anti-immigration and investment legislature passed since the coup? Things look worse now than they did in 2006.


    "Its not like back home where the police are constantly hassling you and you can't step outside your door."

    You had a lot of problems with the police back home?


    Then <deleted> are you talking about?

    "I'm just stringing a bunch of words together, mostly just stuff I over heard from inebriated men around lower Sukhumwit."

  9. I work in a field that requires me to work among physicians.

    I was at a public hospital, and one of the physicians was sporting a beautiful Omega. I have always wanted an Omega, but felt I was not wealthy enough to toss my money at such an item.

    Now truth be known, I have ZERO debt, and very little expenses. My job takes care of Food and Shelter, per diem when I travel etc. My icome is in excess or 200K and that is just base, not includeing bonusses, profit shareing etc.

    This physician that I am speaking about probably brings in 30K to 40K, but yet he was sporting an Omega. So yes, I do see what the OP is talking about. But I do not let it get me down. We all have our issues. (Fat, strange nose, bald, failed marriage, failed mariages, poor spelling, poor math, poor fashion since, fetish for young asian women, etc)

    Next time wait for him to fall asleep, take it off his wrist and replace it with a cheap knockoff.

  10. Ok Lets me close this topic, Thai people like all people in the world (especially girls) love to dress up and look good/pretty. If you think somehow this is only done by Thai's then you must of been living in Thailand way too long.

    This thread is about Thais looking rich, like most threads there will be posters questioning Thai's brains like they seem to think there all the same, its a developing country, not as advanced yet as most of the west. I mean what do you really expect? Does it make you feel better to slag them off as dumber then yourself??

    Another wrong and stupid assumption. I give up.

    I agree with you, Papaya. I believe it is a typical Thai (perhaps even a typical Asian) characteristic that girls love to dress up and look good/pretty. Just walk around any city in Europe and tell me how many dressed up girls, who want to look pretty, have you seen. None.

    While European girls compete on looking as ugly as possible, neglecting their hair and skin and hands and wearing only black jeans and black T-shirts and worn out sneakers, Thai girls take pride in looking good and pretty. Maybe this is the result of feminism gone sour I don't know, but the discrepancy could not be bigger when comparing girls (age 13 to 29) in Europe and in Thailand. Or am I the only one who has noticed this?

    So I cannot agree with TheDon, that "all people in the world (especially girls) love to dress up and look good/pretty".

    But fortunately, Thais do.

    So 13 year old Thai girls are more feminine huh?

  11. Rarely preserved after the 3rd generation. At that point, it's up to these descendants to seek out the culture on their own.

    Descendants may seek out there own ethnic identity, and certainly descendants of Sino-Thai parents may enter into a long term dialectical identity conundrum.

    Im pretty sure those little bastards walking around Siam Square are already mad about having to learn English let alone that loud language their uncle speaks.

  12. Ok, don't laugh (well, laugh if you want to).

    I had a brainstorm about a better way to run a nightlife business in Pattaya. I think it is such a good idea I might put money in it, but I just want to own it and direct it, not work in it, not get a work permit, or give up my retirement visa.

    Is this possible? Legal? The done thing? Or if not, any similar alternatives.

    My concept would be to have a trusted Thai actually run it and carry out my my concept. It would also be ideal if I could attend the business, but not actually work there (meet and greet a bit and watch out). Are there any structures that would facilitate this?

    come one dude, if you are directing, you are working and obviously need a visa.

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