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Posts posted by photojourn

  1. THEY WILL ONLY ACCEPT BLOOD FROM THAI NATIONALS?????????????? No kidding. I can not understand this system.

    If this indeed the case it should be of concern to every foreigner living in CM. Foreign blood for foreigners and Thai blood for Thai?

    I invite the OP to contact me by PM with all the relevant details (hospital name, treating doctor, patients name, etc) or by posting details in this forum so that this matter can be investigated.

    The comments from Jimmym40 regarding the pricing of blood should also be a concern. Is this pricing differential the policy at McCormick?

  2. William Thomas Douglas appeared at a preliminary hearing of the Chiang Main Provincial Court yesterday, July 7 charged with Murder while in an emotional state, possession of a firearm, and carrying a firearm in public.

    Prison life seems to be agreeing with him as he has put on considerable weight while being incarcerated.

    Standby for the "I'm a Vietnam veteran and have PTS"/insanity plea at the upcoming trial ... a total change from the ... "I killed him because I didn't like him" on-camera confession.


  3. I thought the show was reasonable in some ways and disappointing in others. Nothing new being showcased and it was more focused on selling product than showcasing solutions.

    The prices I found to me the same as what can be obtained from Panthip Plazza or the Northern Computer Centre.

    No displays or demonstrations by any software companies ... though the two girls dressed in white cowboy boots and short skirts and waffling enthusiastically about a sewing machine was at least riveting if not informative.

    I was surprised though to see the many trolley loads of stock being wheeled into the place. Seems to be a Thai penchant to take truck loads of stock to events such as this and then transport it all back to where it cam from at the end.

    The local Apple dealer also wasn't represented.

    The presentation was fairly professional and unlike in other countries, admission and parking was free. So at least the price was right. To bad there wasn't a focus on solutions, training, upskilling, etc with some seminars, etc. instead of just focusing on pushing boxes.

  4. If fungus has gotten inside the prisms of the lens the only solution I know of is to have them proffessionally cleaned (when I asked about this it was cheaper to buy new ones). The fungus will eat through the coating on the glass and leave a nasty spot and it will not stop. Lenses are best kept in a dark cool dry place, I also like to put in some moisture absorbing packs, you can find at most good camera shops, or shoe stores. I would have the lenses looked at straight away, they are not going to fix themselves for sure and IMHO only get worse to the point of having to throw them away as camera shops will no longer buy them.

    I agree with the above. Fungus on the internal elements needs to be professionally cleaned immediately or else the multi-coating on the elements will be eaten away by the fungus. Cool and dry is the way to go. While it's cheaper to get the lenses serviced here than in a Western country's service centre the dismantling and reassembly of modern auto-focus lenses with all of their complicated electronics, motors, servos, etc is still a complicated and time consuming task and somehting that few places outside of the manufacturers' service centre have the equipment for.

    I also agree that lenses subject to fungus infestation have no re-sale value at all and rapidly become nothing more than expensive paper-weights.

    Sorry to hear you are having this problem. It's extremely frustrating when this occurs on high quality lenses. :o

  5. I applied for and received my annual retirement extension today at Sriracha, Chonburi. There were no problems and I received friendly and fast service, in and out in about 10 minutes.

    I was asked, as were others there, to complete and sign a questionaire/survey about that immigration office. It required a grading from 'very good' to 'poor' on about 8 aspects of staff service. I had no hesitation in giving 'very good' for each. The officer at reception by the front door read each questionaire as it was returned to him.

    If I was not satisfied with the service, I would have been very reluctant to express such an opinion on the survey. What do you think?

    I can't for a moment understand why you would form your conclusion. Do you think you'll be transported off to some remote gulag, held in chains and subjected to electric shock therapy if your experience at the office was less than satisfactory?

    Or would you rather have a bad experience, have no one to provide feedback to and then post rants and ravings about "the Thai system" on this forum?

    The fact that Thai Immigration in Chonburi is taking a proactive approach to their level of customer service should be applauded, rather than subject to cynicism and comments such as you've posted here.

    The fact that someone is bothering to read your responses – rather than just adding them to an ever increasing pile – should also be welcomed and seen as a desire by immigration to want to improve their standard of service.

    Would you have the same view if you were asked to complete a similar survey in your home country?

    On my latest visa run to Laos there were students attempting to conduct surveys of people as they waited to pass through Laos border control to return to Thailand. Not a single westerner would help these students by spending the five minutes it took to complete the survey.

    So many foreigners like to criticize, but when given the opportunity to provide feedback shun the opportunity and slink back to their rooms to rapidly fire up their computers and post scathing comments on TV instead.

    Your comments leave me totally bewildered. :o

  6. Hmm, interesting.

    Newbee, do you suggest that the amount of money you receive on one day is dependent on that particular month? that would mean that for example if i am sick for 3 days in June it will cost me more than if i am sick 3 days in august?

    Yes that would be correct. Your salary is paid on a monthly basis. Therefore calculate the number of working days in the month and divide your salary by that figure. If working 5-days-a-week in June then your maximum working days will be 21. Divide 30,000 by 21 = Bt1,428.57 per day. In July it would be Bt1,304.35 per day (23 work days).

    But as someone else pointed out, if the person left part way through the pay period - especially if the person left without providing any notice - the employer would be within their rights to withhold that payment.

  7. Saw some being sold on the side of the road in the park at the top of Huey-Kaew road a couple of weeks ago. It was just before a sign proclaiming the "Huey-Kaew Fitness Park". On the opposite side of the road is a sign proclaiming "Products from the Royally Initiated Project and Support Foundation: Sales Building".

    Just head up Huey-Kaew road away from the canal and you should find it.

  8. Half informed comment.

    Indonesia is NOT a Muslim country. It might have the largest Mulsim population in the world but it is not, such as Malaysia, a Muslim country. In Malaysia there are separate Muslim banks that do not pay interest.

    Having lived in Indonesia for a considerable number of years and run businesses there, I find comments that the banking system are about to collapse are alarmist and unfounded.

    However, wherever someone offfers a return on investment that appears to good to be true, it usually is. The OP should be cautious. The mere fact that a relative offered this "super rate" should have no bearing on the situation.

    Indoneisa though does have clearly defined rules for moving money into and out of the country.


    Danger Will Robinson.

    High interest equals high risk. Add to that Indonesia is a Muslim country. In the strict interpretation of the Koran charging interest is against their beliefs. You run a significant risk of loosing the lot.

  9. My client requires a Thai national (male or female) who can speak, read and write English to a reasonably good standard.

    He or she must be computer literate and have some writing experience.

    The must have the ability to manage an office and will also perform routine filing and provide general office assistance.

    A car is essential and we will pay for fuel for the vehicle.

    This is a full time position based in Pattaya at Paradise Villas II commencing later this month.

    Normal working day will be from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm with a one hour lunch period. Some flexibility may be required in working hours to suit the demands of the business.

    There will be no work on Saturday or Friday afternoons. Sunday afternoon will be a half day.

    Salary is based on a 40-hour week.

    Private on-site accommodation will be provided to the successful applicant.

    Please send a brief covering letter (email), photo (if available), resumé, samples of writing and expected salary in English. The salary will include using the vehicle during working hours.

    Application by PM

    Not the change of job specifications from the earlier post for "Writers". The early post n o longer exists.


  10. A client of mine is looking for one or two Thai nationals who can speak, read and write English to a reasonably good standard.

    They must be familiar with internet search engines, internet researching and have some writing experience in either a newspaper or copy writing role.

    The must have the ability to manage an office and will also perform routine filing and provide general assistance.

    They must be able to drive a car. Must have initiative.

    This is a full time position based in Pattaya commencing later this month writing for internet websites as well providing general office assistance.

    The job will be based in central Pattaya at Paradise Villas II.

    Normal working day will be from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm with a one hour lunch period. Some flexibility may be required in working hours to suit the demands of the business.

    There will be no work on Saturday or Friday afternoons. Sunday afternoon will be a half day.

    Salary is based on a 40-hour week.

    Private on-site accommodation will be provided to the succesful applicant(s).

    Do not apply if not prepared to relocate to, or live in Pattaya.

    Please send a brief covering letter (email), resumé, samples of writing and expected salary by PM and in English

  11. Thanks P1P. I, and I think many other people, would be interested in the attitude of the BIB when you went to make your report. It fills in the blanks. I wonder if they would react the same way if a Thai was trying to lodge a report about being assaulted by another Thai.

    Pretty unrealistic to expect you to take the owner and staff en-masse to the police station. How did they suggest you accomplish this feat ... at gun point perhaps? :o:D

  12. I prepared a detailed posting on the experience I had working for a foreign owned company in Chiang Mai and the way that company was engaged in dodgy work and business practices and the poor manner in which it treated both foreign and Thai staff and the lies it told and the same moderator who starts a thread because he couldn't adequately buy a tyre removed that. Not only that, but the post from the same moderator makes accusations of a criminal act having been committed against him and despite claiming he was going to file a police report has posted no follow-up more than a month later. One rule for moderators and another for everyone else.

    A detailed followup was posted and then removed when the thread was cleaned up prior to being pinned.

    That's a pitty then because I think it leaves the whole matter open as to what transpired next. Did you file a police report? What action was taken by the police? Are there charges pending?, An investigation, etc.

    In addition to problems encountered in buying a tyre I think there would be considerable interest in how you were received by the BIB - who are a business in their own right, or so it is alleged.

  13. I prepared a detailed posting on the experience I had working for a foreign owned company in Chiang Mai and the way that company was engaged in dodgy work and business practices and the poor manner in which it treated both foreign and Thai staff and the lies it told and the same moderator who starts a thread because he couldn't adequately buy a tyre removed that. Not only that, but the post from the same moderator makes accusations of a criminal act having been committed against him and despite claiming he was going to file a police report has posted no follow-up more than a month later. One rule for moderators and another for everyone else.

  14. Thanks el jefe.

    My point exactly. To much hysteria and not a lot of rationality. I would be extremely surprised if a laboratory specializing in this type of test made such a blunder. My tetanus is up to date so all is good in this instance.

    I posted this so other people in CM who might find themselves in a similar situation would know where to take the animal for testing before rushing out and having their body pumped full of antigens unnecessarily.

    It took a little bit of effort to locate this facility ... as with many Thai government websites the Veterinarian Bureau of Animal Hygiene, Chiang Mai had useless contact information on its website.

  15. I'm a highly experienced journalist with extensive experience in copy writing, editing and layout.

    I have worked extensively throughout Asia and have in-depth experience at training and mentoring non-native English speakers in writing and journalism. I also have extensive public relations, marketing and corporate communications experience in a wide range of industry sectors.

    I'm available for either ongoing full time, or casual per day/contract work editing brochures, newsletters, menus, corporate documents, webpage content, etc.

    I'm proficient in a wide range of software applications including:


    Adobe CS3 Photoshop

    Adobe CS3 InDesign

    Full resumé supplied on request to serious inquiries.

  16. Well the Thai government service is better than expected.

    Results back today - about 12-hours after dropping the dead cat off at the office and the results were negative.

    No point in filling your body with vaccines if not necessary is the maxim - especially seeing Thailand don't use the vaccine regime recommended by the CDC either.

    Acknowledging the service from the institute is the other.

    If anyone needs them their telephone number is: 053.892.515 - just take them the dead animal.

  17. Just to keep this topic alive and because it's relevant I was contacted by an advertiser recently who was looking for someone with excellent English language writing and internet research skills. However when contacted his budget was Bt8,000-10,000 per month for a 40-hour week "or else I'll fail."

    Seems like a project destined to failure then. Thai nationals with moderate to good English writing skills get around BT15,000 -20,000 month, yet this fellow wants native English speaking writers for half of this.

    Seems someone got on the plane without doing their research properly. I don't know why anyone would bother leaving their home country to spend 40-hours a week working for Bt 62.50 (less than US$1.90) per hour using their own equipment.

  18. The local neighbourhood cats abandoned a weak and distressed kitten in my front yard. After cleaning it up and attempting to get it to eat, the animal died, however not before throwing a fit and repaying my kindness with a bite to the thumb.

    I remembered reading an article in City Life where the head of veterinary hygiene suggested lopping the heads off dogs that bite people and forwarding the head for analysis for rabies. No mention of cats (or bats, rats, etc. for that matter in the article)

    After more than a little effort I managed to locate a service in Chiang Mai that will analyse dead animals that may have bitten you for rabies ... for free.

    The facility is located near the top of Huey-Kaew road in a compound on the right side of the road heading away from the canal and directly opposite a sign proclaiming the Huey-Kaew Fitness Park.

    Immediately before the entrance on the same side of the road as the entrance is a sign proclaiming Products from the Royally Initiated Project and Support Foundation: Sales Building.

    Enter the compound and follow the road around to the left to a two story red and white building.

    Testing takes about six days, well inside the safety period for commencing the rabies shots if the dead animal should test positive, and as mentioned is free.

    The facility prefers you to pack the dead animal, or its head, in ice prior to transportation.

    If there's no need to take the vaccine then why do it?

  19. Replacing the screen on a PowerBook is not an easy task. I replaced the screen on my 17-inch PowerBook. The screen cam from ifixit.com in the US. They advised against just replacing the screen and classified as an extremely difficult job. They were right. Took more than three hours to disassemble and assemble. Lots and lots of hidden clips.

  20. I now live in Chiang Mai and previous to that have visited for the past 20 years.

    I can describe the social scene situation here in one word: LESS.

    Chiang Mai used to have a wonderful night social scene, unlike Bangkok and Phuket, it was more personal and relaxed, a party and an adventure each night. Many great hang outs and bars, multiple western style nice but inexpensive restaurants, beautiful girls working in the massage parlours, great discos, more snooker clubs, restaurants with great free entertainments (dancers, comedians, singers), the bars were fun and great atmosphere, stage shows most of it uninhibited.

    These days what is left of the Chiang Mai social scene is just remnants of how it was originally. The Spotlight that used to be THE PLACE to go, now normally has 2 girls dressed very prim and proper with sad faces sitting outside and is certainly in need of a lick of paint, the sad overpriced small dirty open bars in the Loh Kroh road with lots of plain looking girls touting for customers to buy them drinks, the gorgeous looking girl standing outside a massage parlour and once inside her grandmother takes over, only a choice of a very few half decent restaurants now left in the town, but expensive, the night bazaar has become overpriced and boring.

    In the last 5 years there has been practically nothing new on the social scene in Chiang Mai, especially nightlife with the big girl dress code cover-up in the bars, no shows, earlier closing.

    I believe that the object of the big close down of what the hierarchies call the undesirable establishments was to attract a more up market clientele, probably focusing on elderly American couples who it was hoped would spend more money such as on joining golf clubs, staying at expensive hotels, touring, dining at exclusive restaurants, buying prestige cards & investment properties and who retire to bed at 9.00pm. Of course this hasn't happened and unless something is done within the next couple of years to revitalise the social scene (which includes more facilities and fun for children, wildlife without cruelty attractions & theme parks) plus improved nightlife in Chiang Mai, this city will cease to be no longer a tourist attraction, as the discontinuing of flights into Chiang Mai by certain airline companies shows that the decline in tourism to Chiang Mai has already begun.

    Sounds very, very accurate to me. Actually it's probably still a bit too complimentary. As a DJ who has played in spome very big clubs, in different size cities around the world, Chiang Mai is pretty down the list when it comes to good music, good mixing, first-class clubs and facilities, latest music.

    Even the leading Thailand DJs won't come to Chiang Ma. A fairly sad indictment for Thailand's second largest city.

  21. It's a bit sad really. It could be a nice small club. But the owners/management just think you can through some big screen TVs in, a few speakers and a bench for the DJ and you have a club. The obligation to down a shot of cheap Tequila at the door for the Bt100 entrance fee is a bid no-class as well.

    Without any added value, I don't know how the owners think that justifies high drink prices - or will even attract punters. In short. Nice venue, reasonable Deejays, reasonable location, bad management.

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