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Posts posted by photojourn

  1. You can get the Garmin Nuvi at gps4you.net in bangers for 9,900Bt

    I just saw that model, same price, in the TV Classifieds. Said it was available on the 3rd floor Pantip in Chiangmai.

    GPS Nuvi 200

    Thanks for that. Very helpful. Price might have come down because of the new Nuvi 205.

    Still about double of $US 140 that they can be got for in the US though :o

    I think the client will probably end up sending one.

    Thanks again for all the information everyone

  2. I've been contracted to perform some work for a website that requires GPS coordinates for a number of locations around Chiang Mai.

    I've seen the Garmin Nuvi 200 for sale at Panthip Plazza but seem to recall it had a price of around Bt14,000. This is extremely expensive compared to the selling price of the same unti in the US or Australia.

    The client has said they will either send the money for the unit or send a unit if the price here is over the top.

    I've already explained to them the CIS nature of imports.

    All they require is Long. & Lat. coordinates. Does anyone know of anything else being sold in Chiang Mai and where. Maps are not necessary. Just the ability to provide accurate coordinates.


  3. From what I've researched over the last week for a major tourism industry news site that emails weekly newsletters to the travel industry things are not looking good here in Thailand.

    On top of that TATs governor believes the Oct 7 chaos in Bangkok will "not significantly affect tourism" in Thailand.

    if anyone is interested in reading the full articles they are posted on my newsblog. The newest article is listed first.

    If anyone has any good news I'd be happy to hear it. PM or email me.

    Thailand tourism chief believes deadly clashes will not significantly affect tourism

    Thailand tourism in crisis as protesters die in ‘bloody Bangkok’

  4. Another Ozzie fleeing the Ruddism engulfing Australia before he sell the country to his Chinese speaking brothers.


    I'm in Changklan road as well.

    Look forwarding to bumping in to you somewhere.

    You'll need to do the visa run to Mai Sai every 60 or 90-day (depends if you opt for the high priced monthly extension from immigration or not).

    I just did the run last week. The Green Bus company service is great. Chiang Mai to Mai Sai by air con bus Bt241. It gets there at about 2pm. Jump a Bt15 Song-taew to the immigration check point. $US10 to cross in to Burma. One hour wandering around the markets (honestly it's long enough) to get some good priced alcohol.

    Grab a Song-taew back to to the bus station for the same price. Jump a local non-aircon bus (lots of roof fans though) back to Chiang Rai for Bt39 and then on to the 5.45pm aircon Green bus back to Chiang Mai for Bt191.



  5. As other people have said, your Non-immigrant B is not tied to a work permit or an employer. It is valid for the 90-days of issue. Getting a visa canceled requires an action by the Minister of Immigration and in Thailand that is something that is not likely to happen quickly, if at all.

    Sounds like your former employer is saber rattling.

    Likely they didn't pay taxes on your income either - because you didn't have a WP so there was no mechanism for them to do so.

    Just ignore them. When the 90-days expires do a visa run and come back on a different visa - unless you find a new employer in the meantime.

  6. Clearly I'm out of kilter with the majority of opinions being expressed in this thread, but...

    I don't consider a group of unarmed police using tear gas to disperse an unruly mob who were blocking elected members of Parliament from reaching their debating chamber an 'act of violence' as described by previous contributors, critical of Somchai.

    One Aussie said Somchai's behaviour would never occur in Australia... neither would PAD's... The police would quickly and forcibly move a bunch of protestors on if they surround Parliament, erected barricades and prevented the government from going about its business. They'd use water canons, police with riot shields and batons and - as a last resort - tear gas, I'm sure. They'd also arrest the protestors, bundle them into buses and cart them off for processing. We saw them prepared to do this in Sydney during Apec last year.

    The police should have acted in Bangkok sooner. Surely there is security around Parliament 24-seven, so why did no-one raise the alert and prevent the barricades being erected in the first place.

    PPP is no white knight, but PAD is doing immeasurable damage to Thailand's economy by its lawlessness, illegal occupations and trespassing (airports, included). There are 800 international journalists and travel agents in Bangkok this week, all flown there by TAT and THAI - part of a Herculian effort to restore flagging tourism numbers to the country. No doubt they all turned on their hotel TVs this morning to scenes of anarchy and a strong - but justified - response by the police to restore law and order...

    About time there was some balance. All these arm chair pundits giving their opinion sledging the Government for finally doing something that would have happened long ago in their own country.

    What other country would allow a rabble to take over its Government House, close its airports and damage its economy in such a manner?

    A long overdue stance by the ELECTED Government.

  7. There's not interest at all from club owners in Chiang Mai in having farang DJ play - even a person of my experience and level. The OP is totally wasting his/her time IMHO.

    Though apparently Warm Up will let foreign DJs play for free in a small room on a Friday night - or so I've been told.

    Lucky the term vinyl was used. If someone had used the term "wax" or "platters" then Blinky would have been really confused.

    <<Vinyl = RECORDS, people used to use these to hear music.>> Ummm, yes, and now it's the die hards who think you can tell the difference between wax and CDs at 200db in a club with club quality speakers. :o

  8. How did they establish that or did they just ask??

    smell your breath i guess.

    That. As well as the glassy-eyed stares, disheveled appearances of drivers/riders and the difficulty some had in negotiating the bright orange, reflto taped safety cones is probably a good indication.

    Though for one hapless tourist who was speeding home for a night of passion with a newly found friend, the fact that he had trouble negotiating the cones and failed to put any feet on the ground when he stopped his motorbike, resulting in rider, passenger and bike falling on top of several BIB, was also a pretty good indication I think - last seen being escorted into the back of the big black truck with some shiny new bracelets while his companion staggered back up the road after telling him "don't worry, I'll go back and tell everyone at Spicy." :o

  9. there were about twenty or more police stationed on the north-west corner of the moat last night around 11pm to catch people coming around from sripom and heading towards huay kaew. i didn't get pulled as i was wearing my lid and hadn't really been drinking, but it still puts the jeebies up you seeing so many in one place and not giving people the drive-through free pass that they used to.

    so is this part of a general crackdown on drinkdriving or is it an end-of-month revenue generation exercise?

    At night time they're not worried about your helmet.

    But I'm curious to know what makes you think you should be entitled to a drive-through free pass? :o

    On the same basis that some TV members feel there should be a special immigration desk at the airports for expats and retirees? :D:D

  10. Drinking and driving is now probably more unacceptable than selling some certain so-called soft or recreational drugs in many countries and in Thailand a similar stance appears to be being taken.

    At 3am Saturday morning (26/9/08) the Chiang Mai BIB were out in force along with one of the local rescue mobs with a well set up RBT station set up in front of Tapae Gate. Anyone who had been drinking was told to puff in the machine and those over the limit were processed on the stop before being loaded into thee big brawler van that I've often seen on the streets at night but never new its purpose.

    Foreigners and Thais were all treated equally. Pay up Bt10,000 deposit to ensure your appearance at court the next day or spend the night in the cells - though I must admit I'm not sure thee courts operate on a Saturday.

    Before the cynics jump in and suggest some "tea money" might have helped defuse the situation I'll add I spent a reasonable amount of time watching the proceedings and no one who blew over the limit (whatever that is) was able to walk away.

    Equally so no one had the necessary amount of cash to avoid being handcuffed and placed in the truck either.

    By the end of the mornings operation there was a few luxury cars among the many motorbikes parked from those who had been nabbed.

    Like the Australian TV ads say. Drink, drive, bloody idiot. Either that or make sure you have plenty of cash as passports and other documents are not accepted as security for ensuring your appearance at court.

    I believe the fine is in the order of Bt3,000 but don't know if it depends on the reading or if licence cancellation is also part of the penalty. Perhaps someone else knows more on this score.

    Oh, for those who think they can just drive through the check-point - don't try it. The BIB were very quick at putting safety cones in the way of those who tried.





  11. A friend of mine did a course organised by Napaporn Travel. They are a small one person travel agency run by a woman with excellent English. Opposite a couple of tattoo parlors. 52 Kamphangdin Rd - the same road that the Imperial Mae Ping is on. Tel; 053-208-195. Email napaporn_travel @yahoo.com. Apparently she doesn't skim big commissions and does excellent follow-up of client satisfaction.

    They said they got to choose what dishes they learnt as well.


  12. Reads like a troll to me. Either that or the OP was incorrectly released from whatever institute he or she had previously been committed to. I can't believe that anyone with even a modicum of intelligence and who has lived here for any period of time would even contemplate such a stunt - unless they were hoping to receive front page exposure after their folly bites them on the bum.

  13. This except from Tavel Mole, the largest online community for the travel and tourism industry.

    Hotel occupancy has fallen by 40 percent, according to the Thai Hotels Association. International arrivals are down 30 percent from this time last year, said the Association of Thai Travel Agents.

    Thai Airways is flying with 20 percent fewer passengers than the same period last year, company officials said. The Mandarin Oriental Bangkok, the city's most famous hotel, has vacancy rates around 50 percent, the manager told reporters.

    A&F Tour, a travel agency in Bangkok, has had three groups cancel their trips for November, costing the company nearly $12,000.

    The Tourism Authority of Thailand fears the number of tourists this year will fall nearly 8 percent to 14 million.

    Full story here: Thailands politcal crisis keeps tourists away :o

  14. There's an article and poll on Thailand Travel Online that says tourists are already canceling their travel plans because of the current political situation (http://www.thailand-travelonline.com/thailand-forum/index.php?topic=36.0)

    In part is says: "Thailand may fail to meet its target of 15.7 million foreign tourist arrivals this year after several foreign governments issued travel alerts advising their citizens to postpone travel to the country unless necessary as political turmoil in the capital increases.

    The analysis is contained in the latest newsletter from Travel Mole, the travel industry's largest online community for the travel and tourism industry.

    In it's latest briefing document it says airlines and hotels have already reported cancellations following the state of emergency imposed by Thailand' Prime Minister following clashes between pro- and anti-government rivals that left one dead and dozens injured."

    According to Thailand Travel Online, "Apichart Sankary, President of the Association of Thai Travel Agents said 'The global economy has already delayed travel decisions. If the situation can't be resolved by the middle of this month, we will lose a lot of tourists.'"

    Anyone else read this?

    Anyone already feeling the effects?

  15. Just a few questions to try to dampen idle speculation and outrage. How many of those who have posted know either of the parties involved or the background which might have led up to the tragic killing? Was anyone who has posted a comment at the trial? Has anyone who has posted read all of the evidence? Has anyone who has posted here read up on Thai law? Does any one who posted have any knowledge of the ability or background of the sitting justice? Are comments based upon loosely reported accounts in newspapers? There are more questions, but that, I hope, will do.

    I was at the trial and filed the only accurate report on the proceedings. Many of your questions are answered in the trial report.

    My articles can be read at http://photojourn.wordpress.com

  16. A friend of mine in Pitsanoluk told me that someone had recently tried to recruit her into the Network 21 family.

    A few quick checks show that Network 21 is affiliated and heavily involved with Amway.

    A few checks show that their have been various complaints lodged about the practices of Network21 in the UK and Australia.





    My friend was told they needed to pay a Bt150 fee for the initial meeting and then Bt2,000 two weeks later for training from a farang.

    Does anyone know anything about their operation/network in Thailand?

    Has anyone had any dealings with them?


  17. I'm a highly experienced journalist with extensive experience in copy writing, editing and layout.

    I have worked extensively throughout Asia and have in-depth experience at training and mentoring non-native English speakers in writing and journalism.

    I have held editor, news editor, copy editor, bureau chief, and COS roles.

    I am experienced in all aspects of news reporting - photography, videography, desktop video editing, radio, photo manipulation, writing, and editing.

    I also have extensive public relations, marketing and corporate communications experience in Australia and Asia and in particular have experience at formulating and implementing above and below the line communications strategies, designing and producing a wide range of printed material, as well as in crisis and issues management for blue-chip companies in the high-technology, communications, manufacturing, hospitality and chemical manufacturing industries in Australia and Asia.

    I've designed and produced annual reports for companies, newsletters for corporate and government departments, course guides for universities and style guides for journalists and editors.

    I'm currently marketing director for a multi-facetted internet marketing and website development company responsible for international marketing of the company's services.

    These include custom website development for overseas companies; a travel tourism site; an inbound travel destination booking site; a Thai product export sales site; and an inbound tourist five-star hotel booking site.

    My work with this company has entailed redesigning of some web sites, restructuring forums, and the implementation of SEO and social networking strategies designed to improve keyword searching and search engine page rank.

    I'm proficient in a wide range of software applications including:


    Adobe CS3 Photoshop

    Adobe CS3 InDesign


  18. This thread has turned into a forum for rednecks, racists, and bigots who are ready to slander and defame whole races and nationalities of people based on the actions of a few.

    There isn't a single race of people or nation that could be excluded from similar comments being made about them if history was examined.

    The way that different races or nationalities apply their laws and the degree to which laws, cultural traditions, and practices are moderated is called social evolution and educated and intelligent people will acknowledge that some races and/or nationalities have not evolved to the same level as others.

    The same intelligent and educated people will also acknowledge that in all societies there are segments of people who take a longer period of time to abandon cultural traditions and practices.

    Well time the thread was closed given the number of :o comments being posted.

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