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Posts posted by photojourn

  1. Take a screen shot of the site and download a copy of the site in it's entirety.

    Submit them a Digital Millennium Copyright act notice by email.

    Submit a report to Google, Yahoo and MSN. This will result in their website not appearing in searches.

    Find out who their host is and send them a copy of the DMC notice. If it is CAT then they will probably comply and remove the site.

    Copyright breach actually carries very heavy penalties in Thailand.

  2. Anyone been to Soda in Ekkamai yet?

    Bt360 on Wednesday night for unlimited shots, whisky and beer.

    Might check it out tomorrow night for drink, drank, drunk birthday party.

  3. It's like the two bulls in the paddock looking at a herd of cows . The old bull is The Bangkok Post and the young bull is The Nation. The young bull wants to rush in but the older one knows casually sauntering over will get them the whole herd.

    The Nation tend to be first but copy editing on The Nation is of such a poor level I wonder at times if they do actually employ any native English-speaking copy editors or just a bunch of would-be's and failed English language teachers. Oh, wait, must be those Ivy League graduates who think because they have a degree and were born in an English speaking country they know how to write and edit news.

    The Bangkok Post is much more polished and they also have some dam_n good columnists but they are considerably slower at getting it online. The Nation is also street ahead on their use of Twitter.

  4. That was the "universal player birthday party" night wasn't it? Held by the model who boasted 300+ celebrities would turn up that night (to attract regular customers?). As far as I knew Ibiza closed down a couple of months ago so surprised it opened up for a one-off.

    That's the one! Though the figure was more like 200 wanna-be's and the great man couldn't be found to come to the stage at least three different times throughout the night when he was called on by different on-stage artists. Attracted the usual group of hangers-on and plastic people whose whose photo's on Facebook and the like seem to be only taken in clubs that offer "ladies enter and drink free" or "Bangkok models nights".

    Music went from electro to funky to tribal to house back to funky to tribal and then I left just as they were playing the remix of Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the wall :D:D

    They followed it up with a pool party at Dream Hotel the next day and a third party on Saturday night at Narzclub which they sent text messages out to people at 1.30am letting them know it was running through until 5.00am. A sure indication the night was a bomb when you try to get people in the door at 1.30 in the morning.

    After the bomb that was Club Ibiza I passed on the other two. Perhaps the drink "theft" by the Club Ibiza staff was how they covered the free open bar.

    Intercontinental Hotel are currently desperately trying to distance themself from Club Ibiza and I've had several phone calls from them :D reinforcing the fact that the club has nothing to do with the hotel. Hopefully the hotel will decide they don't need the hassels and take it over and run it to the normal Intercontinental standard - it'll probably be boring but good quality and boring.

    Bkkjames, Girlx and Jcon are spot on. Bangkok clubbing isn't dire, it's appalling and very, very third-rate when compared to Beijing, Shanghai, Jakarta or even Saigon. in fact there's better cllubs in Lombok, Jogjakarta and Bandung in Indonesia than Bangkok with much nicer people who go to dance rather than to be seen, better lighting and sound systems and better music too. Oh, and the drinks are more sensibly priced too.

    Greta report Jcon.

    There MUST be somewhere that's still worthwhile going to and doesn't pump out trashy commercial house or hip hop and rip everyone blind on every drink??? Someone? Anyone?

    Otherwise the whisky on the street and an MP3 player sounds like the go :o

  5. I was at Club Ibiza at the Intercontinental Hotel on Friday night and sadly the club resembles nothing like any Ibiza club I've been in while the service staff come no-where near the standards of the Intercontinental.

    Great staff training means any drinks left on a table while you dance, go to the restroom or leave your table unattended for any other reason for more than 60-seconds are cleared away by waitstaff.

    After having two rounds of drinks disappear in this fashion - the first three full glasses and the second time two full glasses - I left.

    Waiting for a response from the Intercontinental even though the club is privately contracted from them it is still on their premises and reflects on their service standards.

    Anyone else going to this club be warned. Perhaps plastic bottles with lanyards that you can dangle around the neck are the answer.

    Won't be back in that club again.

  6. The Canon Pixma MP 145 is priced well and has good quality scanning and printing. The Canon Pixma MP530 with five colour cartridges and a separate print head had even high quality scanning and few other options making it in my opinion one of the best all-in-ones released but Canon in their infinite wisdom dropped it from the product range last year.

  7. To get an extension of stay she has to have an incoem of 50,000. (If she is a western national, as it differs per nationality).

    So her choices are either to pay the taxes on an income of 50,000 even though she's only getting paid 25,000 to get her 1-year extension of stay or do a visa run every 3 months and get a new visa every year. The choice is hers, however there may be other circumstances we don't know that might mean she can't get a 1-year extension of stay such as too many foreigners employed already for the amount of Thai staff or not enough paid up capital.

    It's an NGO so paid up capital probably doesn't come into it and I guess an NGO would have plenty of local staff. The tax I also imagine would then be subject to refund at the end of the year as she would have paid well in excess of the requirements for a Bt25,000/month salary.

    A border run every three months starts to get expensive though. If she did that would she still qualify for a WP though?

  8. Send in that mighty Cambodian Juggernaut army - arriving in Toyota pick up trucks. That will put the fear of God into them.

    This headline is inflammatory and dumb. I get a TV Breaking News flash in the email, and immediately check the BKK Post and Nation websites, expecting to see some update on the situation. Instead, what do I find? Nothing, because is a non story.

    Thanks Pierrot....Next time, just shout "Wolf Wolf Wolf" like you're supposed to.

    People in pick-up trucks have done a pretty good job at showing how ineffective the US military machine is in Iran and Afghanistan for the last few years so I wouldn't be making judgments based on the mode of transport the Cambodians might use. That of course comes after a rag-tag group of people in pyjamas and flip-flops chased the same military machine out of Vietnam. :o

    EXCELLENT OBSERVATION! The world's greatest military machine I might add.

    :D :D :D

    Nothing so great about Vietnam, Somalia, Iran or Afghanistan. Unless for the latter you mean allowing the greatest amount of opium to be grown and cultivated in the last 20-years to fund bearded warriors in pick-up trucks. And the toll of dead and wounded since "mission accomplished" was displayed is?

    Perhaps greatest as in the greatest amount of military equipment to be abandoned (evacuation of Saigon) since the Germans lost Stalingrad?


  9. Send in that mighty Cambodian Juggernaut army - arriving in Toyota pick up trucks. That will put the fear of God into them.

    This headline is inflammatory and dumb. I get a TV Breaking News flash in the email, and immediately check the BKK Post and Nation websites, expecting to see some update on the situation. Instead, what do I find? Nothing, because is a non story.

    Thanks Pierrot....Next time, just shout "Wolf Wolf Wolf" like you're supposed to.

    People in pick-up trucks have done a pretty good job at showing how ineffective the US military machine is in Iran and Afghanistan for the last few years so I wouldn't be making judgments based on the mode of transport the Cambodians might use. That of course comes after a rag-tag group of people in pyjamas and flip-flops chased the same military machine out of Vietnam. :o

  10. Thailand must be in a worse economic situation than thought. Either that or the Government is more worried about the red-shirts than they say. Seems incredulous that this is happening one day before the big red shirt rally.

    Nothing like the threat of a war to take people's mind of domestic problems and build unity.

    Ummmm, then again, didn't we see that happen not long ago? Pardon my cynicism.

    As pointed out, Cambodia will not back-down because everything says they have ownership of the temple. Time they taught Thailand a lesson about trespassing.

  11. A friend of mine has just been offered a part-time job with an NGO in Bangkok. However, the offer states:

    1. You must to come our office for 20 hours per week

    2. For the process to ask for visa type ‘B’ and work permit, we will process for you but it’s your responsibility for fees

    3. We don’t cover for insurance and welfare

    4. Salary is not exceed 25,000 baht per month

    From reading the thread she will need to pay Bt5,000 for the WP and extension to stay. Is that correct?

    She currently is here on a dbl tourist visa and has only used one entry. I understand that her visa type can be changed to a non B provided she has 21-days remaining on her current visa and of course submits the required document for the change of status.

    This is only a part-time position so will she have to pay tax on the nominal sum of Bt50,000 per month even though she is only being paid Bt25,000?


  12. I was just reading this in my news clips. Absolutely fantastic story and great example of thinking outside the box.

    Next time an Irishman threatens to jump off a building holding a baby they should call this guy and he can turn up wearing his Guinness or Irish Whisky bottle costume. :o

    Seriously though, top points for initiative.

  13. So now we know....Thomson Reuters reads Thaivisa.com.


    They probably monitor Twitter too. Then again, it was the head of Reuters who twittered the economic summit live and scooped his own agency a couple of months ago.

    The information from satiariyan is interesting though and one way around a problem such as no WP from an employer but it does set up a contractual obligation between the company the work is being done for and the company providing the "consultant". I can see that working in some instances but not in this one where a senior position would effectively be controlled by a contractor who would then not be covered by the normal employment conditions of the company he or she was performing the work for.

    Soutpeel is perfectly correct. There is nothing wrong in the requirement of the Thai government for people to need WPs. Every country has conditions such as this. Would be nicer if the local requirements were easier for employers to meet though and the process less of a pain.

    From memory - and it's been a long time since I had to worry about this - Australia requires an employer to advertise the position nationally and locally - for a month I seem to recall. If no suitable applicants with the skills can be found locally the company can then search outside Australia. There is also scope under the 457 visa scheme but that has been subject to abuse in recent years.

    The information provided has been interesting. Thanks to everyone who responded either here or by PM.

  14. First, ignore all the cr_p posted here by those with twisted imaginations.

    I've never seen the highway police worry about foreigners traveling to the border. At worst they just want to see you have a passport.

    At Mae Sai you will be charged Bt500 for the one day overstay. They'll put a few stamps in your passport indicating that you have overstayed and paid the fine. You'll sign a document acknowledging you have broken Thai law and been fined Bt500 and then they'll give you a receipt and you cross the border and can come back again 10 minutes later if you wish.

    I've been up and down that route dozens of times and only ever had my passport glanced at - not opened - while on a bus.

    Don't sweat it.

  15. The post was really inquiring who else would be legally entitled to work in Thailand without the company needing to obtain a work permit and that pretty well has been answered – no one except Thais. I had thought I was missing something so thanks to those who made that clear.

    It's just amusing that in this case, a news and business information organisation the size of Reuters waxes lyrically about searching for the best people, the most talented people, and then stress their non-discriminatory employment polices and then add that statement at the end of their recruitment advertising for what is their most senior job in Thailand, that of bureau chief – responsible for the daily news and business information feeds into the Reuters world-wide network.

    In addition, this is a media position as the bureau chief is required to write and edit, so technically that requires government registration as well.

    Why not just state, which they are allowed to do, this position is only available for Thai nationals?

  16. The most recent I've seen is a listing for the Bangkok bureau chief of Reuters.

    There's no argument that many companies advertise here with the notation "Thai applicants only".

    However, to combine a wonderful spiel about non-discriminatory employment practices and then add the rider "legally entitled to work in Thailand" and "without the need for the company to obtain a work permit" appears to be contradictory. Hence the reason for asking in here.

    If it's the case that only Thais can do this, then the advertisement either breaches Reuters' employment mission statement or the mission statement is being ignored.

    Excluding people on the basis the company will not supply a WP along with the requirement to be "legally entitled" effectively rules out everyone except Thais, including foreigners who might have a WP they can use as that WP "legally entitles" them to only work for the company that provides that WP.

  17. <removed>!!

    Transfusion compatibility

    Individuals with Bombay phenotype blood group can only be transfused with blood from other Bombay phenotype individuals. Given that this condition is very rare, any person with this blood group who needs an urgent blood transfusion will probably be unable to get it, as no blood bank would have any in stock. Those anticipating the need for blood transfusion (e.g. in scheduled surgery) may bank blood for their own use (i.e. an autologous blood donation), but this option is not available in cases of accidental injury.

    Wikipedia hh antigen system

    From reading this I don't think Sanook is the place to be looking. Looks like this should be in the daily Thai and foreign language media and suggest the OP contact them.

    Perhaps admin or mods could include this in the next emailing and move/or this to the General forum.

  18. I believe they may mean Permanent Residents are acceptable for employment.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but a PR would still require a work permit supplied by the company they are working for wouldn't they?

    As work permits are tied to the company sponsoring them a work permit under the name of a different employer would fall under the description "legally entitled to work in Thailand" but only for the name of the company who supplied the WP.

    "That's not descriminating on the basis of nationality. It's just a requirement of the job, the same as some jobs require a degree.

    You could be any nationality and provided you are legally entitled to work in Thailand they will employ you."

    What other nationalities are "legally entitled to work in Thailand" without a work permit supplied by their employer?

  19. So sad. I hope he recovers. Where is his wife from issan?

    What does it matter where his wife is from? Are you more interested in the birth-place of the wife or the possible place of death of his child?

    The comments from some people on here absolutely astound me.

    Sounds like someone else who should be sent off with the Irishman for evaluation.

    Don't know of anywhere else where someone would be more interested in where the wife came from as opposed to the future safety and well being of thee baby.

    Also can't understand the BIB not detaining the Irishman. Dozens of police in attendance, several ambulances and fire appliances plus a hand-full of rescue units meant lots of public money was wasted on this d_ick head as well as businesses in the area losing lots of business they can't afford to loose in the current economic climate.

    I'm sure the birth place of the mother is highly relevant – not!

  20. I've been noticing a number of employment jobs being placed recently in some forums where the employer states how they are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate on the basis of nationality, race, sex, religion, ethnicity, etc., and then goes on to state "this position is only available for candidates who are legally entitled to work in Thailand without the need for the company to obtain a work permit".

    This last requirement would seem to rule out anyone except for those with Thai citizenship.

    Am I missing something here? How can a non-Thai citizen be legally entitled to work in Thailand for a company if that company doesn't obtain the work permit?

    This requirement would seem to make farcical the claim that these employers do not discriminate on the basis of nationality for a start.

  21. This occurred 50 meters from where I live and I was surprised not to see anything in yesterday's papers as it was a real media/emergency services circus. The guy walked around the rooftop parapet with the baby even while it was raining.

    Kudos to the Thai police, rescue and fire service. All were in attendance and the fire service even deployed a very large airbag in the soi at the side of the building but were unable to deploy a second one in front of the apartment block because of an awning overhang.

    The stand-off went for several hours and the guy did indeed threaten to drop the baby off the roof several times.

    I don't know where the story came from about a priest, as it was a woman, possibly his wife, who was on the roof talking to him.

    The amazing thing was that he was allowed to leave the scene in a taxi with the woman and the baby when it was all over.

    The BIB did a fantastic job and throughout the stand-off made no attempt to bring the situation to a forced or rushed end.

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