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Posts posted by Pierrot

  1. It's a fair question, but in asking it you need to be open to all possible answers. One of which is that you may be oblivious to the reality around you.

    An affliction as common in those who see nothing but the positive as it is in those who see nothing but negativity.

    Only a fool would believe life is anything but a balance between the two.

    I believe you reap what you sow. I have a friend, he likes nice suits. One day he followed us in a biker bar with his latest Armani suit. We were a bit worry. But the way he answered the first jokes ... within one hour he was everybody's best friend. As other posters said, he is nice, polite, stand his ground but doesn't look down on anybody ... And from the biker bar to the boardroom, it works, he is a very suceesful guy.

    I'm not that good but I tried to learn from him. When you enter some new places smile, joke, and if you don't like it just walk away and forget about it. Life is what you make it.

  2. Huntings is an activity very popular with people from all walks of life both in Europe and the USA but unfortunately not in Thailand. Why ?

    In an other thread, I asked about clay shooting but didn't get any answer. It's also a popular activity in Europe and the USA. Are firearms only associated with police and criminals here ?

  3. Keeping dogs in is easy. Keeping dogs out is difficult and expensive.

    That will be the job of the "man of the house" :o . We found a suitable male nearby and we want to keep them together for while, to get one or two litters before the "operation".

    Any fence would have to be 1.5mt+ high and at least 30 cm below ground. A dog who smells "Pammy" on the other side, won't give up. :D good luck.


    We're looking for something not too ugly, it will be in our front yard. But we don't want a cage, we like our dogs, we want them to have some kind of decent living space.

    Thanks for your advises :D

  4. I'm looking to fence 1 to 2 rais to keep dogs INSIDE. The reason is I don’t want them to be too promiscuous with the locals. Any suggestion ? And what would be the right size for the land? We are talking about two youngs (1 year old) G Retrievers, very healthy, excellent swimmers.

  5. For the sake of peace in the land of fish & padi. Any mentioning of Thaksin over public media (local and foreign) should be banned. In 6 months, nobody will remember.

    That would be a smart move. But who will they blame for everything that goes wrong?

    Smart AND responsible ? That would be a welcomed change !

  6. Just a thought.

    Not defending the BBC here (and Jonathan Head esp), I'm just wondering, what if the BBC started filing reports that you and I would consider 'balanced'? My view is that the reds would shut up like clams, and cut off all access to the Beeb. No more creepy interviews with that Slimebag Jakaprop. No more incoherent crosses to Dr T in some 'unknown' location.

    I mean, Thai politicians at the best of times are adverse to criticism. Dear Leader Thaksin as his cohorts took it to a new Singaporean level suing anyone in sight who got under their notoriously thin skins and gutting ITV. That the BBC is perhaps giving a bit more airtime to the reds cause than it otherwise would is perhaps understandable in this context?

    Honestly the "you and I", ... it's only you and you .

  7. Pierrot

    So therefore you beleive that Thaksin broke no laws and should not have to stand trial for any of the corruption trials?

    To make a long story short, I believe that most of the charges against Thaksin are politically motivated and should be dropped in the interest of national reconciliation.

    You further believe that despite most opinion polls suggesting otherwise, that somehow Thaksin is both welcome to return and would be able to be relected?

    And lastly you believe that despite polls suggesting otherwise (e.g. the Bangkok governor election, virtually every opinion poll) that Thaksin currently has 'a lot' of middle class support from males???

    That's what I believe and that also what most people in the know believe and that's why we won't have election anytime soon

    The business tycoon families (such as King Power's Raksiaksorn family) support everyone, whoever is in power. But they are the elite, not this middle class you claim to know (but no one else does).

    Seriously mate, where do you get this stuff, it is indeed hilarious, even the other red shirts are anti violent protest (or so they claim).

    Where do you get your stuff ? And where did you get that I support violent protests? So far I've always said that the responsible of mob unrests was the PAD and the people who support them, and my opposition to them has always been very clear.

  8. Good old time :o ..

    But it was different, people were offering you a way to extend your holidays, some honest, some less... I especially remember the gold business ... :D

    Now they just want your money.....

    Correct - there was always somebody offering to make you money. :D

    Like you say, nowadays they just want to take your money. :D

    The difference is at that time nobody had money, we were all broke . Everybody was looking for an easy way to make a few bucks but taking advantage of each other was not yet in fashion :D

  9. Given this recent news article: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Red-shirt-Tactics-t259580.html

    Are the red-shirts justified in threatening to go underground with guerilla warfare? The threat of clandestine and subversive attacks coupled with this statement "I believe the room for unarmed and non-violent means to resolve Thailand's problem is getting smaller every day," from Jakrapop make it seem as though the future of the red-shirts is armed violence and what appears to be rebellion.

    Is this kind of action justfiable given the current political climate or do you believe there are more peaceful means to resolve this stand-off?

    Pardon my simple logic,i never heard PAD leaders inciting the crowds to violent acts.I might not agree with them,but i think they love Thailand.The same cannot be said for some guys that incite violence,urging the protesters to bring their children along(shame,isn't it?),trying to overthrow the government in this difficult times for economy,and then,when s**t happens they claim they have been infiltrated by common criminals.Moreover they tell us stories about hundreds of people killed by army,in a vain attempt to get popular consensus...Ask yourself please if these leaders are working for Thailand,or against it.Now i want to add that people who believe in Democracy work for it everyday,no matter what their position in the society.Like Mahatma Gandhi said"Politics start from your Neighbours.End of the rant :D

    I don't what you mean but usually when you quote someone else, some form of comment is expected :o

  10. They don't have the popular support to do so. Thaksin and this guy are delusional.

    So far all serious people agree that if an election is held today, Thaksin will win again.

    What people fail to understand is that he sill has a large support within the male middleclass, even in Bangkok.

    What people fail to understand is that should anyone write Thaksin on his bulletin, the said bulletin shall be voided as he is a wanted criminal and not allowed to run as PM, he is also banned from politics for 5 years already to begin with...

    He could have made a clean comeback after the ban but chose the criminal way, once more, and fled like the coward he has always been.

    There was election, then a military coup. Whatever happened after this coup has no value as far as democracy is concerned.

    By the way you made very public that you fled Thailand a couple of month ago :o . Talking about coward, it takes one to know one :D .

  11. It boggles the mind that for some posters the only thing that matters is who is proposing the armed uprising, not the fact that people are proposing a violent overthrow of the government. I think, if the circumstances were reversed, those same people would be shouting to the skies denouncing the proponents of such an action.

    I'm not so sure I understand what you mean, could you please clarify?

    "Circumstances were reversed" They have been reversed so many times, it's hard to follow who support what, don't you think ?

  12. In contrast during the mid 70's & early 80's I moved in completely different circles & it seemed that almost every second farang was up to some sort of suspect activity. Used to get continually approached about selling travellers cheques, credit card scams, selling passports, insurance fraud, paying for visa extensions, drugs to somewhere, buying new cars on behalf of Thais to avoid tax, bring in porn mags & probably more I can't remember. Then there was all the stuff you could take to India - Johnny Walker, cigarettes, gold, razor blades & the list goes on.

    Got to meet all sorts - from the likelable rogues to the truly obnoxious scumbags.

    I am sure these types still exist - just a case of same sh*t, different bucket.

    Good old time :o ..

    But it was different, people were offering you a way to extend your holidays, some honest, some less... I especially remember the gold business ... :D

    Now they just want your money. One example around 10 years ago in Phuket. I met a couple of friendly foreigners during the afternoon. They invite me to have a drink with them at a bar owned by one of their friends later in the evening. I joined them, had a drink then moved to some other places... The next day the bar owner come to see me at my guest house and ask me to come later at his bar to pay the bill. It seems I agreed (??) that the all group will drink on my account for the whole night ... And the guy was not really friendly :D . As I was leaving the next day I didn't bother going back there but I heard that it was a common scam and a number of tourists fell obliged to pay ...

  13. I also believe that in the propaganda war, one point has been forgotten. It is that Thaksin has the support of the unprivileged from the North East, but not only them. A lot of middle and upper middleclass males support Thaksin. Why? Because he his one of them, he understand economy but most important he is the representant of the struggle between the “bourgeoisie” (merchant class) and the aristocracy.

    One of the reason of the success of Thailand was the ability to absorb the rising merchant class in the ruling elite. Unfortunately this model has reached its limit and it’s now time for a change.

  14. But in the middle of a global economic-crisis, the timing is just wrong, and I think Thailand needs a bit of stability before the next election is called. Consider the likely problems on-the-streets which an election right now would probably bring.

    Why go through that pain, when there are more-important things for the government to focus on, and the result would likely be less-than-totally clear ? Isn't it better to continue the debate in Parliament, or in wrangling over changes to the Constitution, without spilling any more Thai blood for the time being ?

    The situation was the same a few month ago when Somchai was in charge. I don't remember hearing those arguments at the time. Why now ?

  15. I see you are a fan of the game TWISTER. YOU are the one who brought up child birth and compared it to violent bloody revolution/civil war. I get your point that transformations are painful and messy. Sometimes mothers die in childbirth as well. As far as my rhetoric, we are talking about red violence, not the history of PAD. It is a fact that the reds have proven to be a much more violent force than PAD ever was. Obviously, it is true there are many people frustrated with the current power structure in Thailand, and this situation may lead to a bloody civil war/revolution. However, while I think positive change is desirable, I think civil war would be a horrible tragedy and if you put that to a vote, the support for that would be minimal. But the insurgents may incite it anyway. Good people of Thailand must stop them.

    Personally, I am very sympathetic to a reform movement in Thailand as long as it is fully divorced from Thaksin, and based on non-violent tactics, and democratic principles. However, I do realize the masses here may really rather have a dictator with a name starting with T.

    I don't believe there is will for civil war, on either side, but it's necessary that people understand that in a democracy it's not always one's favorite candidate who win and one should accept it.

    And then people should understand that the problem is not Thaksin but the absence of a real alternative (acceptable by the majority) on the other side. If for the past 5 years the Democrats had worked on a credible platform, acceptable by the majority of the Thai voters and found a charismatic leader with a broad appeal, Thaksin would have been long forgotten by now.

  16. You are obviously right but nevertheless my reading of some of the threads here on TV leaves me wondering if I may be in some weird quixotic minority.

    Within the last 36 hours I have been following threads in which in one case posters have been advising each other to cheat their Thai landlords by breaking the terms of their leases and in another have been boasting of the way in which they or their partners steal goods from hotels and similar establishments. It is quite clear from the context that these people feel entirely justified and comfortable in what they say and do. Personally I find it particularly disturbing that many if not most of these delinquents appear to be to British, like myself. I accept entirely that the theft of a few towels is not the end of the world, but I do find it shocking that people so cheerfully reveal their dishonesty in a public forum like this. Are they the ones with the problem, or is it me?

    The title of the thread receives reveals a real substantive issue. It is a pity that the OP devalued his opening by the inclusion of the ridiculously extreme items numbered 4 and 5 on his list.

    It's a public forum. It's not perfect but I believe it just reveals the imperfection of the human nature.

    Some unconventional posters are some time too extreme, but it's up to us to separate the wheat from the chaff :o

  17. The reds have been MUCH more violent. I blame the REDS for the violence. Don't act like it didn't happen. Thailand does not need civil war. It will be the end of all the good times for all of us here if that happens.

    Ask any mother, a birth is not a painless affair. But is it worth it ? :o

    You have just revealed yourself to be pro violent revolution. Do you realize that? There is no other way to read your comment. Thank you for sharing. The majority of Thais are clearly NOT for such violence.

    Do you think a birth is a "violent" affair, like torture or a murder? I just said it's not painless.

    The problem is your rhetoric may works with the Bangkok housewife but definitively not with the middleclass executive who is much more concerned with the poor state of the economy than your populist propaganda. That’s why we won’t have any election any time soon as it’s clear the Democrats will lose them again. They are used to it but people get really tired of the PAD, if you see what I mean …

  18. This must be the "farang are bad, thai are good" thread,

    Lets hear it for the wonderful thai people and how they would never screw farang,

    c'mon people you must all have happy stories of how you came here and were totally accepted and everything was great...................

    regards freddie

    Computers started with "0 / 1" , "good / bad" according to you.

    Now you can make a phone call, watch a movie or even post on TV with your computer. Maybe you should think of upgrading your brain too ...

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