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Posts posted by Pierrot

  1. Agree my post is at best "unsubstantiated",

    Please let me plead temporary insanity based on the time this post was written.

    On the other hand, when I "substantiate" my post, I get censored for flaming.

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't ...

  2. Further evidence that the government has been so distracted with constitutional amendments, attending to various court dates for themselves, mismanaging the economy, and general uselessness.... that they've been too pre-occupied to initiate a sustained mass slaughter in Drug Wars 5, despite all the ballyhoo they created with it months ago.

    It's sure the PAD and other street hooligans definitely helped the government to focus on their day-to-day business.

    Knowing that most of the farangs who support the PAD are from the KSR liberal leagues and well known heavy drug users, really explains a lot why they oppose so vehemently the war against drugs.

  3. Before making any investments, people should definitively read Thai forums. I found English forums more "technical" but for a lot of general issue, Thai forums give more practical answers.

    Most people assume, wrongly, that because they come from a more developed country, they should know more about almost everything than Thai people. A lot of well educated Thai people are actually moving to Isaan for a more fulfilling life and Thai web sites are full of tips on how to survive and make money there. People will surely benefit by reading these sites. Unfortunately, as their names suggest, most of these sites are in Thai. But as moving to Thai countryside without speaking Thai or having a good translator is not really an option, it's going to be one of the first test if you can survive there or not


    I am keen to know the name of these Thai web sites. My dear wife can take a look.


    Pantip, for sure, www.pantip.com

    Then there is a couple of others. But some are just gossip web site, like Manager, but my wife loves them but IMHO they are of little interest. Also she always find a lot of specific web site when we are talking about such or such subject, I'll have to ask her how she finds them , but I'll have to wait for her to wake up to get the exact list

  4. Sorry, I replied I didn't take any antioxidants, mostly because I've absolutely no idea what it is. Then when I read your list, I realized chocolate and red wine were on my daily consumption list. I'm happy to know that i have some good health habit.

    For the rest of the items of your lists (green tea, tomatoes, brocolli, Thai herbs (kaffir lime limes/galangal), turmeric, fish oils, vitamin E) I may have heard about some of them but for the time being I will stick with my chocolate and red wine as I dont want to risk any overdose of good things.

  5. Before making any investments, people should definitively read Thai forums. I found English forums more "technical" but for a lot of general issue, Thai forums give more practical answers.

    Most people assume, wrongly, that because they come from a more developed country, they should know more about almost everything than Thai people. A lot of well educated Thai people are actually moving to Isaan for a more fulfilling life and Thai web sites are full of tips on how to survive and make money there. People will surely benefit by reading these sites. Unfortunately, as their names suggest, most of these sites are in Thai. But as moving to Thai countryside without speaking Thai or having a good translator is not really an option, it's going to be one of the first test if you can survive there or not

  6. We can talk about rural majority's qualifications forever, that's not really the point.

    The problem is that they have elected the current government, and the result is a fuc_king disgrace. Everytime someone mentions new elections, they say PPP would win again hands down, and that means there's something seriously wrong with the current system.

    It's not about "preferred party" at all - people like Samak and Chalerm shouldn't be allowed anywhere near positions of power in the first place. Mingkwan and Surapong can play tag of war over rice prices as long as it takes, at least they are trying to do some work, but other clowns, like that Health Minister who was like a cancer tumor himself or the wives and other assoroted relatives brigade are a complete waste of time, and so it the parlament. That bunch does not even intend to do any work, they behave as parlament is a place only for skimming off some serious money.

    HALF the Cabinet is under some sort of investigations, FIVE ministers, including the PM, can be ousted any minute, three coalition partners are on the block for electoral fraud - this is a problem that has nothing to do with "preferred parties" at all.

    It is assumed that the winner of the elections would assemble the best government possible but now NO ONE with any ounce of credibility wants to serve there, we've got spa owner running Finance Ministry, for godssakes, no one else wants to take it, and it's one of the most prestigious posts.

    That might sounds ok by rural electorate standards, but if the government has no credibility among professionals and on larger international level, the country has got a serious problem on its hands. Each person might have an equal vote, but when it comes to opinion makers, farmer Somchai endorsement is incomparable to top level economists damnation that spreads like a fire through investment and political cirlces.

    I've heard the argument that we should let democracy run its course, bad apples will eventually be sorted out, but in reality it means that completely new class of top level professionals needs to be grown from among PPP approved talent pool as the current ones will never be accepted as they don't show enough respect.

    I'm extremly sceptical that this new class will be competent enough to trust with running the country, PPP/TRT have never ever let meritocracy to tarnish their good old school of nepotism, they can grow ass kissers by thousands, not leaders for the next era. And what about time frame? When will their newly schooled Finance Minister will be ready to take over? The country needs him tomorrow, and he hasn't probably started school yet.

    Until then farmer Somchais needs to learn to accept voices of knowledgable people they've been taught to detest for being "elites", "Democrats" or whatever. If they unanimously say that PPP government is a disaster in the making, they should at least pay attention instead of being proud of having snubbed "Bangkokian noses".

    And the above hasn't even touched on Thaksin, just the regular PPP politicians.


    If anyone has seen my posts on "new politics", I'm not in favor of appointed Parlament, I'm interested in the idea of selected people from various fields. Say women groups vote on their five representatives, rice millers vote on their ten representatives and so on.

    Basically, the majority has elected the wrong government (according to Plus), therefore the majority is wrong. Let's agree we definitively don't have the same ideas of what democracy is.

    Then you say "I'm extremely skeptical that this new class will be competent enough ..."

    ***flame removed--sbk***

  7. Get the picture now? Hopefully, this doesn't have to be explained further.

    The picture is clear. Why bother with election ? Old Man River will give us the name of our next leader, everybody else please shut up !

    So you still don't understand what happened. I guess you can lead a horse to water...

    I do. Hence my answer.

    If I read well your last paragraph, what other answer am I allowed ? TIT !

  8. The title of this thread is "Democratic Party May Face Dissolution". Therefore it implies the question: What would happen if they were dissolved? The simple answer is that they would simply re-organize under a different name just as the Thai Rak Thai reorganized as the People's Power Party (PPP). In other words, nothing would change.

    One may also be tempted by some kind of "conspiration theory" involving the old order.

    The "old order", who is the real force behind the "new politics" ideas, wants the last big party to be eventually dissolved so they can come back with a coup that is not a "coup" but still get them rid of the present government

    Sounds a bit desperate? Actually it probably is but time doesn't seem to be on their side.

    IMHO it will probably backfired, with a coup that is not a "coup" because it will allow the elected government to govern at last.

  9. You are saying that they should magically create money, perhaps pick them from the money trees, to build schools throughout the country and helps negate vote-buying by populists?

    While at the same time the party in power both use tax payers money to obfuscate the truth, censor media...and en richen them selfs. This is in effect what was going on in 2005-2006.

    Create money ? Who talks about creating money? Just about spending the money collected in some projects useful for the collectivity.

    The difference between the last administration and the previous ones is we had someone who make decicision and get things done instead of administration following other administration, each collecting part of the loot, and letting the next one starting the project all over again to be able to collect even more "consulting fees" without nothing ever been achieved.

    Edited for precision:When talking about the last administration, I was talking of the administration PRIOR to the coup, the last legit one.

  10. So what is an occupation that lets you to carry a bland anyway? Gangster?

    When I go hiking or work in the garden I usually carry a knife, and often use it. In the countryside, a knife can be very useful. But I agree, in the city, it's less obvious ...

  11. can you recommend a site where thais express their thoughts in english :o

    Unfortunately no. Actually my wife and I have sometime some kind of contest, we start with a basic question, then we check which website, english (but thai based) or thai, will give us the best answer. When it's really technical, usually english website are better. For more common, everyday life question, thai site are more useful.

  12. Which brings us back to PAD "new politics" underlying idea - elected politicians are a total disgrace and the less we have of them, the better, and the underlying reason for that is people who elect them. And these people are not Swiss (in light of the latest post above).

    Maybe you should consider moving to Cuba when it's still time? It's been a long time they have solved the problem of the election there. You and the PAD crowd really remind me of the people who looked with admiration toward Berlin in 36 or later to the Kremlin. I mean they were sincere people, believing in new, fairer order, but at the end, just blind fools.

  13. There is a couple of website like Pantip where you can read comments from Thai abroad, can be really funny sometime to see Thai people "discovering" Europe or America.

    Actually, I strongly recommend farangs leaving in Thailand to read these websites, very instructive. And if you can't read thai, ask someone to translate, it can be the beginning of very rewarding conversation. A lot of farang thinks they bring civilisation to Thailand. If they could read these websites, they will realize they actually have much to learn from Thai people.

  14. Im so annoyed and i know she just thought by having baby she can now sit on her ass at my house and i will take care of her forever,.

    Anyway my friends have said she has just screwed me over to try and trap me (which i agree with),

    I feel so trapped ...

    Your feelings are clear.

    Give her the address of a good doctor / clinic, enough money for the operation and the next week. And go back to whatever you were doing before ! This way you may avoid three individuals, you, your gf and the baby, a miserable life.

  15. What is the law regarding carrying of pocket knives in Thailand (3" blade)


    I guess it depends the size of the pocket, 3" is a big pocket.

    More seriously, in the middle of jungle I don't think you would have any problem with a 1' blade. In the subway, people may ask for more explanation.

  16. I think that you should post what the crime was here on TV.

    Obviously you don't know what to do and just maybe the feedback you get from TV will help you with your decision.


    And post names and pictures ????

    Electric chair or fire squad ?

  17. Funny how a five year old thread got absolutely ZERO responses when it was posted then now has over 50...

    Piss!ng up the wall contests weren't as popular 5 years ago as now, obviously. :D

    It was during a time when people checked prior posts and recognized trolls better... :o

    Then you joined ....

    Apologizes ...but it was too tempting :D

  18. It will be difficult to agree on anything if we keep on comparing apples and oranges.

    If we take for reference a young couple, mid 30's, 2 kids, basic expat life style (to be defined), I'ld say 100K is an absolute minimum in order to enjoy a similar life style one would enjoy in Europe or N America. Then need to add various allowances, maid, education, return tickets, ... to start to really take advantage of the expatriation.

  19. Raising the issue of Human rights violations is like reporting to the police that John stole a candy so that the police will not notice that you stole a pen. Its just a matter of who got to the police first.

    Countries like the US have been using this trick for so long. It used to be the Red Scare! Then it was about Drugs, Intellectual Property Issues, etc. Now the lastest baby is Human Trafficking!

    All of these are just buttons to push to keep countries like Thailand, unsettled so that the superpowers can plunder other countries at will. It is a tool to deflect attention from the real issues at hand.

    Just like a magician - sleigh of hand, misdirection, switch and before you know it - you've been s cr ewed.

    my vote is no as it's none of our business (although i admit having critical thoughts quite often).

    That's where I disagree. I think the human rights violations of others such as Burmese, ethnic minorities, and foreigners under the law is everyone's business.

    Expats/People should Be critical of Every land not only Thailand(Within Reason and unwinginly).

    Because it IS a global situation we live in and face.And our children will inherit the legacy of our present lifestiles and decisions and even interactions!(Generational Debt Slavery at present!)

    We (Farang Corperations and Governments) sold this present "Developed"infrastructure to Thailand and other "Developing"nations. The Bank Loans, morgages,credit card frenzy,Pick Up Truck/Petrol Wasting madness, and the "Show Off" Marketing culture.Of Coarse We should Voice Intelligent caution.

    After all wether We are "Paying Customers" or Husband,wives or Freinds,We Are Brothers and Sisters of a Global Family! YES!

    It sounds interesting. Coud please someone translate in english ?

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