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Posts posted by Pierrot

  1. There is another post similar to this. The strange feeling one. I get so confused that sometimes I think I'm on the How many farangs are here for sex? thread.

    "The problem is Thailand needs to find an individual who has this sort of vision and bring a large population of people together. It's a very difficult feat and i'm not sure if Thailand has the sort of aggressive leadership required to bring it together."

    Absolutely. Long live the King.

    Is the USA a Democracy? Bush stole both elections. This is not a shot at anyone, but Stalin also said something like - It's not the voters who decide an election, it's the people who count the votes that decide an election. He could have added "or the Supreme Court." Not that I have a problem with this. Why can't a good man play dirty? Watch this election coming up. I'm hoping people are so sick of what's been going on, and the bad guys will reveal just what kind of pigs they are, that the people will say enough. They'll have to trash all the computer voting machines and film each person verbally voting.

    As Sartre used to say "hel_l is paved with good intentions".

    The year is 2008, the world has changed, time to wake up ...

    PS : To the people in charge of this forum, is "hel_l" such a bad word that you have to automatically change the spelling ?

  2. However, many voters didn't care about platforms and policies and just voted TRT incarnate without giving it another thought. It sounds like that is the "strategy" you would have followed as well.

    Believe it or not, at the beginning I was no great fan of Thaksin either. But it was after talking with many voters, who, as you say, "didn't care about platforms and policies and just voted democrat incarnate without giving it another thought" I would add "as long as they were against Thaksin" that I started switching allegiance. And so far, I haven't change my mind.

  3. At this: "creating monstrous Election commissions with a power of inquisition", they are still not powerful enough. vote buying was everywhere in Thailand again. Something must be done. And it can't be that super rich people like Thaksin can do what they want, doing crimes without punishments.

    Look into the ministers, almost every minister has some very dark sides....bought degrees, Chalerms son killed a policemen and get into the army again. That government is the worst of Thai society and must be kicked out by any means.

    When I read this reply, then the original post again, I couldn't help but having a feeling of "deja vu", then it came back to my mind : Zimbabwe ! Kicking out the super rich to give back to the poor, what a joke ! When Mugabe will eventually (I hope) been kicked out of power, he will probably able to find a consulting job with the democrats. At least he managed to be successful for a while ...

    You don't like Chalerm ? Nobody really does but when your adversaries kick out of the games your best players (but still manage to lose … see above paragraph), you do with what left. It’s time to do the right thing for Thailand, bring back the A team !

  4. If anyone was voting on a policy basis, PPP would never have got in!

    If anyone is voting on a policy basis, the democrats will never get in. They don't have any besides getting rid of Thaksin. Before the election, they just managed to show a number of pretty faces, hoping the "old order" will take care of the "administrative" things. Since, it's the PAD that holds the front of the stage.

    The only people who have the qualification to run this country are the 111. Anybody who isn't completely selfish should know what to do. After that, if the democrats wake up and decide to play their role as a (real) opposition party, it could only be a win win situation for this country.

  5. Actually, what we're witnessing is an ugly beast that refuses to die.

    You're right to point out similarities with other countries in the region. There is a powerful conflict going on between a strong feeling of national identity and a necessity to open to the world. Just think of Japan and China, once very powerful nations, who closed their door to protect themselves from foreign pollution and what followed. Some understand very well history, look at the travel pattern of some individual, and some don't … or don't want. Far from others posters here, we should never underestimate the intelligence of the players of this game.

    And there is what is specific to Thailand. A French visitor, 200 or 300 years ago, gave a still very accurate description of the Thai society, who does what and the need to import foreigners to perform some task that are either frown upon or not allowed to member of the Thai society. A part of the current problem is, with this foreign expertise were also imported foreign customs that don't fit well in the cozy arrangement of the Thai society.

    Unfortunately, beside the sabai sabai attitude, there are a number of subjects we're not allowed to discuss here. That's why we need to rely on the foreign press to get an "objective" view of what's going one in the LoS, but keeping in mind that these foreigner observers often have a limited understanding of Thai customs.

    To conclude, I may have to please those who like to compare the LoS to some part of the Family and say that unfortunately too often those who talk don't know and those who know don't talk.

  6. Iv'e found it folks.

    They are cocoons of the case bearing moth:


    I was sure it was a cocoon/egg of sorts, I was a bit out on the Gecko's though.

    On the same page there is a "Thereupoda decipiens" aka a Long-legged Centipede. They say they found it in a remote cave in the interior of Borneo but I'm pretty sure I found one very similar (If I can only find the pictures I took) in my house near Korat. Does anybody ever found this "creature" in Thailand? Is it dangerous like some of his cousin ?

  7. A couple of points being missed by those claiming that no alternative solution is being offered:

    Firstly the closure of the Tiger Zoo Temple would in itself be a solution to what is perhaps the primary problem created by the Tiger Zoo Temple

    What would then happend to the tigers ?

    - in that its closure would remove the demand for a trade in these endangered animals. It is this trade in Tigers which is causing the real harm to wild Tiger populations.

    Wishful thinking. Actually IMHO it would only creates more pressure on the remaining wild tigers.

    Secondly, no solution need be offered. Thai laws dictates that the organization responsible for the protection of Tigers is the Forestry Commission - The solution is to hand the tigers to the legally responsible party.

    An answer to my first question. So have you called the Forestry Commission ? When are they coming to pick up the tigers? But unfortunately, back to my first question, what would they do with them ?

    Actually, I was talking about realistic solution.

    A realistic solution would be through an agreement with the temple and a regulated trade in tigers and tigers parts.

    Then people will have a real interest in the survival of the species and would more readily accept to work with some REAL authorities and folks who have the credentials to set up a zoo, as suggested by Galong.

    But then Galong says "Basically, tigers are an internationally recognized endangered species and they deserve to be protected from exploitation" Unfortunately, only their (commercial) exploitation could garranty their survival in the long term.

  8. When I see old farang with sexy young thai lady - I think.......................

    Good for old farang!!!! :o

    Agree. But would you invite them in your home, and would your wife agree, especially if you have kids, if it's obvious the "sexy young thing" is a working girl *? Honnest answer appreciated.

    *Or working boy, no descrimination here.

  9. Before you roll out the financial issue of Thai girls liking us just for the money, most guys I hang around with in Bangkok are married / dating girls that work in offices. But that's another topic I suppose.

    Actually not really. The "stigma" had a real cause. As things are changing, fortunately attitude are changing too.

    People now take more time before making a judgement ... but they still do.

  10. Bonobo I know what you are saying, we went down to Pattaya for a weeks holiday, she had never been and wanted to go. While walking around hand in hand I felt like another sex tourist. We are both around the same age, mid thirties and she is not from the bar scene, but I could not help but feel uncomfortable in this situation, away from the tourist areas I feel perfectly at home.

    And when you're with your inlaws ... I don't know wich one of us felt the more ashamed. No need to say we never went back, which is actually a shame because we found very nice places and very good restaurants there.

    Actually my wife use to go there with her parents as a kid. There is a part of the town which is very nice and where there isn't much falang, a shame but a good things at the same time. Then we discovered the "falang" side of the city ...

  11. Remember that we as farang are always in an inferior postition if something happens.

    Unless you happen to know someone with pull

    This is not to mock the boy killed.

    That is where you are all wrong. It does not matter whether you are Farang or Thai, it all counts on which class of insurance you are driving on. A Farang with 1st class insurance will always get the better of a Thai with second class insurance ( if he has any at all) Of course, if you have no licence then that invalidates the insurance anyway.

    What if both the Farang and the Thai have the same kind of insurance?

    Good point..............................I had an accident where the Thai driver pulled out in front of me. He apologised, but when the police came he changed his story. I pointed out to the copper that the way my rear bumper had been ripped off it was not possible I caused the accident. The policeman agreed with me, and made the Thai cough up. My wife said it was because we had the better insurance though.

    It was the policeman or your insurance rep who solved the problem ?

    Some rep are really goods. An other time we had a minor accident with two taxi motorcycle. One of the driver was aggressively asking for "compensation" even if it was no so clear who was responsible. Once the rep arrived, the situation changed completely. He arrived with a policeman who start asking for license and other documents. We ended in the police station because the passenger of one of the motocycle needed a report for his insurance (he was working and covered 100% by his company insurance), the other driver disapeared home looking for some missing documents ... He never came back, was then held reponsible for everything. We end up paying nothing, actually we even managed to have the insurance pay for some paint job that was not even related to the incident.

  12. What if both the Farang and the Thai have the same kind of insurance?

    maybe just do like I did : I called the insurance, shut my mouth and let the two insurance guys solve the matter between themselves. That's why I pay an insurance, isn't it ?

  13. These assumptions come directly as a consequence of the Thai sex industry.

    No doubt about it.

    It is my guess they will continue for a further generation after that.

    Situation is getting better. For many reason, maybe also because of the success of mix kids, especially in show business, ... But my feeling is now a Thay lady with a foreigner is not automatically seen as a prostitute, people are somehow more "discriminate".

    As noted, these attitudes are from within Thailand and from foreigners visiting Thailand - a few more posts will I am sure reveal these attitudes are prevalent overseas too.

    It is true when you introduced you Thai "fiancee" oversea, there was always a doubt about her "origin", but we used to travel a lot a this time, around 10 years ago, and nowhere we we had to face, both her and I, discrimination like in Thailand.

  14. Do you pay attention and care so much when a little lap dog is yapping away as if it was of any importance?

    It's the same thing.

    Rather selfish comment.

    Maybe you don't, maybe she does.

    Things are better now we are older, and anyway nowdays we see more and more "real" mix couple and so people get used to it. But a few years back it wasn't always so simple. For a young lady who has always enjoyed being treated with respect when going out, only being suspected of being a prositute is not a nice experience. Especially in her own country. Especially in a conservative society as Thailand used to be.


    For information, what is the average range of the average gun average people may own?

    For example, I practice shooting in my backyard, I miss the target, at which distance my bullet is still lethal ?

    Most people in this country would own a 9mm. Range - can kill at a mile. 1.6 kilometers. Something to think about.

    Practice at a range.

    That was my point. Thank you.

  15. Came to LOS for the first time in 1984 but funny enough never really leave there, only for a couple of month about 8 years ago. Unfortunately I never been able to make a leaving in Thailand so I'm stuck in China for the time being.

    On the positive side, HK is only 2 1/2 hours by plane from Bangkok so I can manage to spend a couple of days here from time to time, usually arrive on Friday night, back to work on Monday morning.

    One day, on the way home from the airport, I was telling my life story to a taxi driver and he came with the conclusion that I should have a wife in Hong Kong and a mistress in Bangkok. To that I replied he was right, but it just happend to be the same person.

  16. peirott,

    again i refer to the post.based on reading posts on here what you think of bk people on here.

    ok i will start.

    1/seems that some bk farangs are very arrogant on here

    OK, so we're talking about farangs leaving in Bangkok who post on TV. That narrows the subject ...

    First, it's not always obvious to know where peole are staying, they don't usually start their post by " Hello, I'm Jim from Silom...", " Here Shirley from Chaweng ...".

    Then everybody post in this forum. From people on a 3 month vacation staying in KoSan Rd to people who came here 20 years ago and never left, and everything in between.

    I don't want to make any guess that may be ... so if you could please let us know what's wrong with "Bangkok people", it would be easier to answer you, either if we agree or don't.

  17. History and tradition validate nothing! Thailand also has a history of child prostitution, slavery, supplying heroine and other issues that the evil West finds appaulling... and illegal.

    Sorry, but you have to give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. The evils you mention date back to the Vietnam war, and the responsable are the American. The Thai are only guilty of doing nothing to stop it.

    Regarding the tigers, I have to repeat myself. It seems the "moral" crowd opposes the people who either support the temple or look for a "compromise" with the monks, but they offer no solution. Stop picking on people who have a different opinion from yours and tell us what to do.

    If you have a solution, which I honnestly doubt ... :o

  18. What kind of people are you talking about?

    In Bangkok, there are people leaving in slum and people leaving in 100 MB houses, some juste arrived from Burma, some have their family names in history book, some never left their street, some commute on an almost daily basis between HK, NY and London ...

    There are many different people leaving in Bangkok ...

  19. It sounds like nignoy is of the old-school. Animal welfare and conservation have moved on since his day.

    Steve Erwin's Dad was little more than a circus showman (I well remember when his Dad's face was on the Billboard), but Steve saw the benefits of giving a nod and a wink to conservationism......whether he did any more than is for another thread.

    However his "MATE", the wolf-man", who runs a business supplying wolves etc for films.....actually visited the Tiger temple and seemed to totally condone the operation in a TV program that included this visit. In a "mates world", this would put Nignoy firmly in the apologist camp.

    Call me stupid, but I just read the complete thread for the third time and I still understand what you want us to do.

    You start with a link to an organization who denounces the tiger Temple. OK.

    You call Nignoy "old school". Fine, progress can be good.

    But from there, where do we go?

    Hey if the cap fits....why do you ask ME questions like that?

    Because you're the one who started this thread !

  20. Good article on the BBC news website highlighting why Samak the clown is getting the receiption he's receiving now:


    Thanks steveromagnino and samran for your perspectives - always an interesting read.

    Thank you for this intersting reading.

    To summarize : The army learned its lesson and won't come back, the democrat don't have enough seat to do anything before the next election, there won't be new election any time soon, election are expensive, MP need time to refill their coffers first.

    And the conclusion : " If Mr Samak is forced to go, it will probably be by his own party. But then he would likely be replaced by someone less independent from Thaksin Shinawatra ..."

    The sooner people understand the PPP is here to stay, the better it will be for everybody.

    Now I agree the government we have now is second rate. Therefore the sooner the 111 are allow back to power, the better for this country.

    A professional investor told me some time ago that the difference between professionals and amateurs is professionals know when to take their loss and move ahead. It could be the difference between the democrats and the PAD ...

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