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Posts posted by Pierrot

  1. Personally I think Chalerm and Thaksin have bigger allegations to answer than holding fake degrees although persoanlly I cant see why someone would want to have a bunch of dodgy credentials but whatever floats their boat.

    What evidence is there that Taksin's PHD is in any way false?

    Sure wish I could upload a sound file of one of his speeches in English. The proof is in the pudding as they say.

    Have fun, it may not last long!

    Here we have a self made multi billionaire, who use to run an international company, then his own country, who addressed the world at the U.N. tribune, and, on the side, own his own first league football club.

    Then we have a bunch of “intellectual”, “english” teacher or journalist, whose greatest achievement in life is to master their own mother tongue …

    Give me the football club anytime !

  2. It's the business class against the old order. It's time to give the command of the country to those who fill the coffers.


    Would you give command of the country to them? They bankrupted it once already.

    As far as I am concerned, Thaksin era was a time of economical stability and prosperity. How many government prior to Thaksin's went to the end of their mandate ? How many never ended project were eventually finished under Thaksin's care? Why do you think the military wanted so desesperately to close the new airport, the so "in your face" symbol of his success ?

    You and Bratpack clearly don't have a clue what is going on in the struggle for Thailand at the moment.

    So please explain enlightened one.

  3. Civil unrest could happen soon.Lock your doors if you are rich,the people majority are coming.

    Seriously though,the have nots are getting well peed off with the minority haves and the divide is getting bigger and bigger.Not looking good to me for the future of thailand.Democracy should be the name of the game but the PAD will not respect this,so lets have a communist country then,led by the hi so,thats what they want realy isnt it???

    Nothing to do with being rich. And don't you think enough people have been killed in the name of the fight against communism ?

    It's the business class against the old order. It's time to give the command of the country to those who fill the coffers.

  4. I never had a maid before I moved to Asia. My parents, both were working, had a part time helper, but I never had any real contact with her beside hello / goodbye.

    It was my wife who insisted we hired a maid, and I have to say that her presence sometime really made me feel uncomfortable because I didn't know how to handle the relation. We are now back to a part-time who usually comes when we are out at work, the house is clean and we have our privacy back.

    But my question is, for people having full time maid, how do you handle the relation? And people who don't, how do you treat other people maid?

    for those of us who did not grow up with a silver spoon in the mouth (like me) dealing with domestic servants is not an easy task. in spite of employing servants in various countries and for many years i never felt (until recently) really comfortable and let my wife (who is used to servants since she was a baby) handle all related matters. the situation has changed quite a bit since we live in Thailand. we have a live-in couple, treat them like distant family members (sort of / kinda :D ) and all parties are quite happy with the arrangement. i do hope that i won't be disappointed in future :o

    Thanks for highlighting the question, it makes the post much more clear.

  5. Disgraceful and dangerous way to use kids. They should be studying and having fun, not grassing people up. If the cops can't do it themselves then that is pretty piss poor.

    Absolutely agree with you, they should be studying and having fun. But taking drug is part of having fun at this age and obviously drug pushers are not the last one to take advantage of the situation.

  6. My wife is 40 years old. I mention her age because that means she has participated in many elections. According to her, vote buying was very common at one time but in the past couple of elections it was nearly non existent. She was even a bit disappointed that no one offered her anything. The question is if vote buying had any affect on how people actually voted. I asked her if she ever took money or gifts. The answer was she certainly did. She went on to say that regardless of whether people took the money or not,they voted the way they wanted. The voting booth is still private and no one knows how you voted. She finds it humorous that politicians actually believe that they could buy votes.

    You're absolutely right. And on top of that, all this vote buying stories made a lot of people angry. "What money ?" "How come we didn't get anything?"

    But actually it's more a matter of finding the right excuse :

    "We don't care about those people, we didn't even bother campaigning there"


    "we lost because the other side cheated"

  7. I never had a maid before I moved to Asia. My parents, both were working, had a part time helper, but I never had any real contact with her beside hello / goodbye.

    It was my wife who insisted we hired a maid, and I have to say that her presence sometime really made me feel uncomfortable because I didn't know how to handle the relation. We are now back to a part-time who usually comes when we are out at work, the house is clean and we have our privacy back.

    But my question is, for people having full time maid, how do you handle the relation? And people who don't, how do you treat other people maid?

  8. There's no denying that they only threat to political stability comes from government looking after Thaksin's interests. Now they also have banned TRT execs hitched on the same wagon. That's about as complicated as it gets.

    The rest is valuable on its own merits, leftists can keep forecasting their ridiculous rise of democracy and "new politics" under leadership of Samak and Chalerm, no one would take them seriously, as usual.

    Are you now accusing the business community of communism ????

    Getting desesperate, are we ???

  9. Failed constitution amendment is a glaring evidence that on certain issues it doesn't any clout, even their own MPs declined to sign on.

    From the last news, it seems that the democrats have agreed to join the government to study a constitution amendment. So the constitution will be amended, and it's a good thing.

    It buys time. The Democrats have always said there are parts of the 06 constitution they would like to see amended. However, there are parts the PPP needs to have (i.e. Thaksin needs to have) that they are not in favor of. I doubt this is going to change.

    At least they talk. That the way it should be, between elected representatives of the nation, around a table, not between hysterics goons in the street.

  10. Failed constitution amendment is a glaring evidence that on certain issues it doesn't any clout, even their own MPs declined to sign on.

    From the last news, it seems that the democrats have agreed to join the government to study a constitution amendment. So the constitution will be amended, and it's a good thing.

    But it's very bad news for the PAD. Their irresponsible attitude has made them a liability for almost everybody. We just need to hope they will realize their madness before its too late.

  11. All of you using this forum ... you are being censored right now... TVisa ought to tell you the truth... if they don't... they are pandering to the un democratic government in power in Thailand right now. Thai Visa is covering it's own commercial ass ... take a stance people...

    What are you talking about ? I can see posts from completely opposite sides in this thread.

    Actually, you can post your message because there is no censor thanks to this very democratic government.

    You want more ? Read the warnings on TV dated from the beginning of the coup. Do we have the same now? Absolutely no, so pls this b***s***t about censor and undemocratic government needs to stop.

    Really? You obviously haven't been invited to Jakaprop's office like some of my journalist friends have and asked in a 'friendly' mannaer to lay out your pro-Thaksin credentials before you can continue to host your TV show/do news reports.

    Original post was about TV, Thai Visa, not TV show.

    But, honnestly, we have enough trouble with these goons in the streets, who want to see them again on TV (show).

  12. Peace folks!

    Back to topic:

    Monday - TV quick POLL:

    Do you think the PAD and supporters should prolong it's demonstrations, if the second planned motion to amend the constitution* will not be lanced?

    YES or NO?

    * bring back 111 banned TRT, purge Thaksin's court cases, make election fraud easy again, basically let the Thaksin clique get away with cheating once again etc.

    Definitively NO !

    The PAD has no popular legitimacy. The only people who could pretend represent the people of Thailand in this constitutional fight are the democrats, at least they have been elected. Where are they?

  13. All of you using this forum ... you are being censored right now... TVisa ought to tell you the truth... if they don't... they are pandering to the un democratic government in power in Thailand right now. Thai Visa is covering it's own commercial ass ... take a stance people...

    What are you talking about ? I can see posts from completely opposite sides in this thread.

    Actually, you can post your message because there is no censor thanks to this very democratic government.

    You want more ? Read the warnings on TV dated from the beginning of the coup. Do we have the same now? Absolutely no, so pls this b***s***t about censor and undemocratic government needs to stop.

  14. The funny thing about my own postings and all of the others' here (from whatever side) is that these postulations mean absolutely nothing - there is no impact. Maybe some foreign (farang) news reporters read this stuff - maybe it influences them a bit - but so what. There's no impact on Thailand at all. Nice to vent one's splean though - so thanks to TV for providing this space!

    You're right ... to a point

    Actually the plan of the PAD is to play victim for the foreign medias / ONG. Basically, they don't have much local support, so they hope by being the next "Tiananmen victims", they will gather support from the international community. Unfortunately (fortunately !) it doesn't work. Mr Martin Lee tried that before in Hong Kong to be be eventually, but rightly, branded a traitor !

  15. don't understand your posting. What do you mean?

    Fairly simple, the party is over, it's now time to go back home.

    For 35 millions, thats not much money, not even in thailand. I don't think that both a "good meant" nor a "greedy" coup would mind 35 millions.

    35 million US might be 1.12 billion Baht. Thaksins frozen money is 75 or 77 billion (can't remember).

    Not everybody play in the same league ...

  16. One shouldnt mention Saudi Arabia or the electoral system in Lebanon that ensures the Hariri government stays in power. Please dont mention Volusia county or notions of one man one vote Mmmm it is rather sad that when the US talks of democracy these day it just rings of hypocricy. What the US wants is client states of any politcal persuasion that tow the line on wars on democracy, wars on drugs and allows US troops to rape their way unfetterd around the country under state of forces agreements or to have civilian mercenary armies inside their country who answer to no local law and who of course make all of their resources available to US based multinationals at discount rates for a bunch of backhanders that can be spent on vast amounts of military and torture equipment to use to repress their people when they demonstrate against their sometimes elected and sometimes not government from giving away national resources to no benefit for the country. I digres but lets expose hipocrisy where we can.

    You want to talk about real politik? So what about that :

    "The United States lifted restrictions on aid to Thailand in February after a new elected government took power.

    Washington had suspended about $35 million in assistance to Thailand, including funds designed to promote military professionalism, after the bloodless 2006 coup."

    Knowing what Mr Gate just said, what are the chances that the army will move again to help the PAD?

    Game over, time to go back home !

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