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Posts posted by WOOHOO

  1. It's the super drunk little guy Jackie, you'll often see him where there are balloons.

    Claims he played pro baseball in the U.S. for the St. Louis Cardinals though at times he'll say the Philadelphia Phillies. He still hasn't realized you can go online and query that fact, but it's o.k., let an old guy believe his imagination........

    Great guy, at times a bit confused.

    (Jackie if you see this I'm just giving you a ribbing) Cheers, GOM

    As amusing as this post was, it's enough to put me off going there. There's something extremely tedious about bar owners wanting to be the center of attention all the time, as if the bar was their living room. You expect it in little beer bars but I wouldn't expect it in a decent place. I'm also highly allergic to bull shit. :)

  2. Is this by Baan Chai Nam?

    yes, I think that's the name of the place next to it. Nice looking apartment block painted yellow. If you walk down the track to the left of Baan Chai Nam, then the house I'm talking about is on the right hand side. It's basically as far to the end of the beach as you can walk, or from the road side as far as you can drive before the road veers to the left toward Surin.

    It's obviously not important, I was just being nosy, and long term ex-pats normally know most things that go on around them, so I thought I'd fish for a bit of gossip.

  3. No, there's a nice condo block right behind it but they're not abandoned, they're finished and occupied. This appears to be a single house on its own plot, and not connected to the condos.

    As I said before, to me it would be a cracking little spot to live, which is why I'm curious to know why it hasn't been finished.

  4. Forget any ideas of ever seeing the girl again. You no full well there can be no future there now. Stay put for now. If you're happy there you shouldn't have to move on. If any more problems arise in the future, with the man pursuing you and such, you will have to make another decision then, which will basically be to move on or pay your friends police mate to take care of it. That will depend on how much you want to stay and how much grief you can deal with. I'm fairly sure what seems a major drama now, will be all forgotten in a couple of weeks.

    Oh to be young, dumb and full..... :)

  5. Phuket is not much of an Island, I think it must be at least a couple of hundred meters from the mainland , as for the Airport , where can you go , I would not say International , you have to go to Bangkok first , unless thing have changed. Begs to wonder how the Bart is still strong with Civil war on the Horizon and a military government in waiting.

    You can fly direct to a few asian countries and I'm fairly sure a couple of european ones.

    Don't be such a drama queen. Civil war on the horizon. Says who?

  6. I'm fairly sure no one will have any answers for me, which is why I tried to be so specific in the title, so as not to waist peoples time opening it.

    There is a unfinished house on the very southern end of Bang Tao beach, down by the fishing village. It looks like it's been there for some time. I just wondered if any locals know the story behind it. Whenever I see something like that, I always think the worst. Someone got ripped off, found out the land didn't have deeds, not allowed to use the access road, that sort of thing.

    I'm only curious as it would be my dream home, and it just seems funny that no one's interested.

    any gossip welcomed.

  7. The only major event I've ever been aware of in Phuket was the tsunami. Riots, coups, mobs, politics etc etc, never seem to reach this far (there was a little scuffle at the airport a while back, but that's it) I don't think events in BKK will amount to much and certainly not to any level that the scare mongers would have you believe, but even if it did, down here, I think it would all pass us by :)

  8. My father's social security is US$1400/mo. He lives meagerly in Wisconsin on this amount but 40k baht/mo would be rather comfortable in Thailand.

    Hmm, after rent I would be left with 12,000 baht a month..

    Hardly comfortable

    What a silly thing to say. If you had a budget of 40k you wouldn't rent somewhere that was 28k/month would you!! So you wouldn't be left with only 12k.

  9. I have no problem with the word being used to describe someone's appearance but I think the use of farang is often down to sheer ignorance. I have heard educated Thais tell me they can't speak farang (meaning English) very well, as if all farangs are the same.

    Why is it that Thais refer to different nationalities with the word khon before it e.g khon Thai, khon Yipoon, khon Jiin but it is never khon farang?

    Because Farang isn't a country which people belong to, which is what the Khon is referring to! You wouldn't say 'people of Caucasian' would you. I'm afraid you're just highlighting the fact you don't understand the word.

    So in which case, according to your first statement, most Americans are ignorant when they refer to people from 4 different countries as being British. They're not wrong when they say it, they're just not being precise. I think you'll find that's how a collective term works!

  10. It would be interesting to know how many people who are fluent Thai speakers (not me) still think the word is derogatory. Very few to none. That says it all.

    Your closing arguement in your final paragraph is flawed my friend. You have made a statement that you cannot sustantiate and have no grounding for. :D Put simply, you've made that up to suit your arguement.

    If you are "proud" to be called a farang i suppose up to you. Personally i wish people would show more self respect.

    You no read English too good, why you think you know Thai, better Thai people?

    I used the words 'It would be interesting to know', which means it wasn't a statement of fact that can't be substantiated at all. Oh, and it wasn't me who said I was 'Proud" to be a Farang, so keep up please.

    You see the word as an insult as you seem to be see all things as racist insults. You see racism where there is none. It is a word and nothing else. It is YOU that makes it an insult. In the same way a black guy can call his friend a Ni%%er but that isn't an insult yet if a white guy did it it would be ?

    It is how the word or any word is used. My In laws who speak very little English refer to me as farang in a good way. If they referred to me as that <deleted>$%$ing farang then it may be different.

    Back home I would say " do you fancy going for a Chinky " In no way was this meant or intended as an insult. One of my favourite Chinese restaurants I went to had a big sign outside saying " The best Chinky in town "

    In the UK we have a politically correct world where everyone is so scared to be labelled a racist it is used against the system time and time again. You here its " Only because I'm black, Asian, Muslim etc just add your own descriptive " It is normally nothing to do with their colour, ethnicity or sex but all to do with them. They tend to be rather obnoxious people to the extreme and are as such treated accordingly.

    A jumped up T@#t is a jumped up T@#t no matter what colour, ethnicity or sex.

    You need to be asking your self is it my colour, ethnicity etc or is it just me ? :)

    Nice post. Don't half fancy a decent chinky now though. :D

    The ignore list is easy to use, people on this forum only get 1 free chance before I use it.

    I love this bloke. If you disagree with him he puts you on his black list. :D

  11. Hello mate, whats the weather like in lah lah land? :):D

    The same as it is for all the other people that agree with me on this thread so far :D

    People who think it's a racial slur have more than likely only experienced it as such, directed at themselves.

    It would be interesting to know how many people who are fluent Thai speakers (not me) still think the word is derogettory. Very few to none. That says it all.

  12. This topic has been done to death because people still get it wrong.

    If I'm talking to a Thai person and want to ask them if their boss, or their husband or wife is a Westerner, then what word should I use?

    The word Farangs closest counterpart is Caucasian. Now because we simply don't use that word much in every day speech, doesn't mean Thais can't use their word in their language.

    To make comparisons to Spain, Italy and anywhere else is pointless. It's a Thai word in the Thai language, what has how words are used in any other language got to do with it.

    Ask Thai people, (if you speak any Thai) they'll tell you. Or I suppose they'd all be lying would they?

  13. Nonsense, drivel, tripe.

    You don't get to decide what it means. It's a Thai word, Thai people do not use it as a derogatory word collectively.

    People like you get confused, because it's probably always being used in that way toward you. Stupid Farang, Fat Farang, obnoxious Farang etc etc.

    The word is NOT a racial slur.

  14. It is to protect both sides

    So how many times does the partner without any money ask to have one drawn up??

    Protect both sides my arse.

    It's to protect wealthy people loosing their money, which sub contiously, (probabaly not so sub) they value more than the person they're marrying. Which is why half of all marriages end in divorce.

  15. I just feel historically men have a lot to lose going into a marriage without some type of contractual alterations.

    Here's one for you. Historically, men have entered marriages they shouldn't have entered.

    Why not try and change history??

    So when you, future divorcees, sit down with your calculators, which line of figures do the kids go on.

    Ahh! maybe that's why most people have two! Anybody can devide two by two!

  16. The reality is that virtually any contract including a prenup can be challenged in court so that is the best reason to do your homework carefully in choosing a lawyer that writes the contract and that it covers your bases in both Thailand and your home country if you will possibly be living or have assets in both places. A divorce is usually the furthest thing from a person's mind when they get married however anyone that is worldly and not naive knows that sh*t happens occasionally, so if it does, it is better to be prepared for it. Divorce can be a very unhappy occasion however it is much easier to cope with it if you do not also wind up poor.

    Is that avatar really you??

    The first thing on my mind would be to get a few more mirrors shipped in!

    Listen. Contract this, lawyer that, pre-nup the other. You start a relationship in that frame of mind it has a 90% chance of failing.

    Move on to the next relationship, and keep doing so until the pre-nup doesn't feel necessary. You then have at least a 50% chance of it lasting.

    A bit of patience and you've gained 40%.

    Another way of looking at it. If the women/man, is still happy to marry you, after you've told them that you want a pre-nup, then they obviously have very little respect for themselves, and I for one, wouldn't touch them with yours!

  17. I absolutely agree with you WOOHOO the majority of Thais are racist towards westeners!

    See the thing is, if I met you, I probably wouldn't like you much either, so what's race got to do with it?

    Some sex tourists (actually thinking of one specific gentleman, now retired, but sure there are others, I just spoke to him more...) treat the girls with a great deal of respect and dignity; and equally, some of the ex-pat residents fail to do so. And also, I imagine, similarly Thais might vary in their behaviour.

    When slagging off groups of people, its probably better to qualify the abuse by identifying the characteristic of that group of people that upsets you - for example, sex tourists who spoil the market for the rest of us by paying inflated prices, or bar-girls who treat us all like buffalo and poke us with cattle prods, or whatever. By using the first person plural, it makes it more inclusive, and defuses conflict, while appearing that you actually have experience and thus some authority on the subject. Us brain surgeons often do that, in order to get away with sometimes-scanty qualifications.


    You're one of those people that can talk for hours, without saying a single thing!

    Get back to us when you have something to say.

  18. Firstly, don't flatter yourself that you have more to lose than others. I dare say, compared to me it would be true, but certainly not others.

    Secondly, wouldn't it be relevent weather the pre-nup law was recognised in the Uk, seeing as that is where your property is. I don't know for sure but I don't think it is.

    Thirdly, if you are thinking about pre-nup, then she's not the girl for you, simple as.

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