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  1. She was badly advised. What was she expecting?
  2. Thanks folks. I reckon my Bangkok Bank card needs to be "switched on" for use online. I've never used it for online stuff. A visit to the local branch is required.
  3. Email today from YT saying I must use a Thai card for payment. Problem is my two banks here won't allow it. ....ie Bangkok and Krung Thai. Anyone out there using another Thai bank card? Cheers
  4. Most of these people have been here for over twenty five years......as aliens..... Many others were born here but have alien status as well. Hasn't a senior Thai official already reassured the nervous Thai public that the citizenship status of these people can be revoked at any time if they don't toe the line.
  5. Thanks everyone. Is it true that I can get a 3 month statement on the spot?
  6. Told by a guy I know.......and by the previous poster, Liquorice.
  7. I'm extending the visa using the 400k in the bank method. Done it ten times already using the bank letter only. I was told I now need a bank statement also. I update the bankbook every month for the entire year.
  8. So I do need a statement in addition to the bank letter? I've updated the bankbook every month since October last year.
  9. Do I need a bank statement as well as a letter from the bank? Thanks folks.
  10. Her days as PM are numbered.
  11. Developments will follow the money. Whoops! The US is broke. People from the north are taking over down here boys.
  12. What now for the US State Dept's plans to turn Thailand into another proxy state like Ukraine?
  13. They'll take their cut when your money is transferred into Thailand..... whether it is ultimately taxable or not. Your job then will be to try to get it back.
  14. Come on everybody.....stop using democracy and Thailand in the same sentence. What are you talking about!?
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