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Posts posted by Ned

  1. A bloke I know here insists that diesel will rise to 40 baht a litre from January. Tells me it's fact. He read it in the Bangkok Post. Got angry when I told him that that could be a rumour. I said, "Gee that's no good.".....and left it at that.

  2. Many years ago I had a document certified by the oz consul in Sansai. I read on the official website recently that that can't be done anymore.

    I need to make a partial withdrawal from my super account and I need an aussie police officer, or JP , nurse, pharmacist etc with oz qualifications to certify a copy of my passport details.

    Has anyone out there done this recently in CM? I don't want to have to go Bangkok just to do this.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. I've been supporting my wife's grandson for the last ten years or so and he's due to finish a 3 year degree by March 2015. He's now talking about another year or two of further study after that.

    I've heard something about a student loan system but don't know anything about it. Has anyone out there had anything to do with this system? I'd be very interested to hear about it.

    Thanks in advance.

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