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Posts posted by rudi49jr

  1. 4 hours ago, Shoeless Joe said:

    Jeez man, stick to the point of this thread which is about Chiang Mai checkpoints for checking Covid-19, yes?
    There are numerous other threads about burning, pollution, smog etc. where you can make your rather pointless remarks.



    Jeez man, I was merely trying to point out that the governor is apparently springing into action now to curb Covid-19, while for years he has done absolutely nothing to stop the ever increasing burning in his province every winter, which is possibly a much bigger health risk than Covid-19. Maybe you think it's pointless to point that out, but I'm quite sure many people who live in Chiang Mai Province and suffer from all kinds of respiratory diseases because of all the burning would strongly disagree with you.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Opl said:


    "Fox  Is Preparing to Be Sued Over Coronavirus Misinformation. Polls show that Trish Regan, Sean Hannity, and others successfully bamboozled viewers about coronavirus. Now, Fox is reportedly lawyering up for a potential legal backlash."

    79% of Fox News consumers who responded to a Pew Research survey last week believe the media “slightly or greatly exaggerated the risk of the pandemic.

    Good. Hope they sue the lot of them - including Trump - and they lose their shirts.

  3. They always just ask and warn and urge and tell people (not) to do something. How about enforcing existing laws, rules and regulations for a change? 

    The whole world shows dramatic declines in air pollution over the last few months, except northern Thailand, where the morons just refuse to stop burning. And those who can do - and should actually do - something about it do <deleted> all and just watch it happen, year after year after year. What a disgrace.

  4. 10 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    What exactly does "fair share" mean? And are the bottom 40%, who pay a collective ZERO towards the federal income tax burden paying their "fair share"?

    I'm guessing there's a vast gap between your definition of fair share and mine. So let's just agree to disagree on that, okay?


    And as for the bottom 40% you mentioned: most of them can barely survive on what they make and are living hand to mouth. But if incomes and wealth were distributed a little more fairly (there's that word again that you like so much), maybe they could start contributing more in that respect as well.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Pretty vague claims. How much more would you like some other guy to pay? And how much do you think it will change our revenue?

    Pretty lame post, if you ask me. Are you one of those millionaires/billionaires who’s afraid to pay their fair share of taxes, so you can’t buy another Ferrari and another Patek Philippe? If not, why are you criticizing me?
    You don’t have to be a math wizard to figure out that even a minute increase in taxes for the wealthy would yield billions and billions. I always liked Elizabeth Warren’s plan for a wealth tax, which would yield 3,5 trillion dollars in 10 years. Is that specific enough for you?

    • Like 2
  6. Just hope the poachers don't get wind of this, would hate to see these last tigers get blown away because countless schmucks in China still believe that tiger parts can protect them from various diseases or give them a bigger erection.

    I remember about 20 years ago National Geographic did research in Kaeng Krachan national park and found evidence that there was quite a large population of tigers there, possibly 50 to 100. It was on TV, and about 10 years later they went back and I think they couldn't find a single tiger anymore in Kaeng Krachan. At least not in the area where they had done the research before and found such a large population. So I guess the poachers got in there and killed them all. And the sad thing is that with every tiger they kill, the next one will become more valuable because there are less and less of these magnificent animals left.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, lust said:

    I didn’t know there were any wild tigers left here. Happy days.

    Wikipedia says: "According to researchers, the park may have more tigers than China".

    The park is actually the second biggest national park in Thailand, about 2,200 square kilometers. It is in between, and connected to, two other national parks, Khao Yai and Tha Phraya. The three parks together cover an area of around 5,000 square kilometers. 


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  8. 41 minutes ago, Venom said:

    Looks like a mild case of the flu. He seems to be working through it from home and yes people tend to stay home and self quarantine when they are sick. 

    He has been tested and it turns out he has corona. This is not just a “mild case of the flu”. Many (or most) people who get it will not feel a thing or experience only mild symptoms, but that is not the point, because this virus can be an unpredictable killer, also for people outside of the risk groups.

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