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Posts posted by rudi49jr

  1. 11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'm for freedom to make my own decisions.

    I’m all for that as well, but what you don’t seem to realize - or don’t give a flying **** about - is that your decisions can impact other people’s lives in very serious ways. So if you go to one of those Trump rallies and don’t wear a mask and don’t practice social distancing, you can become a serious health risk for others. Over 225,000 infections have now been traced to Sturgis, and I’m betting some of them, or even quite a few of them, have ended in people dying. And all that just because a bunch of yahoos wanted to exercise their right to make their own decisions.

    Let me ask you this: if your neighbor decides to start burning his waste in his backyard and your house is full of smoke every night as a result of that, will you respect his freedom to make that decision?

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  2. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    This "president" has American blood on his hands.

    And a lot of it, and a lot more to come. Calculations are that by the year's end, there could be as many as 400,000 deaths in the USA, certainly if Trump keeps holding these rallies and adding new corona hot spots. If 95% of Americans wore masks when venturing outside, that simple thing alone could save up to 120,000 lives. You would think that the president wants to save those 120,000 lives and he'd push endlessly for everyone to wear a mask, but Trump says little to nothing about wearing wearing masks. Really makes you wonder what makes that man tick, although I have a pretty good idea.

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  3. 1 hour ago, pedro01 said:

    Given what we know about the process of releasing new medicines and vaccines - the trials and the testing periods etc - the loonies are the one's that take this rushed out POS.


    It is a real shame it became a race. Couldn't mankind have once put all the best and brightest together to produce the vaccine?




    What happened was profit making organizations around the world all "raced" to get it out because of the absolutely massive profits to be made if they became 'the one'. If you think corners weren't cut in that process -you need your head examined.


    My own plan, if it becomes mandatory - will be a generous bung to the nurse/doctor to squirt that <deleted> down the sink and then take it in about 3-5 years time if people aren't banging their heads against walls at that point.


  4. 3 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    He,s not justifying it, he,s just stating an obvious fact. The Bali bombing was just one of MANY atrocities by muslims against Christians, and they are not going to stop ????

    How about the tens of thousands of innocent people (most of them Muslims) killed in Iraq during the American invasion? How about all the innocent victims caused by American drone attacks? The USA alone is responsible for many more deaths of innocent Muslims than vice versa. 
    I also noticed that you spelled it muslims and Christians. Was that intentional, or just a slip of the pen? 

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