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Posts posted by rudi49jr

  1. Never going to happen, at least not until some things really change. First of all, people need to learn to drive before they they get their driver's license. Which will be extremely difficult, what with everyone thinking 'me first, and screw everyone else'. On top of that, the Thai traffic police need to start doing their job, instead of collecting tea money. I've been coming to Thailand for over 30 years now and have lived there off and on, but I can't say I'm very optimistic.

  2. Doctors without borders came with a report that some 6,700 Rohingya have been killed in a period of just one month (end of August until end of September), and more than 700 of those were children 5 years old or younger. That's 225 people killed every day. And they said it's probably a conservative estimate, the actual number could be a lot higher. The Myanmar army obviously has a lot to answer for.

  3. 44 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    I hope Moore wins as he will be a non-stop embarrassment for the Swamp, and a constant reminder of the moral implosion of the Democrats and Rinos, and of the reasons why the People voted Trump into the WH.


    This may come as a bit of a shock to you, but it was just a minority of 'the people' that voted Trump into the WH. The popular vote was won by HRC by a mere three million votes.

  4. 3 minutes ago, hhinhh said:

    Macron is right, we will never achieve a constant climate because this never happened since the earth existed and never will be. Who on earth has the idea to keep the climate constant is an ideological idiot or an organization which wants to collect donations and government funds from taxpayers.

    What an ignorant comment: just keep doing what we've been doing all along, because we can not control the climate and it will do whatever it will do. Has it ever occurred to you that humans have anything to do with that? We keep on burning fossil fuels and pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. I'm not exactly Einstein, but even I can see we need to start to do something about that.

  5. 3 minutes ago, quadperfect said:

    I bet tillerson is about to leave the house.

    There can be no good from all this. Life will be lost in every scenerio.

    Now or later . But later means kim will have no food but thousands of nukes.

    He will war. 

    Probobly take over japan first just to rub it in the usa face.

    I don't think Kim would be that stupid, he's just playing mind games and trying to look strong. Tillerson can say whatever he wants, but he's about to be axed and his boss in the WH is gunning for war, no matter what, anything to take the attention away from Mueller's investigation.

  6. 2 hours ago, selftaopath said:

    Trump and his minions are moral misfits. They are the lowest of low. When will America be rid of this degenerate bunch of dictator minded dregs of society?  The day is rapidly approaching when Trump will be the most hated human in the world.

    You are quite right, but the thing is that many Americans are still behind Trump, whatever he says or does or twitters. They keep cheering him on, even when he says he can shoot someone in broad daylight in the middle of the street and get away with it. What are these people thinking? The lying pussy grabber in charge supporting a kiddy fiddler in Alabama apparently doesn't mean a thing to them and they would rather vote for an orang oetan or a head of lettuce to prevent a democrat from winning.

  7. 24 minutes ago, baboon said:

    Lock the buggers up in a prison cell with no food or water until they come up with something. If you decide to shoot them after, well that's fine with me too...

    That's probably a little harsh, but apparently none of the Brexiteers have done their homework to figure out what the damage will be if the UK leave the EU and how much it will cost them. Let's just see how that works out.

  8. 13 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Their economy is a shambles:

    Germany books record low unemployment despite political woes


    Trumpettes (and probably Trump himself as well) will cry 'FAKE NEWS', but they get their info from Faux News and Breitbart and such sources, so they don't know any better. Fact is that Germany is and will remain the powerhouse of the EU economy. Come on Brexiteers, what do you have to say about that?

  9. 6 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

    Britain First is not the Nazi party. Britain First are a small political group that are desperate to preserve Britain's culture and heritage and to promote the interests of British people. Throwing around hateful(and totally untrue) labels is inflammatory.

    Yeah, just like every German that ever joined the SS was nothing more than a concerned citizen and a true patriot.

  10. 4 minutes ago, johna said:

    I am really happy to point out to all you Trump hating liberals that Trump is still president of the USA, will serve a full term and very likely will be re elected.  You got the last election wrong and you'll get the next one wrong. Trump is right about the threat Muslims pose to western society and I am very pleased that Trump is willing to talk about this.

    But you don't mind that he's giving a nazi party a platform to spout their evil ideas. That says a lot about you and everybody who thinks like you.

  11. The vindictive and utterly clueless man child occupying the White House needs to have his twitter privileges revoked. What a joke that boob is, giving a racist and white-supremacy party in the UK a platform to spoute their vile and nazi ideas. Trump is an embarrassment to everything that the USA stands for, like freedom of speech and the freedom of press. And he does nothing else but spread fake news himself. What a great guy, and what a great president he is. Please give me a bucket to puke in ....

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