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Posts posted by rudi49jr

  1. 6 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

    Britain First is not the Nazi party. Britain First are a small political group that are desperate to preserve Britain's culture and heritage and to promote the interests of British people. Throwing around hateful(and totally untrue) labels is inflammatory.

    Yeah, just like every German that ever joined the SS was nothing more than a concerned citizen and a true patriot.

  2. 4 minutes ago, johna said:

    I am really happy to point out to all you Trump hating liberals that Trump is still president of the USA, will serve a full term and very likely will be re elected.  You got the last election wrong and you'll get the next one wrong. Trump is right about the threat Muslims pose to western society and I am very pleased that Trump is willing to talk about this.

    But you don't mind that he's giving a nazi party a platform to spout their evil ideas. That says a lot about you and everybody who thinks like you.

  3. The vindictive and utterly clueless man child occupying the White House needs to have his twitter privileges revoked. What a joke that boob is, giving a racist and white-supremacy party in the UK a platform to spoute their vile and nazi ideas. Trump is an embarrassment to everything that the USA stands for, like freedom of speech and the freedom of press. And he does nothing else but spread fake news himself. What a great guy, and what a great president he is. Please give me a bucket to puke in ....

  4. It's the same old story over and over again. Republican president says he's going to slash taxes and make life better for everyone. But what he fails to mention is that only the rich will benefit, that he's going to increase spendings for the military with hundreds of billions of dollars, the national deficit will spiral out of control and the poor will suffer. Reagan did it and left Clinton with a huge deficit. He managed to turn thing around and when Bush came to office eight years later he inherited a record budget surplus. And guess what Bush did? He made the same mistake, slashed taxes but spent trillions on the military and ran the country into the ground, just like he did with every business he ran before he became president. Obama was left with a record deficit but still did an amazingly good job, considering what he was up against. Both the Republican dominated House and Senate did everything they could to try to thwart what Obama was trying to do, but when Trump took over the economy was thriving again. And now Trump is trying to take credit for that and is pushing his major 'tax reform', the very mistake that both Reagan and Bush made before him. And then I won't even go into Trump's ties with the Russians, the business interests that he and the clan around him have and try to exploit with Trump being president and the plain fact that he has been caught out lying through his teeth many times already. And still the Trumpettes keep supporting him through thick and thin. What a strange world it is that we live in.

  5. 37 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Congrats to Muller. Hard for Trump supporters to not like him. He's doing what Trump promised to do, but never did.



    'The Mueller effect’: How the special counsel might be ‘draining the swamp’ better than Trump ever could


    According to The Post, Mueller’s probe has so far resulted in a massive uptick of individuals and firms who work for foreign interests to either file or amend foreign agent registrations. The report even claims that there are more people registering as foreign agents now than in the same amount of time over each of the last 20 years.


    I couldn't agree with you more. Trump is an embarrassment to the American presidency and to the American people, and he needs to be taken down asap.

  6. 30 minutes ago, siamike said:

    Although most everyone is using "collusion" as a short-hand for crimes allegedly committed by the Trump campaign, Collusion is not a federal crime (except in the unique case of antitrust law).  On the criminal side, the word that would best describes an agreement between the Trump campaign and Russia to commit any number of crimes (say, election fraud) would be “conspiracy”—something that the recent release of Donald Trump Jr.’s email chain might support.

    Politico did an informative article on collusion as it applies to the Trump-Russia case: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/07/12/what-is-collusion-215366


    I think collusion with the Russians is the least of Trump's worries now. Flynn seems to be about ready to strike a deal with Mueller and throw Trump under the bus to get a lighter sentence. Watergate will pale in comparison, I'm quite sure. 

  7. From the frying pan into the fire comes to mind. Mnangagwa has been Mugabe's enforcer and henchman for a long time, so I don't think things are going to change any time soon: it will probably be business as usual, but now with Mnangagwa at the controls. I really pity Zimbabwe and its people, because it is potentially such a rich country. But so is Venezuela, and look how quickly Maduro managed to run that country into the ground. And Zuma is well on his way doing the same with South Africa.

  8. On 24-11-2017 at 12:23 PM, stephen tracy said:

    Well, what a surprise. Either they're so dumb they actually think people believe their BS or their so arrogant they simply don't care. To rub salt in the wounds on the victim's family, they're saying they only want recruits who are tough, thus implying to the family that the victim was not tough.  Tough or not, anyone can die after being beaten to death. Prayut and Prawit saying they also experience this kind of treatment in the army is laughable. Can you seriously imagine either of these buffoons taking a beating?  Never happened. It is an insult to man and women in uniform all over the world that Prayut and Prawit have the nerve to call themselves soldiers. Would you follow them onto a battlefield? 


    'Either they're so dumb they actually think people believe their BS or their so arrogant they simply don't care.'


    My money would be on the latter : they are pretty dumb, but what it comes down to is that they really don't give a toss.

  9. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    It was always going to be a very tricky subject to resolve, even with the best intentions.


    But although the British and Irish governments want a really successful conclusion that's acceptable to all, other powerful EU members don't really care and their only interest is to use it as another stick to beat the UK.


    I feel sorry for Ireland because Irish governments have always been one of the more sensible within the EU.


    I don't know where you get your news from, but the EU are certainly not the only culprit in this whole mess of a situation; the UK are also to blame for dragging their feet and being delusional that they can dictate the terms of the 'divorce'.

  10. 2 hours ago, vogie said:

    Quid pro quo can refer to an illegal transaction such as blackmail.

    Quid pro quo, legal or illegal, doesn't have anything to do with blackmail. Quid pro quo is 'a favour for a favour', or 'I scratch your back if you scratch mine,' in short, an exchange of goods or services. Blackmail means that you get something for nothing because you have some kind of leverage over the other party.

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