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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Over 90,000 Russian soldiers have died, cannot be accounted for, or have suffered such serious injuries that they are unable to return to service, independent Russian media project iStories reported on Wednesday, citing sources close to the Kremlin. And Putin thought his little ‘special military operation’ would be over in a few days….. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/10/12/over-90k-irrecoverable-losses-suffered-by-russian-soldiers-in-ukraine-istories-a79070
  2. Like some posters keep/kept repeating here: if only Ukraine had surrendered or given up a sizeable chunk of its territory to Russia, this whole war would not have been necessary. Madness!!
  3. “Interior ministry and police force declare war on drugs” Yeah, right, and kill the goose that lays the golden eggs? Not in a million years. Both police and army make way too much money with the drugs trade, so maybe they will make some token busts, as per usual, but other than that I wouldn’t hold my breath.
  4. Wow, 23 million baht! Talk about a drop in the ocean. How about scrapping that ridiculous plan to buy submarines and doing something good for the people instead? But the military gotta have their toys, no matter how the people are suffering.
  5. I read that this guy is an extremely brutal and also very corrupt general, even by Russian standards, which says a lot. So Ukraine knows what it’s up against.
  6. Psychopaths, narcissists and madmen only see the evil in others, never in themselves. It’s always someone else’s fault, they are never to blame for anything.
  7. Be careful what you wish for, with the likes of Prighozhin and other such sinister figures chomping at the bit to take over.
  8. To reform the RTP needs a complete overhaul of Thai society, because there in lies the problem, the general mindset that corruption is not necessarily a bad thing. There have been polls for many years with questions about corruption, and they always show that at least 65 to 70% of the Thai people are not opposed to corruption: as long as they can profit from it!
  9. Ukrainian officials say that at least 180 bodies, including "whole families" with young children, have been discovered in a mass grave in Lyman less than one week after troops reclaimed the formerly Russian-occupied city. As the Ukrainian army liberates more towns and villages, we can probably expect many more of these horrible finds. https://www.newsweek.com/whole-families-among-180-bodies-found-mass-grave-lyman-ukraine-1750064
  10. Did drugs since high school, violent history, got his drugs from another cop, not doing his job. So all the necessary requirements to become or be a cop, then. Jeez, how can someone like that even enter the TGP? Don’t they have some kind of screening process? Or are the ‘qualifications’ that this guy had actually viewed as positive and contributing to the RTP?
  11. That guy has got a sense of humor on him! I mean, really? Then why are we not all driving Russian cars, and using Russian iphones? The only thing that Russia excels at right now is subhuman behavior in their war against Ukraine, and in the parts of Ukraine they occupy. They’re also getting very good at oppressing their own people in ‘mother Russia’.
  12. Královes (formerly known as Kaliningrad) belongs to the Czech Republic now. After the successful referendum it turns out that 97,7% of the people want to be part of the Czech Republic.
  13. In my country there are plenty of right-wingers saying how convenient this war is for the ‘liberals’ to achieve their energy transition goals, seeing as how prices of gas and electricity are going through the roof.
  14. What other solution would you propose, then? Just let Russia take Ukraine and keep committing their daily war crimes?
  15. Here’s another reminder that if the West can provide Ukraine with enough advanced weapons, they are able to kick the Russian nazis out.
  16. Here’s hoping many Russian soldiers will see the light and follow their example!
  17. A very sobering view of the war. Besides killing, murdering, raping and torturing, the only purpose of the Russian army being there seems to be to pillage, loot and steal everything they can get their hands on. And then after a few months, and losing (tens of) thousands of men, they retreat. The complete madness of Putin’s senseless war exposed.
  18. Kadyrov says he’s sending his three sons (14, 15 and 16 years old) to the front in Ukraine. If that is true, he’s an even bigger a-hole than I thought and his sons will be so grateful! Not. But somehow I suspect they won’t see any action and will be kept far from any danger. Can’t have any sons of the great Chechen leader go home in a body bag, or missing an arm or a leg, now can we? https://www.kyivpost.com/russias-war/chechnyas-kadyrov-says-sending-teenage-sons-to-ukraine-front.html
  19. This is gross negligence, at the very least. Their defense that it was ‘not intentional’ is completely ludicrous. The owners should sue that bank for as much as they possibly can.
  20. They will discuss, and then discuss some more, and then maybe a committee will be formed, but in the end nothing will happen.
  21. They caused damage, didn’t they? So the outcome is the same.
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