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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Brown envelopes are what makes this country tick. So much ‘unusual wealth’, it’s just ridiculous. But about 70% of the population doesn’t have any problems with it. As long as they can profit from the system as well, that is.
  2. Find out who they paid to smuggle them into the country, then follow the money up the chain. You’d be surprised how far up this goes.
  3. If they put up a collection box and all cabinet members turn out their pockets and donate their loose change, I’m sure they will be able to raise 100 million baht, if not more.
  4. Don’t just stand there guarding the borders! You have to carefully guard the borders! Wow, that’s really telling them.
  5. Not to mention the billions and billions of dollars in the Vatican bank and all the fancy real estate the Vatican possesses in London. And they probably have quite some money/properties stashed away that no one knows about.
  6. Maybe you should look into the difference between religion and science a little more…..
  7. Sure it is, but us humans burning all those fossil fuels doesn’t really help.
  8. I always used to love going up north in the winter and having to put on a sweater at night, and sleep under a couple of blankets or a thick duvet. But I have no idea anymore when the burning starts, seems the haze and smoke starts coming earlier every year. Such a shame, because it’s so beautiful up there in the winter.
  9. You would almost be inclined to think, seeing as how this is Thailand, that this guy has some vested interest in one of these vaping companies and has a lot to gain when it’s legalized.
  10. Or that he, generally speaking, has a clue what he’s talking about. Hint: he doesn’t.
  11. It’s always those dirty foreigners, isn’t it? Just like all those right-wing nutbags in the USA, blaming the immigrants for bringing in COVID and spreading it around.
  12. Weird argument. I think many more lives are saved by wearing a seatbelt, than lives are lost because of wearing a seatbelt. And it’s not as if you’re completely immobile when wearing a seatbelt, is it?
  13. When someone doesn’t wear a seatbelt or helmet in my country and they get in an accident, they can end up in the hospital, when they have serious injuries. Guess who’s going to pay for that? And guess who’s going to pay for it when that person ends up being handicapped and needing help/assistance for the rest of their life? It’s just plain stupid and irresponsible to not wear a seatbelt or helmet, as far as I’m concerned.
  14. I like traveling by train a lot, it’s much more relaxed than going by bus (or plane). Have gone from Bangkok to Singapore and back a few times by train. The one way trip takes a few days, but if time is not an issue it’s very enjoyable, just to look at the scenery going by, shoot the breeze with your traveling companion(s), you can order food and drinks from the restaurant car, it’s like a little vacation! And I always sleep very well on trains, which is something that I can’t seem to do on a bus or a plane.
  15. Famous last words. Wonder when I heard that before? Doesn’t make me feel very confident, but I really hope Bangkok won’t have to go through what happened in 2011 again.
  16. I love those old railway stations. Hua Lamphong in Bangkok, Chiang Mai railway station. Used to love taking the day train from BKK to CM and vice versa. But that was long ago, when they were still running on time, now they are always at least 2-3 hours behind schedule.
  17. How can USA be a low risk country? Numbers of infections are going through the roof in many states.
  18. I think it's not so much thanks to Anutin, but much more a case of "in spite of Anutin".
  19. The problem is that these loons - like Tucker Carlson and co. - get such a big podium to spread their lies and misinformation.
  20. When you are vaccinated you can still become infected and get sick, that much is true, but the chances of getting seriously sick and ending up in ICU are much smaller. And you’re less likely to pass it on. And that’s the whole point, to minimize the risks to yourself and others around you. That’s why I prefer not to come into close contact with people who are not vaccinated. When it comes to a potentially deadly virus, I just don’t want to take any chances, even though I am vaccinated. Has nothing to do with thinking I’m better than others, everything to do with not wanting to die because someone didn’t get vaccinated.
  21. I’m not saying you have to take the vaccine. I’m just saying that if you don’t, I don’t want to come anywhere near you.
  22. This is the best that we’ve got so far, the vaccines that are now available. They seem to be doing a good job, and the vast majority of experts seem to think that the vaccines are - relatively - safe. I’m not a doctor, not a virologist or an expert, so who am I to argue? Am I going to risk catching a potentially deadly virus, and/or passing it on to my circle of family, friends and co-workers? Or am I going to take the vaccine and protect myself and the people around me? For me, that was not a difficult choice.
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