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Posts posted by NHJ

  1. LOL. :o Its not even in the same family.

    Star Anise (Illicium verum) an evergreen tree attaining a height of 8-15 meters and a diameter of 25 cm.

    Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) a dainty, white-flowered urnbelliferous annual, about 18 inches high.

    Isn't nature well made, different species, different location but same taste exept one is stronger than the other.

    when i was talking about the french using it to make pastis, i wanted to show the regular anise we know in europe is replaced by its chinese cousin because of its strong taste.

  2. when i see the price of the units and the estimated money come back wich is 8% after two years, you'll need 25 years to have a profit...

    money is better in the bank, you have profit after the first year.

    So if i buy 25 Units its a better idea I will make my profit straight away, if thats the case its really going to take off

    you can even buy the entire hotel, it won't change the fact your money in the bank will bring you a lot more after one year, will be immediately available if needed and very safe unlike thailand.

  3. Chinese star anise in nowhere similar to aniseed and is not a substitute.

    You can buy aniseed by the kilo from Nguan Soon.

    If you go to their shop in Bangkok you can get smaller qtys.


    I couldnt find it on their website, but they do sell it.

    I have bought plenty from them to make my own pepperoni.

    Better to call them, perhaps, but have a Thai friend look it up in a dictionary/translator to get the correct Thai name, or you may end up with fennel seed or Chinese star anise.

    Good luck.

    chinese star anise is the same as regular anise, exept it has a much stronger taste, it's even used in pastis, the french alcohol.

  4. <br />
    sorry in french it's called "levure chimique" wich gives once translated chemical yeast because it's using basic chemical reaction to lever the paste.<br /><br />anyway i'll have a look and of course try your recipe, my question about makro mozzarella still remains as i don't wanna buy two kilos of something not worth.
    <br /><br />And to think the French call themselves con-a-sirs<br />

    adter re-readng your post, i finally understood what you mean by con-a-sirs , it's "connaisseur" anyway i'm not french but i'm a "connaisseur" in many domains :o

  5. hi,

    i repaired the hoven i found in my new house and i wanna make pizza.

    cheese is usually very expensive in thailand, but i found cheap ones (cheddar and mozzarella) at makro.

    they're selling two kilos of mozzarella at 600 bath the unit(i guess a unit is actually the pack of two kilo).

    did someone try it already and how was it?

    another question, i bought some chemical yeast to do some bakkery but my preparation never "raised", do you have any recommendation? the one i got is "imperial baker's choise" .

  6. isn't there a bacteria that will grow into brewed alcohol and make you blind?

    i remember we talked about this 10 years ago with one of my teacher in biology lessons.

    edit it's not a bacteria, if the sugar is producing methanol and not ethanol, you'll become blind.

  7. thaifod is very poor when it comes to flavour and health (kidney and stomach), too much hidden salt(fish sauce) and lack of spice, poor meat used (fat or chicken kidney) not enough vegetables and way too much chili wich is wasting the taste of the dishes.

    good thing is to teach your girlfriend to make a more healthy and flavour food, i was surprised to try few thai dishes without chili and find them to be a lot better at my taste compared to their chili version(tom yam kung, kai nam prik pao and many others).

    how do you make kai nam prik pao without chilli (prik)? :D Can you have it without chicken too?

    I can't imagine Tom Yum without chilli, the unique and lovely flavour would be ruined! I have a sore ankle so I'll stay off my soap box for now. I agree with some of what you say about hidden salt etc. but when we reach the anti-chilli territory I always find myself somewhat perplexed as it is a often wrongly misjudged and scorned spice which plays a very important place in my gastronomic life. Give it a fair go, in moderation if need be, but don't shut it out totally :o

    hi, i was waiting that one :D

    in the kai nam prik pai, the main taste is coming from something red contained in a can, i believe this is special cooked chili, when i ask without prik it means without any fresh chili added.

    chili is a spice like another, if you put too much pepper or too much salt, your dish will be hard to eat, chili isn't an exeption at this rule, a great dish is made with balance between all ingredients, if one is too strong, you'll taste only this one, especially true with chili as it's burning and thus reducing/removing your ability to taste.

    we found something funny with chili, often thai dishes are served with a small soup, we eat spicy, then drink a little of fresh water, the soup has now a strong sugar taste due to the chili effect.

  8. the hospital was thai inter, to be honest i don't know who was wrong or bad but the security at this hospital is none, a guy can be threaten by others while he's in treatment.

    of course, he didn't go to the police, fear of being killed, hit or something like that....

    on a side note, i went to that hospital for a urine anlysis, it was 320 bath and done in 20 minutes, i thought it would be a lot more than that and i found the staff ok but my case has nothing to do with serious things like your friend.

  9. Few months ago, one of my friend had a serious accident with a car tai driver, he was left for dead at a 7/11.

    he was brought to that hospital in emergency and received the care he needs aswell as the regular visit of a bangkok surgeon BUT the taxi driver came to his room with friends and threaten him to pay 25.000 for the damages on the taxi and they took his passeport.

    a part of his feet was missing, just under the achille talon.

    current bill : 1million bath to the hospital(stayed there for two months +) and 25k bath to the taxi driver.

    he won't be able to walk as before but he avoided the amputation...

  10. I would change it to the kind of Chinese food found in the best restaurant cities like Hong Kong, Singapore, San Francisco and New York with lots of good veggies. Get rid of the sugar, broken bones, fish sauce and super-hot spices!

    100% agree with you, thaifod is very poor when it comes to flavour and health (kidney and stomach), too much hidden salt(fish sauce) and lack of spice, poor meat used (fat or chicken kidney) not enough vegetables and way too much chili wich is wasting the taste of the dishes.

    good thing is to teach your girlfriend to make a more healthy and flavour food, i was surprised to try few thai dishes without chili and find them to be a lot better at my taste compared to their chili version(tom yam kung, kai nam prik pao and many others).

  11. Whilst on the subject of milk, is there a cows milk available in Thailand which is "lactose free"?

    we got the same trouble, and it's funny for a country where 98% of people are lactose intolerant : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactose_intolerance

    we're unable to find lactose free product, the first time i came in thailand, i was eating a cheap chocolate icecream from 7/11 12baths and after a few days i found out that i had no symptoms, i had a look on the protective plastic for the list of ingredients, it was milk free...

    i'll have a look at the name next time i'm going to a 7/11.

    PS: you can order some lactase pills if you really feel the need.

  12. it's a matter of cost for the ISP, internet here is extremely cheap if you got one the recent promotion 590bath/month, the ISP is paying international bandwith at internationnal rate not regarding the cost of life in thailand.

    i prefer a slow internet by moment but unlimited than a fast internet with 10giz of monthly transfer because some idiots made an everage calculation with the existing customers and thought it would be enough for everyone.

    if you use firefox, consider adding no script, adblock and flashblock to your extension, it'll speed up the load of web pages by not loading the advertisement banners.

  13. you might wanna give a try to www.dd-wrt.com, you can flash your routeur with another based linux OS and enjoy the full power of it(use the generix version of the firmware, the mega can't be installed on it).

    i have this routeur since years and this firmware btw.

    so for your case you have two options :

    1) if it's a routeur maintaining the connection automatically, you can tell your linksys to get an automatic IP from the routeur but if you wanna use some peer2peer you'll have to tell your adsl routeur to DMZ to your linksys.

    2) if it's a modem or a routeur, you can tell it to be in bridge mode and then setup your linksys with your adsl login and password.

  14. depending on your trouble, if you computer shows no image or doesn't react when it's powered on(dead power supply), there's no need for the hardrive.

    if you got trouble with freezing computer, then without the hardrive, the tech guy won't be able to help you.

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