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Posts posted by Gladiator

  1. I have been out of action for a while due to health reasons... but a successful trip today.

    I found them at a good price at Hang Dong Market. If you use the car park at the back, go to enter the market and the last shop on the right

    of the car park sells them.

    Nothing fancy but 100 Baht for four. metal with wooden handles - the straight metal part being approximately one foot long.



  2. Newspaper 089-7560123

    Heya mate ...I got this local delivery guy number from a friend ...he delivers to the Moobaan in the hang dong area every at between 3-4pm

    You need to speak Thai to set it up or a partner can help out easily

    Prices are the same as the newsstand and there is no delivery charges ..you can even pick what days you want the delivery (I pick Thursday to Sunday as I like the supplemental magazines)

    He collects the money at the end of the month with no fuss.

    Thanks Lawrence,

    Thats great !

  3. I wonder if anyone can help -

    Although I realize I can access this newspaper online, for various reasons I prefer hard copy. To date I have been buying it from the vendor situated by the 7-11 on the 108 highway from Chiang Mai to Hang Dong - just before the left turn to the Dog and Bone Pub/Restaurant. However recently the time of arrival at this newspaper stand has become very 'hit and miss'. I never seem to be able to find the newspaper at Rimpings. Does anyone know of an alternative regular source in Hang Dong?

    Many thanks,

    By the way - if you are a fan of Kanom Jeep, the Thai dumplings with soi sauce, crispy garlic and a little green salad on the side. The wife of the newspaper vendor by the 7-11 makes and sells terrific ones.


  4. If you need lifting it may not be practicable to rely on a Thai girl because of their small stature. They are strong but twice their body weight is a bit much. You may be better off or safer if you can get a couple in your neighbood and make arangements for them to help you get out of bed. The lady could then clean the house and the man help or go his own way and it should only take a morning. I think you may have less chance of getting ripped off with this arangement too.

    If the worst comes to the worst the care facility at McCloean hospital has good airconditioned rooms and general nursing etc car for 30000 a month. food and medical costs are more of course.

    Good point Harry.

    Something the OP might wish to consider, should the condition be static or likely to deteriorate - is an 'Electric Patient Lift'. These can be purchased in Thailand and considering their function do not take up a lot of space. For sure, initial training of the Carer (s) designated to operate the lift is required, but it is very straightforward and provided the OP is alert during the lifting procedure, to monitor the process, should be of minimum risk.


    • Like 1
  5. Is there an overnight bus? Guess I should head to bus station too

    I haven't done it for a few years so it's probably changed now, it used to be sombat tour and issan tour alternating so there was a bus every night. leaving around 7 or 8pm.

    as already pointed out, it takes over 12 hours. and it can be scary at times. you wont arrive at the other end feeling very fresh.


    Yes there is a bus and far better, IMO, than Sombat Tour and Issan Tour. Not as good as Nakonchaiair but still comfortable. It leaves either later afternoon or early evening from the New Terminal.

    • Like 1
  6. They let people put any posts up clearly, i hope he doesn't let us know whether he found them or not, don't care!!

    If you don't care why bother posting.

    I asked the OP to let me know if he was successful in finding skewers as I would like to buy some. He is very kindly keeping me posted.

    So u got a new friend, congratulations

    Enjoyurlife - Don't suppose that you are a friend of 'TooPoopedToPop' Poster are you? You both seem to be fairly new to TV.com and make similar inane comments.....

  7. I'll probably get flamed for this but farangs look ridiculous driving those things. Thais laugh and crack endless jokes when they see farangs driving them. They are for very poor people who can not afford a car or truck. They are dangerous as hell. Seen a few of them in accidents over the years. The driver is usually pinned underneath.

    I used to ride a 'Combo' (motorbike with side car) in the U.K. in my youth so I thought that I was familiar with the driving technique. Yes overall the bike with side care 'Thing' is overall more stable. However, depending on the weight of the side car, much care has to be taken when turning right as it can 'flip' and the result is as per Elektrified's post.

    I thought that I still maintained this skill but a few years ago in Rayong driving a bike at low KPH with empty and very light sidecar, I managed to drive the sidecar wheel over a curb and the bike flipped. Luckily I was unscathed and the car park attendant thought that it was a stunt in a movie. But it took him and his mate to lift the bike off of me.

    >>However, depending on the weight of the side car, much care has to be taken when turning right as it can 'flip' and the result is as per Elektrified's post.<<

    Turning right is no problem ,its turning left that needs skill and a lot of practise .As you turn left the side car has a tendancy to rise up off the road .

    Have to think about that one as in my incident it was a right hand turn.

    Surely as the sidecar is attached to the left hand side of the motorbike - during a left hand turn the turning force causes weight to be put on the sidecar (?) During a right hand turn the converse is true and the car may lift off of the ground without due care ?

  8. I'll probably get flamed for this but farangs look ridiculous driving those things. Thais laugh and crack endless jokes when they see farangs driving them. They are for very poor people who can not afford a car or truck. They are dangerous as hell. Seen a few of them in accidents over the years. The driver is usually pinned underneath.

    I used to ride a 'Combo' (motorbike with side car) in the U.K. in my youth so I thought that I was familiar with the driving technique. Yes overall the bike with side care 'Thing' is overall more stable. However, depending on the weight of the side car, much care has to be taken when turning right as it can 'flip' and the result is as per Elektrified's post.

    I thought that I still maintained this skill but a few years ago in Rayong driving a bike at low KPH with empty and very light sidecar, I managed to drive the sidecar wheel over a curb and the bike flipped. Luckily I was unscathed and the car park attendant thought that it was a stunt in a movie. But it took him and his mate to lift the bike off of me.

  9. I

    You're not that Turkish dude, are you?

    Remarkably witty and helpful reply posting. Bored? Time hanging heavy on you hands? Thank you for sharing your insight.

    I wonder who he/she was in their last incarnation.

    Just curious but does it make a difference other than the metal ones are reusable. To me it wouldn't but no body ever accused me of having sensitive taste buds.

    I don,t think so other than what you get used to. Always seems a bit fiddly to me to have to soak the wooden skewers in water before use. Also i have not seen the longer wooden skewers, sure thatnthey are out there. The metal ones that i have used are nearly 20 inches long.

    Do the restaurants that serve skewers use metal or wood?

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