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Posts posted by Gladiator

  1. Two Explorers are deep in the jungle on the African Continent.

    One evening they make a camp fire and settle down to their evening grub.

    Suddendly a hairy arm comes down and grabs Gerald, who then disappears up into the the trees and folliage.

    Clive is totally distraught and overcome. He runs around looking for Gerald for many a day but eventually abandons all hope and returns to 'civililisation'.

    Many years later Clive is on another expedition and in the middle of the jungle... who shoud emerge but Gerald,,

    "Gerald..." How Have you been... where have you been? Have you been lonely?"

    "Lonely" says Gerald... " He hasn't phoned.. he hasn't written...."

  2. For some reason this reminds me of tv.com

    There was an order of silent monks. No one was allowed to speak. The ancient Abbot who had been there for many years died and was replaced with a new Abbot, who wished to make modest reforms.

    He decreed that once every five years a Monk would be able to rise after the evening meal and say something.

    The first occurence - a Monk got up onto his feet and said....

    "I don't know about the rest of you but I think that the food here is abysmal! "

    and sat down. Five years elapsed,

    A second Monk arose from his chair and said....

    "I totally disagree... I think that the food here is rather good !"

    Yet another five years elapsed and a yet another Monk arose...

    " I'm outta here... there is too much bitching......!!!!"

  3. Sriphat medical center, Chiang Mai university.

    Chiang Mai Ram hospital.


    Both are good.

    Last year I had the same which developed from lifting my dog into and out of the back of my pick-up truck. I eventually had the operation in Sriphat. Done deal.

    My only comments :

    1. When the ward nurse came to prepare me - he shaved the wrong area. I told him that the hernia was in the location of my navel and not my groin. He went scuttling off to check with the nursing station and came back a little sheepish.

    2. Not sure if they use a body mass ratio to calculate the post-op pain killer, or what - but for sure they got mine wrong. Post-op, I awoke in agony and they had to top up the 'morphine' before I was comfortable.

    Please PM me if you require further details as I have experience of both of these and other hospitals

  4. If you can figure this out please don't post your reckoning..

    Three brothers decide to buy a TV.

    The promotion cost is 30 baht.

    Each brother saves and contributes 10 Baht

    three brothers = 30 Bhat

    They go to buy the TV.

    The Salesman salesman is a crook and says

    "Hi lads this is your lucky day... the TV has been on discount.. "

    he puts 2 baht in his pocket and gives each brother back one Baht.

    Now each brother has paid 9 Bhat

    3 brothers equal 3 times 9 Bjat = 27 baht

    Plus the 2 baht in his pocket

    where did the other Baht go to?

    Dedicated to 'On The Dark Side' Mod Chaing Mai

  5. Possibly problems with the DNS server. What ISP are you using? You can try changing your DNS address to or OpenDNS and see if that fixes it.

    Ermmmm. I have and use primarily Firefox Tywais... but also have on my MS MS Explorer and Google Chrome - both of which produce the same result of

    'Problem Loading Page'.

    Thanks Tywais.... Can you dumb down a bit your message concerning DNS and ?

    My apologies. I acknowledge that I am an IT nerd.

  6. There is a plant / bush called "ratree" which grows quite fast and has a wonderful smell.

    If you are not in a hurry you might think about a tree called "lamduan" - absolutely wonderful smell but it takes up to 10 years to start flowering!


    Thanks Patrick!

    I am not so sure that time is my friend... but it will be a nice legacy for my wife and children. I'll see if I can find one.


  7. I have had a search and cannot seem to find anything relevant....

    Can any one please advise me -

    I am hoping to start work on my own garden soon. One of the things that I would like in the garden is some aromatic plants and flowers. Could any one give me some advice on the best and must durable to buy? I once lived in Cyprus and one of my delights in the evning was to into the garden to smell the 'night flowers'.

    Thanks in advance.


  8. Some interesting hypotheses, no other reports so assume it was nothing exceptional. Only bit I don't get is the association of "Thai Airways" and "Quick Turnaround" biggrin.png

    I can only speculate.

    For the period 01 MAR 30 APR - TG rated and ontime performance for BKK/CNX of 83 per cent with a delay maximum of 130 (presumably minutes)

    For CNX/BKK - 72 per cent with a delay maximum of 199

    With a delayed inbound the pressure can be on, without taking any short-cuts in safety, to turn the aircraft around for the outbound as soon as possible. Hence 'Quick Turnaround'

  9. On a similar vein, I was at Airport Central last week and saw a large Airbus take off and literally loads of liquid was being expelled from the belly of it. You could see it until it went out of sight. It was not just me, a few Thai guys were also watching and curious as to what was going on! Any ideas? Just curious!

    Again - can't confirm for sure but some versions of the Airbus do have a tank overflow port and an outside overflow port for fresh water overflow. Its possible that the fresh water tanks were over-filled on turn-around.

    Out of curiosity what were the weather conditions like that day?

  10. Can't confirm for sure but sometimes on fast-turnarounds - the brakes are still hot from the landing. It is sometimes the case that the front end crew leave the undercarriage down for a while to cool off after the take-off.

  11. Bloody Mary. Plenty of pepper and a good shake of Worcester sauce extra tabasco. The Crossbar do an excellent version on Soi 23.

    Repeat until feeling human. Until 4 of them. If that don't work then send Sheryl a PM. tongue.png

    A good bloody mary is a very hard thing to find inThailand.

    Up until recently the best bloody mary i had was a Zabha Jazz Bar in Chaloklum Koh Phangan

    Sasha the bar keep is painful to watch as he exactly measures every thing into a shaker full of ice, shakes the hell out of it and then strains, because there is no ice and at least 3oz of Vodka in each, they are pretty dam_n filling. 2 is pretty much saturation.

    One of the most pleasant Bloody experiences i have ever had is recentlly at Rayavadee on Railay Krabi.

    A different animal entirely, 1oz of vodka and very expensive, it was small and perfectly spiced and about 5 went down one afternoon.

    The common factor in a good bloody is of course quality tomato juice, neither too thick or too thin, but more important is it hashave at least as much pure lime or lemon juice in it as it does vodka.

    I always order with salt on the rim, and send it back if i dont get it. This naturally causes some consternation amongst bar staff, and there are more thasn a few places on the islands and bkk, where i just go behind the bar and make my own.

    Bkk burger company does a good bloody, they put some sort of sauce or gravy in the tomato juice that gives it an interesting tang. I have found them to be hit and miss though and its not some where i would necessarily go hungover.

    That said, a bloody mary is a pale shadow of a bloody ceasar. Made with clamato and very popular in Canada. Ceasars truly are the beverage of the gods. In fact i like clamato so much i can drink gallons of the stuff without booze.

    The one caveat on ordering a bloody mary in the kingdom, is if the bar tender or staff look at you like you like you are stupid when you order, forget it, it is going to suck. Have a beer instead.

    I add a drop of sherry.... l learnt from the bartender at Harry's in Paris

  12. The reality is that object ball is never going to jump out of the pocket, hit the white ball, which hits your stick and jerks your arm back. But this is their karma teachings. And most people are already trained that there is retribution for your bad actions. And giving money has good consequences. But when you win the lotto, nobody says it was your good karma. They say you were lucky.

    If there are those who twist the teachings of a religion or practice in order to profit, does this diminish the original practice or teachings?

    As Fred has indicated, the word Kharma is frequently misused as meaning destiny due to past indiscretions.

    Kharma is action, as you say, but the consequences are the fruits of kharma (vipaka).

    The severity of vipaka revolves around ones action and intention.

    Giving money won't diminish vipaka.

    Vipaka is either immediate or may take a long time to ripen.

    Someone who smokes tobacco regularly may seem to get away with it, but eventually their aerobic fitness will die off, they may end up suffering from lung cancer or a number of other malignancies, but all will suffer from varying degrees if emphysema. These fruits of kharma will not only affect the owner of actions, but may also result in much suffering to that persons family.

    Someone who regularly speeds and breaks traffic laws may eventually end up with a variety of kharmic fruit such as fines, disqualification, higher insurance costs, property loss through accident, injury or death.

    Someone who regularly accepts bribes allowing a regular road law breaker to continue to drive may end up being indirectly responsible for a road death.

    The subtleties of kharma are far to complex for the unawakened to ever fully know or understand.



    This is response from a non-smoker.

    But then how do you account for so many that we have lost along the way?

    Never smoked. did not drink alcolhol. excecised amd had the correct diet?

    No one said that life is fair but can be very unjust at times....

  13. Prefer Seafood once and for all!

    What most locals do to fish out here is outrageous!

    Either grilled to charcoal, fried till it has the texture of crisp cardboard, salted to death, or fermented till it smells like eaten once already, or bathed in chillies, garlic till one can't recognize the fish anymore.


    Well ....My favourite way is to take a fillet of fish place in tin foil .. plus buter + Herbs+ garlic and bake for 20 minutes

  14. I used this office to start my own limted company related to Travel and Tours. My contac was Khu Pairush and my own experinece was that it worked fine for me. He is bilingual. He also arranged for a Non Immig B visa and owrk permit. Feel free to PM me if you need further. In fairness this was nearly 10 years ago so things may have changed.

    Domestic and International Business Practice

    The Knight Group Consulting Services Co., Ltd.

    20/1, Soi 5, Nimmanhaemin Road, T. Sutep, A. Muang

    Chiang Mai 50200


    phone.gif +66 53 217 083 / 220 354 / 280 262

    fax.gif +66 53 220 567 / 280 387

    Law Firm Overview

    The Knight Group Consulting Services Co., Ltd. is a company registered under the Laws of the Kingdom of Thailand. We offer legal and business services to both corporate and individual clients. Based upon our experience and qualifications we are in a position to assist our clients in both inbound and outbound business transactions. The company is linked to one of the largest law firms in Chiang Mai. This cooperation allows us to assist our clients in all matters relevant to doing business in Thailand.

    Pairush Teerachaimahit is a Thai lawyer and holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Payap University, Chiang Mai/Thailand and a Master of Laws degree from the University of Hull/United Kingdom. He counsels domestic and foreign clients in all areas of the Law. He was a Professor of Payap University where he lectured International Public Law. He speaks Thai and English.

    Dr. Stefan Lanfranconi is a Swiss lawyer and holds a law degree from the University of Zurich/ Switzerland and a Master of Laws degree from Duke University/USA. He has an extensive experience in international business transactions and has worked in Japan, Hong Kong, Italy and the United States of America. He is the founder of the Swiss-Japanese Chamber of Commerce in Zurich. He speaks English, French, German, Italian and Spanish

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