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Posts posted by Gladiator

  1. If you are in a Hotel, talk to front desk, night porter they may be able to help you. Otherwise I get the girl into the car, if you have one, and fire her into RAM hospital, or McCormack just as a precaution. Hopefully she has med insurance if not it'll be down to you. Should imagine there will be a resident on call throughout the night.

    Hope all goes well for her and yourself.


    I can only say for RAM but as perr Harry';s post I am sure that Suandork has also.:

    Many is the time that I have had to go to ER in the middle of the night at RAM and there has always been an English speaking resident doctor available

  2. re .. Dave how the heck can you eat that in one sitting !

    Thats actually a problem (imo)with most sandwich places, the sandwiches are ginormous!

    i wanted a tuna chiken blah blah sub and thats exactly what i got.. so i was a happy man and

    i did strugle to eat all of it .. but i managed : )

    dave2 .. a satisfied amazing sandwich customer : )

    Its a tough job.... but somebodies got to do it......

  3. Will be really surprised if Rimping decide not to have representation south of town. Its a relatively small outlet and obviously doesn't carry as much stock compared with their other outlets but local support seems pretty strong.Interesting.

    A year or so ago, I heard a rumor that Rimping was going to build on Ratchaphruek Road (opposite Lanna Thara Housing Estate), closing the Kat Farang store. Guess it was just a rumor.

    Hey MB how come you have an avatar of Alfred E. Neuman? are you that old that you used to read MAD magazines?

  4. Mcdonalds Big Mac set - more coke followed by more coke , several sponsors, a bottle of milk, mars bar if can be found here, Spicey larb moo and a blowjob for starters.

    I disagree with everything you have listed except the blowjob, one would suspect thia would do wonders for a hangover, or at least take you mind off the pain...w00t.gif

    Instead of coming.... he went....

  5. I have read all of the previous suggestions with interest. Ultimately if it works for you - then that is the main thing.

    However ,I will share wih you something that I learnt in my youth after a humdinger of a night on ouzo and raki n Corfu.....

    The following morning drink a small glass of the Italian liqueur made from various herbs and alcohol called Fernet Branca. In fact don't drink it.... throw it back in one gulp. After the nuclear explosion has ceased.... give it 5 minues and you will start to feel human again and within 30 mnutes... ready for off to the races.

    The German drink Underberg is a close second.

    I acknowledge that neither is easly obtained in Thailad. but Ladies and Gentlemen well worth looking for I assure you

    Totally agree with you on Underberg.


    I have just discovered I can buy this in Australia $6 for a wee bottle, but could come in handy at celebration time.


    You get my vote !!!!

  6. I am still waiting for a answer from kaptainrob.

    I wonder what the square footage is there also. I myself like a large general room.

    Replied via PM to the OP.

    2 bed apartment is on top floor in our 6 storey new condo near Wat Suan Dok. 63m2. Western kitchen, balcony, FF and serviced. 18k/month dealing direct with building owner or 20k via REAgency.

    The living area/kitchen is all in one, and approx 30m2. NB: I have no financial interest, just passing on info in same way as we found this place. Been here a month and it's central, clean and quiet - surprising since so close to CNX, yet aircraft noise is almost non -existant except for Military jets.


    I live at Nam Phrae, Hang Dong and previously at a village called Darawade behind Big C, Hang Dong,. right on the inner marker of the CNX runway.

    Although I acknowledge that after working for an international airline for 30 years and clocking up more that 4 million miles, I maybe a little less sensitiive - I am disturbed as many are by aircraft noise - but CNX is nothing compared to living on the threshold of LHR Heathrow. The worst that I can think of at CNX was China airways taking off with a full payload a 0200.

    Oh well

    music to my ears!

  7. I have read all of the previous suggestions with interest. Ultimately if it works for you - then that is the main thing.

    However ,I will share wih you something that I learnt in my youth after a humdinger of a night on ouzo and raki n Corfu.....

    The following morning drink a small glass of the Italian liqueur made from various herbs and alcohol called Fernet Branca. In fact don't drink it.... throw it back in one gulp. After the nuclear explosion has ceased.... give it 5 minues and you will start to feel human again and within 30 mnutes... ready for off to the races.

    The German drink Underberg is a close second.

    I acknowledge that neither is easly obtained in Thailad. but Ladies and Gentlemen well worth looking for I assure you

  8. Yes Mapguy - my understanding also.

    At the meeting last year at the Imperial Mai Ping Hotel, hosted by 'Helping Hands' and attended by both representatives from the Labour Department and the Immigration Office . This followed a crackdown of 'volunteer' musicians performing - The message was that should you wish an exemption for volunteer work you only have to go to the Labour Office and apply. I seem to recall that 15 days was the threshold, if granted.

  9. Thanks to everyone for the great help!!**

    **except Mapguy, no thanks needed there.

    In fairness to Mapguy May I also quote James brock:

    "Oh there are rules, but whether they're followed depends on who you see at which office, their level of training and/or knowledge, their job satisfaction, and their particular mood on the particular day you see them"

    My take on it was the same as Mapguy's so I am surprised and enightened to find out otherwise. Still, regarding Jamesbrock's posting - it may be the same as the Immigration Office - it depends on which officer that you see, the day that you see them and your attitude.

    Good luck.

  10. quote

    A couple of very good leads here from the members. Will have to see what Gecko Bar has. Is that the place on Khampeng Din to the right of Loy Kroh? Or perhaps its on the corner of Sridornchai?

    Now, this horecasupply, does anybody know what the days are that it is open to the public? (If I read the post correctly that is what I understood).


    These open days are rather ad-hoc. It may be best to have a look at their website, create an account if possible, or ask to be put on their mailing list. Full website and contact details are on their website


    On these open days - in addition to cheeses they sell a variety of other food and drink commodiies at good discount

    • Like 1
  11. One of the posters recommended the Thai cheese produced by the dairy oppostite CMU on the Doi Suthep Road.

    There is no Doi Suthep Road.. There is Huay Kaew road that goes past the front entrance to CMU, and then there is Suthep road that goes past the back entrance, making the phrase Doi Suthep Road a bit ambiguous.

    Have a feeling you speak of Northern Farm shop, which would be on Huay Kaew, but anyone's guess.

    Probaly best price/taste/value cheese for what you get is at Makro, their Aro brand. They have grated, slices and as a big log. Some of it is in the freezer in front of their dairy section.

    Thank you for your edification.

    Perhaps if I had used the 'Doi Suthep Route' - that would have been more comprehensable. Highway 1004 or Huay Kaew Road - even better. Which ever. I have Googled the Nothern Farms Shop and no... I do not think that is the place as the dairy is on the right hand side as you progress up the road. CMU and Chiang Mai Zoo on the left.

    Makro's Aro cheddar cheese is a good buy. But, at least at Makro Hang Dong - they do not appear to have had sliced for a long time. In a block or crumbled - yes. 'Mainland Vintage' cheddar cheese or 'Tatsy' (if you prefer it not so mature) is more flavourful and naturally more expensive. The best deal being at Rimpings 250g for 175 Baht. They also produce Edam and Gouda. Another excellent cheese at Rimpings is the Camembert Hapico at between 200-220 Baht for a 226-235 tub.

    And yes Rebo - thank you... I had forgotten about Horecasupply.com. They have occasional open days at their depot just off of the superhighway and some very good deals on various cheeses.

  12. Some time ago there was a thread on cheese (sorry - I have searched but cannot fnd it now)

    One of the posters recommended the Thai cheese produced by the dairy oppostite CMU on the Doi Suthep Road.

    We went along there in great expectation When we finally found someone to help us - they disappeared into a walk-in chiller and appeared with a block of cheese which looked as if it weighed over a kilo. It appeared somewhat worn and tacky , with no packaging and they had no plastic gloves on. We left wihout buying anything.

    I know that here is Dacheeso - but they can be pretty hit and miss.

    Anyone have any new thoughts?

  13. Funny. I am on the move... yet again... and there are many options... still considering but one of them is Ko Ka, a small villlage, close to Lampang, where I bought some land several years ago,. so who knows I may well yet end up there!

  14. Something I don't have to worry about! Whew!

    Flabby manboobs???


    Reminds me about the old joke about the couple who get married and simply have no concept of how to make love. Both being frustrated it is decided that he will go and see the doctor to ask for advice. The doctor ponders the question.... tells the man to go out and buy some very flimsy and sexy lingerie with stockings , a bottle of good champagne and when they reire to bed to place his hand on his wife's brat and tell her how much he loves her.

    This occurs... she says "Lower"... He in a deep bass says "I love you darling" giggle.gif

    • Like 1
  15. Bettlejuice.. I have to stick up for Chiang Mai as someone who has been there for many months of a few years... it's full of excitment for any age I would say. The older crowd is much more friendly and happy then the older crowd where I live, they huddle in their little houses with their woodstoves have the year... I would say there is many fun places in Canada, Montreal, Nelson BC..

    I don't find Chiang Mai quiet by any means ! Its noisy and busy, not to mention getting out of town, there is music everywhere...

    But I see what your saying, it can wear off ? Its can become routine ?

    The most boring parts of my life was when I tried to move to New York and found out that you need way more money then I could ever make just to go out fora few drinks once a week..

    From my research, if you have an online biz, and you are working with customers out of country and just carrying on you do not need to have a work permit, at all as you aren't working with a Thai company or anything like that.

    But I might be wrong, thus why I am asking.. but boring to me is say Vancouver where there is nothing to do in the whole city most of the time it feels like and nobody ever smiles to a stranger on the street.. they just banned bongos in the city of vancouver for christ sake !

    Regarding working an on-line business with a Non-Thai Client base - here is another slant on it:

    I was at the meeting and admittedly the rationale came from an officer of the Labour Department and many folk came away still thinking that it was a grey area. However I have seen another topic on TV (sorry I have searched high and low and cannot not find it) regarding doing legal work on line for a non-Thai client base and that seemed to support the case made by the Labour Department.

  16. I dont see anything wrong with someone asking questions and always willing to help.

    What does bother me though is when they ask, then disappear after they get what they want.

    Same for PM's, cant stand it when someone pops me off a pm and no thank you in return. Now i give incomplete info on first PM and give full details if they reply back...lol


    I couldn't agree more. Not just with PM's - Many times I receive requests from friends and ex-collegues concerning information about Thailand (Although I own a travel and tour company - this is aside from that). I send them a 'full meal deal' reply with a couple of articles I have penned, links to various websites and a take on the current weather and political situation. Then they disappear off of th horizon without even an ackowledgement. I have come to the point that I just have a saved document with all of the relevent and just send them that.

  17. At that time was I liviing in the Riverside Condo and only realized what was happening and how tragic by the reports on BBC World.

    My brother had spent the afternoon at the contruction site of the Resort in Nam Phrare and came home to say that the water in the fish lake appeared to be 'boiling'.

    I had an ex-collegue, friend and family who were in Phuket at that time and they were lucky to escape wih their lives.

    Thanks to all that is holy tha we do not have a similar situaion today.

  18. I also am a sufferer.

    Although I do not use allopurinol - I have a neighbour, with extreme gout, who does and he finds it highly effective.

    Although there is some controversy on the subject I take bicarbonate of soda (baking powder) dissolved in water morning and evening. For me, if I have the discipline to remember, it keeps the gout at bay. For those times that I forget and it rears it's ugly head again I use Voltaren Gel and tablets to counter the symtoms. Latter day I have moved on from the Voltaren tablets to an equally effective and cheaper brand -Subsyde CR.

    Which ever medicine that you may use wish you well. No one who does not suffer can comprehend the pain.

  19. Amazing! You must have read my mind. Was just going to post a thread asking about radio stations in C.M. There's a clothing shop I go to that plays a very good channel that sounds like the one you describe with English language current and financial news updates. The voice sounds like an American English speaker so I bet that is the one. They also play 1960's-1980's pop music. I asked them one time what the channel was but the LCD display was burned out on the radio.


    I hope that this is the station that you first heard. They seem to have more modern music in the week and weekends appear to be different with a theme singer/musician. Yesterday it was Dean Martin.

    Off topic but am curious. I am looking for a suit to be made for me. Nothng fancy - just 2-button jacket and trousers and perhaps a shirt. Obviously don't want to pay an 'arm-and-a-leg', no pun intended, but would like a degree of quality. Is this the sort of thing that your clothing shop does?

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