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Posts posted by Gladiator

  1. Okay Lads and lasses.

    Go to it.

    A conomdrum:

    Three brothers agree to buy a TV at a promotion price - 30 baht.

    They all save their pocket money and go to the shop.

    Each contribute 10 baht 3 times 10 Baht = 30 baht.

    This they give the salesman.

    He is a crook and places 2 baht in a drawer and tells the brothers this is your lucky day - there has been a discount.

    He gives each of the brothers back 1 baht each. Originally they pay 10 baht each but now they baht they pay only 9 baht. 3 X times 9 Baht = 27 Bhat plus the 2 baht in the drawer of the saleman crook. Where is the other Baht?

    Been done already. We're not that tired. coffee1.gif

    Okay Smarty... let me have your best shot?

    Please just tell me. Its the second time...and you still keeping us in suspense?

    Yes it is, how come you cowboys not asleep?

    Smokie I will PM you

    • Like 1
  2. Okay Lads and lasses.

    Go to it.

    A conomdrum:

    Three brothers agree to buy a TV at a promotion price - 30 baht.

    They all save their pocket money and go to the shop.

    Each contribute 10 baht 3 times 10 Baht = 30 baht.

    This they give the salesman.

    He is a crook and places 2 baht in a drawer and tells the brothers this is your lucky day - there has been a discount.

    He gives each of the brothers back 1 baht each. Originally they pay 10 baht each but now they baht they pay only 9 baht. 3 X times 9 Baht = 27 Bhat plus the 2 baht in the drawer of the saleman crook. Where is the other Baht?

    Been done already. We're not that tired. coffee1.gif

    Okay Smarty... let me have your best shot?

  3. Okay Lads and lasses.

    Go to it.

    A conomdrum:

    Three brothers agree to buy a TV at a promotion price - 30 baht.

    They all save their pocket money and go to the shop.

    Each contribute 10 baht 3 times 10 Baht = 30 baht.

    This they give the salesman.

    He is a crook and places 2 baht in a drawer and tells the brothers this is your lucky day - there has been a discount.

    He gives each of the brothers back 1 baht each. Originally they pay 10 baht each but now they baht they pay only 9 baht. 3 X times 9 Baht = 27 Bhat plus the 2 baht in the drawer of the saleman crook. Where is the other Baht?

  4. You guys had me all excited there for a minute with a real virgin in Thailand let alone here in CM !

    Anyway I did actually buy a virgin last week named Bertolli, a pint sized unit, cost me all of 360Bht so I thought I did ok.

    I just love the extra light virgin....mmmm !

    Blimey what a rip-off try Tesco Lotus brand

  5. Hi Pedtcat,

    May I ask you a question?

    I have been around the block a few times with regard to cooking and apart from making a Caesar Salad or a really good steak...

    What is so special about Virgin Olive Oil?


    No slight intended.... just curious?

  6. So (for all its pitfalls as discussed in this thread) nobody has identified a better place (other than Hua Hun which sounds like it doesn't have much if anything for kids) in Thailand for a family holiday than Pattaya. As I said earlier, I think Pattaya is far from perfect, and would like to know some alternatives (especially from those who would never take kids to Pattaya).

    Would anybody like to make some suggestions where in Thailand I can take my kids for a weekend away from Bangkok (other than Pattaya)?


    Another poster mentioned Koh Samet... and for sure that is an option.

    But depending on your own life-style and prefences the beach at Hat Mae Rumpung, between Rayong and Ban Phe, the ferry port for Koh Samet, has its own attractions. I have several friends who live there and I, at one time, rented a bungalow and latter day a condo, there.

    Many posters will tell you their own story - but that is what makes the world go around.

    There is no sleaze, per say. just many kilometeres of beach with pine trees and seaood restaurants. Ban Phe and Rayong - for shopping are just kilometres away by songtieow and there is a nice rock fishing boat cove in the middle..Great for hermit crab spotting at low tide. For sure the sea can be a little rough in the summer months but like the caribbean in the winter. I have stated at the Condotel, now called I think the Rayong Beach Hotel, which is affordable and beach facing. There are some western restaurants up and down the beach road.

    My daughter , grandchildren and girls that I work with love it.

    Perhaps 90 minutes away from Bagkok by bus to Rayong or Ban Phe or taxi


    • Like 1
  7. Programs can be viewed on youtube ! just search Big trouble in Thailand

    Okay. I have had the chance to view and I will try to stay objective.

    This programme concentrates on sleze. I am sure that I could go to the UK, Australia Europe, Canada. Japan, wherever and make a simlilar programme.

    There are many hundreds of thousand of expats here and a population of, lets say. 65 million, who go about there day to day lives with none of this dross.

    Sorry Steve.

    Not convinced.

    • Like 1
  8. Errm - No to watching the TV show.

    Have you been to Thailand? Or basing your opinion on the media representation of that programme.

    My family has been in Thailand for over 40 years, now with extended Thai family. Myself also. Some of us are acdemics. Others just dealing with family business. To be honest I, and my family, find your comments somewhat insulting.


    No insult intended Gladiator and to answer your question yes I have been to thailand and while I will admit there is a lot of beauty in the country I am not feeling compelled to return after regularly reading various parts of this forum which seems to be full of a lot of Bad news whenit comes to safety for both foriegners and Thais plus all the ongoing scams that are perpetrated on unsuspecting tourists .


    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    For whatever reason I cannot seem to gain access to download the software and view this programme.

    Thailand is my home, and perhaps naturally I am very defensive. I am not a 'new kid on the block' and have lived in many provinces before making Chiang Mai my home. No where and no one if perfect - least of all Thailand... but ultimately it is all relative, and we all follow our on star.

    But as mentioned by other posters - if you believe everything that you read in newspapers and what you watch on TV.... it may lead to a few surpises.

    Thailand has its 'watrs' but it is still a wonderful place to live. At least for me and I suppose many of thound others


    • Like 1
  9. For sure, Chiang Mai will be cheaper. I have had two operations for hernias on my groin due to a one year stay in hospital at RAM1 Hospital and a second for an umbilcal hernia, caused from lifting me sheepdog into and out of the pick up, at Sripat - Suandork. Both were cheaper, even if factorting in the costs of flights, than Pattaya. And you get a mini-holiday.

    Get well

  10. ^^^^ UG: '...slips in the front of your trousers....'

    I second this recommendation. Have had one for 15+ years, ever since the typical external waist pouch available then, which was worn at my back, was sliced open by a group of Vietnamese females who had blocked the walkway while another surreptitiously sliced open my pouch. My wallet in my front pocket was saved but my camera was stolen. Did not realize until I cleared the scuffle and wondered what was up with that. A side stander gave chase and returned with my camera. Policemen watching the scene, did nothing.

    The external pouches do attract thieves especially while being jostled in a crowd or elsewhere.

    The one Ulysses recommends does indeed loop over your belt and slides inside your pants just under your front pocket.

    The groping comment above is ridiculous: use the local 'gents' to extract the needed cash.

    Thanks Ulysses. I need a new one despite my just having the olde one reinforced by my local seamstress.


    I am just about to travel to Europe for my daughter's wedding and always get nervous about leaving valuables in my carry-on in the overhead locker or uncomfortable trying to keep them on me.


  11. That's good to know from someone who actually lived there as there's a rumor that all cars that were parked below the condo were all under water.


    I lived at Riverside for a couple of years and loved it.

    I moved to a dorm just around the corner and was unlucky to be there during the floods several years ago. Riverside Condo car park did not have a problem but the, at that time, Sheraton Hotel had some sort of conference including the then deputy prime minister and they used pumps to clear the water from their car park - which of couse came down the soi where my dorm was and we were all flooded.

    Riverside - no problem.


    That was indeed the case but at Galae Tong condo (before called the mengrai tower).



    Galae Thong Condo on Chang Khlan Road is about 1 mile West of Riverside Condo and on much lower land.

    Riverside Condominium was never flooded and never had cars in the water.


    Thank you to remind me. It was 2005 when the big flood occured. Riverside never had a problem but for sure the old Chiang Mai - Lamphun road was flooded.. Since then I have moved for reasons listed and they have dredged the river.

    One other thing that I liked about Riverside was that they knew how to make festivals 'shine' Every year at Loy Kratong they built a little jetty which had jolly flowers and garlands on and we could launch our Kathongs.

    Ah memories.


  12. That's good to know from someone who actually lived there as there's a rumor that all cars that were parked below the condo were all under water.


    I lived at Riverside for a couple of years and loved it.

    I moved to a dorm just around the corner and was unlucky to be there during the floods several years ago. Riverside Condo car park did not have a problem but the, at that time, Sheraton Hotel had some sort of conference including the then deputy prime minister and they used pumps to clear the water from their car park - which of couse came down the soi where my dorm was and we were all flooded.

    Riverside - no problem.


    Hi Nick,

    Its been a few years since I have moved. Not through choice but circumstance. My old Mum could no longer look after the family dog and Riverside does not allow 'pets'. The only other down sides that I found was a restriction on using gas canisters to cook with. No problem I had a convector microwave, an electric wok an electic heatter plate and toaster oven. The room was L shaped with a small kitchen facility with sink and storage cupoboards Also if the hotel next door had a party or function on their garden the noise carried. But not that often.

    I had a corner 'studio' which was great. I could sit on the balcony with views of the Ping river and mountains and watch the sun go down. I paid one of Riverside employees to clean for me once a week. I think that I gave her 500 Baht a month.

    With regard to rubbish - just had to leave the black plastic bag by the lifts. I was on the 11th floor.

    The swimming pool was open from 1000 until late and also over looked the river..

    There was a laundry situated next to the lobby/reception and an 'L' shaped car park which went around the condo.

    Security was good and in addition to reception there was a lady guard overnight by the door to the lifts,

    Location great! Tesco Lotus Express very close as is the 7-11 and market. Lots of songtieows and tuk-tuks.

    Nang Nual - a wonderful seafood restaurant used to be just around the corner overlooking the river. Sadly they have now moved to a new location.

    If you need amu further info - just PM me




  13. Nick,

    I lived at Riverside for a couple of years and loved it.

    I moved to a dorm just around the corner and was unlucky to be there during the floods several years ago. Riverside Condo car park did not have a problem but the, at that time, Sheraton Hotel had some sort of conference including the then deputy prime minister and they used pumps to clear the water from their car park - which of couse came down the soi where my dorm was and we were all flooded.

    Riverside - no problem.


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