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Posts posted by oldgeezer

  1. What's illegal about seeking employment? I thought only working with a tourist visa is illegal?

    And I also thought that also a tourist 60 day visa can be applied for 3 times within a year only. No?

    That means that you can never travel to Thailand to seek work unless you have been invited to do so, and have a letter that approves your non-B.

    So a job in Thailand can only be found online or by connections with people that live in Thailand. Is that what it means ?

    Then people have to provide you a non-b letter before your interview. And that is impossible! In some immigration offices they don't just ask you a letter, but all the information of the company. How will you ever get this when they haven't even hired you??

    Yes I am aware of the huge amount of illegal workers in Thailand, people that will never get a pension, or maybe even drink so much that they cannot practically be alive at the time they cannot work anymore (and normally would receive a pension). What are they all doing here then....

    All I can say is that Freedom does not exists in the world, and Thailand is a great country to learn this.

    Thai Nationalism will make sure that you will always be and feel like an outsider, Thailand should favor you being here and the other way round, who cares!

    What you favor about thailand is probably not the thing that Thailand is proud off, so everyone who will contribute to Thailand's bad reputation should go in the first place. Or you could do that job that illegal workers normally do, like the Burmese. Thai just want to make clear that Foreigners don't own this country, even if some think they do. Everything seems so easy, as if they can play gods. While this behavior is not possible anywhere in the world, why would anyone expect it from Thailand. Maybe they're not so fast, but they learn by mistake, that's all.

    This needs to be said much more often. There are many legal ways to get a visa and stay on one year extensions. "Tourists" would have to be millionaires to stay on consecutive 90 day visas. Not many millionaires in LOS. And it doesn't take years to "tour" Thailand. The farangs complaining the most are those "flying under the radar" so to speak.

    If someone can give me an example that shows me wrong......................

  2. She is required to let them know. However it is rarely enforced.

    Here is the form.

    In some areas it is far to the nearest immigration office so do the reporting at the nearest major police station instead. The document you'll get from the police looks different that the one you would get from the immigration but both serves as a proof of your address.


    I hope that it will do as proof of us living together for the purpose of getting a partner visa to my country when the time comes.

    Notify your embassy of your address also.

  3. Hi, I am bringing in a great amount of money, foreign currency, which will be exported a few weeks later. It's just transiting through Thailand. The problem is, that the money will be carried out by another person.

    What is the correct way to do? Is there any restriction of foreign money to be exported from Thailand? Do I have to declare the money before entering Thailand? Can the same amount be exported by another person?

    Many thanks for your help.

    Best Regards,


    What amount and what currency? There are declaration limits.

  4. morning,

    first time posting on pets section.

    I need some advice or info from anybody that has experience in DIY full decorated aquarium. Full decorated means plants, drift wood, rock, etc +fishes

    Never doing full decorated, most of the time i only keep fish+rock. I know for doing full decorated aquarium i need to have : substrate for the plant, good filter, good light.

    Any body care to add what else do i need.

    For those of you experience in doing DIY aquarium, Can you tell me what kind of substrate you use?? and where you buy it from?? Do you use solid or liquid fertilizer?? what kind of filter i need to use??

    thank you and sorry for the english,


    What kind of aquarium are you talking about? Fresh or salt water, reef tank or artificial, etc.

  5. My wife and i are now living in Ireland,she holds Thai passport,she has a visa to stay in Ireland until June 2010 when her Thai passport expires - June 2010.Were travelling to Thailand in sept 09, returning Oct 2009,whats the story on getting a new passport can this be done by post from Ireland ? should we renew her passport while we are in Thailand next month. Any advice on how to go about this i thank you in advance, a little lost on what to do. thanks

    Unless you have an embassy in Ireland, why wait. Get it in Thailand. If no name changes, takes little time.

  6. I have a Thai friend in Chiangmai that was seriously injured after a car accident when a group of teenagers beat him so viciously that he now needs brain surgery. My first concern is his well being, so any comments would be appreciated. Secondly, I want to help him pursue legal action against the purps. Here is a brief rundown on the situation, I have limited info now as I am in the states and his wife speaks just a little english. I have confirmed via another Thai friend in Bangkok that he is indeed injured and in hospital.

    He is a Tuk Tuk driver and has a wife and 4 children, moderator, can I list his name?

    I have the number to the hospital room

    Again, any advice would be appreciated.

    This story makes little sense. If he is a TukTuk driver in Chiangmai, he certainly has filed a police report and is intimately familiar with the procedures for redress. Can he identify the assailants? Have they been arrested? If not, why not?If so, what is the social status of their families? The list of questions to be answered is endless.

    I am not certain what you are asking of members of this forum.

  7. I would suggest you wait until you get here. I don't know what your motivation is in finding such a girl. There is little likelihood of you finding a non-prostitute willing to accompany you around Phuket. She knows she would quickly become labeled as a prostitute just for being seen regularly with a foreigner.

    If you are just looking for a presentable escort that speaks some english, dresses appropriately and takes good care of you, then it is best to stop in Bangkok and visit a large massage, meet the girls, explain what you want and pay for the service.

  8. Hi,

    I heard about a casino in Chiang Saen called 'Golden Triangle Paradise Resort" I would like to spend 2 or 3 days there. It is a safe place? It is on The Thai side or Myanmar side?

    Is anybody went there already? What kind of game do they propose (We would like to play No Limit Texas Holdem for like 500USD+)

    Feel free to share your experience there :)



    500 limit? If so, you wouldn't last five minutes if you won. Maybe even if you lost. This is not Nevada or Macao. In any case the place you ask about is in Chiang Rai and there are no (legal) casinos in Thailand.

  9. This modem came free when I signed up. Seem to be getting a lot of drop outs. Also don't seem to be able to forward ports on it.

    Any experiences with this modem?

    Yes. Same as yours. The modem is crap. Finally bought wireless modem/router and still have stutters enough to ruin downloads. May be due to general asian cabling from U.S.

  10. hi, i will be moving a few piece of furniture from bangkok to calcutta by sea freight. i need to get some information on reliable international movers in bangkok who provide this service. i need a company that's cheap and reliable. i know of the big movers like transpo and crown, but i'm looking for something more cheaper with good quality service. anyone know of any companies?

    the furnitures i will be moving are a sofa set, 2 showcases, dinner table and chairs, a fridge and a washing machine. i will want to fit everything in a 20 feet container.

    Try this and get some quotes:


  11. Right now I have been living with my Thai girlfriend for the last 1 1/2 years in Bangkok and now need to go back to the USA. What is the best way and quickest to get her there? Is there anyone whom I can speak with about this information.

    Speak to the American embassy about a visitors visa. If your gf worked in a bar, or has a police record you have a problem. If she doesnt have a bank account or own major property you have a problem. The U.S. needs confidence she has a compelling reason to return to Thailand. She will have to apply, make appointment for an interview and wait for a visa, providing she meets all requirements.

    There is no "quick" way I am aware of.

  12. So looks like my mate is coming to work in Bangkok. I haven't been there for a while so thought I would seek some advice.

    Looking for a comfortable,doesn't need to be big, apartment to rent for a while. Some where near a BTS on the Silom line would be handy.If not don't mind a bit of a walk. Looking for standard 2bedroom aircon type thing. Like I said nothing grand as he would be looking at around 15000 an month.

    Any ideas would be gratefully recieved.


    Google Acute Realty Bangkok. Easy site to specify price, location etc. Hundreds of rentals.

  13. Imagine, just for fun, that you could have ANY alcoholic drink (brand name is preferable, but genre is acceptable) for the rest of your life. Don't worry about cost, you can pretend it's either free or the same annual cost that you're paying now. However, that is the ONLY alcoholic beverage you can drink for the rest of your life! This includes at social functions, drinking alone, afternoon sessions and big nights out.

    It's not easy for most of us, so I'll start with a real cop-out and say Guinness.

    Of you go, guys, but please remember it's ONE and not more with excuses.

    Absolut and Schweppes manao soda

  14. I've had two, both in the States. All in each were about 3500 USD including consultations, hospital and anesthesiologist. Used a drip anesthetic and was entirely painless. The preparation the day before and the morning of the procedure is the hardest part.

  15. Want to buy a Desktop. Found this one today:


    Hp pavilion A6685L

    Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 2.33Ghz 4MB L2 Cache 1333Mhz

    (ranked 12 on cpubenchmark.net/common_cpus.html)

    HD 320GB 3G sata

    RAM 2GB DDR2 800Mhz (update to 4GB + Thb 1.200)

    Nvidia GeForce 9300GE 3D 256MB

    With monitor 2009 20' Lcd - asking price 24,900

    With monitor 2309 23' Lcd full HD - asking price 27,900

    For heavy multitasking is this a good choise?

    Gaming is secondary, but is graphic card good enough for average gaming?

    Upgrading Ram to 4GB, is 800Mhz enough for heavy use?

    Any HP buyers here - hp good or not?

    My ATM card is itching so I hope for your comments :)

    I just bought a nearly identical machine, 4GB Ram, dual quad, with the 23" wide/bright screen monitor. Mine came with an Nvidia Gforce GT 140 (1 GB) video card and it smokes every game I've played. You may want to consider an upgrade video card. (New Nvidia numbering system, very confusing)

    I am an old, retired heavy action gamer and I just finished Far Cry 2 on full graphics and it didnt even stutter. Now on Crysis and same same. I had a Dell with Rambus ram I couldnt upgrade and after much research finally settled on HP. I added an internal wireless card, legal copy of WinXP and total price about 34K.

    I could not be happier with it.

  16. I don't see what nationality you are. If American, you only have to attest to a fixed amount of monthly income and sign an affadavit at the embassy swearing to that effect. They will provide the paperwork.

    You dont need the hassels of verification, writing banks, employers etc. I am not suggesting you falsify papers, only that the process is very easy in this case.

  17. Hi

    See what you mean but i dont know anything about routers, so i will buy the first i see, but if people here say buy this one then i know a bit more.

    Linksys and Dlink are probably the most well known. If you have TRUE, best to buy true router as they make setup a bit aggravating if you don't. Thats what I did. Unless you are a hacker, which i am not. BUT I have had many routers.

    I think I paid about 1100 baht, Dlink and Linksys a bit cheaper.

  18. I read they are 3 Garuda color possibility on a title deed, red, green and black.

    The Garuda (bird) is located on the top center of the land title. (symbol of the Thai Monarchy)

    The red Garuda would be for Chanott title

    The green Garuda would be for the Nor Sor 3 titles

    The black Garuda would be for SK-1 and Nor Sor 2 titles

    The info i have aint clear about this manner

    Can i get your opinions on this matter?


    Do NOT believe you can rely on this for title type. Have a trusted? attorney interpret the docs for you. the fact you are asking this question leads me to believe you could be damaged without more research.

    I'll make the Garuda color any one you like with photoshop.

  19. going to buy my first laptop at pantip - never been a laptop owner before only desktops

    so need a bit of advice

    want one that has a nice big screen

    able to play oblivion and other good games

    should have the usual array of ports etc

    at least 500gb hd

    4gb mem

    any ideas folks what is available and a good shop to buy from (and what floor, lol)

    price range 35-60k baht

    the cheaper the better lol

    any brands / shops i should stay away from as well re laptop sales



    For the game you mentioned, several laptops will do an adequate job. Probably best in the higher end of your budget. If you think you will ever play action games, shooters, etc, you will need more power and faster video card. I just went through this process and wanted a laptop, but my gaming required a 100k baht machine. Even 17" screen was a bit small. There are some 18 and 20" out there, but over 100k baht.

    Dont let them tell you a 17" 40k baht asus will play all games. Many machines will play non action games if you want to set the graphics down on lowest settings.

    I finally had to go with a PC, an HP with a 23" bright screen that will smoke any game out there. Cost 35K.

    Thats kind of your choices. I would have preferred a laptop too. If you MUST have laptop, be prepared to pay 60-80k baht to keep you at the mid level of technology.

    I have good luck with the bigger pc shops at Central Bangna, and Pantip top floor.

    Hope this helps.

  20. My wife (Thai citizen) and I (U.S. citizen) are sick of rent payments and want to begin investing in our own home. Our income comes through a U.S. bank as I do my work online and my wife isn't employed. I haven't done all the research yet, but I kind of doubt a Thai bank is going to give us a loan. I'm thinking about checking with some U.S. banks to see if they would finance a mortgage in Thailand. Anyone have any experience with this? My father has substantial assets and is willing to cosign, but are banks willing to do this? I know it takes substantial preparation to get home assessments, flood assessments, and paperwork such as this so it sounds complicated. Thanks for the advice.

    Please consider this reply constructive. It is based upon our experience and research.

    If you are considering Bangkok, Do not buy! You can rent a very nice house in a good subdivision for 1/350th of the sale price. In my experience, you cannot buy anyway, but be happy renting. You can rent for 30 years with virtually no maintenance for the price of a morgtage and interest. And 24/7 security is a very real consideration.

    On the other hand, if you can live upcountry like a native, you can build a nice house for a million baht. As you do business online, I assume you need high speed internet, iffy in some areas.

  21. My wife and I are considering a move to Bangkok for the long term. What is the best way to begin our search for a home? Bangkok is huge and it's hard to even know where to begin. Are there any good websites we could start looking at?

    If you are not familiar with Bangkok, become intimately familiar, assuming you are talking about buying a house. We are renting an beautiful house in a very upscale Moo Baan (subdivision) built by "Land and House", one of the quality builders in Thailand. The house was purchased by a Thai for 7,700,000 Baht new, about four years ago.

    We rent for 25,000 baht a month plus 2000 monthly fees. Houses now lease for about 1/350th of the sale value. I assume you are married to a Thai, as you cannot own a house as a farang. Only a condo, and then there are some restrictions. You must also decide if you plan on driving a car, as any subdivisions of quality and decent price are not close to central shopping district.

    For pricing I found Acute Realty to be an easy site to navigate. Also check locations on Google Earth. We have moved three times and my Thai wife is intimately familiar with all areas as she did the driving and looking.

    PM us for more info. We would be glad to help.

    Just a note: Realtors do not drive you around. They are very territorial and may schedule an appointment to show a property, but will not drive you.

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