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Posts posted by Mig15

  1. You have to remember that any woman who has to resort to working in a bar is most likely unable to manage money very well. It comes in and then it goes out to her kids, family or to spend on gold. You have to think about you finances and what you can afforded. Don’t be pressured by the “cheap Charlie,” calls. I have had two relationships with Thai women – one a marriage. Both failed because they would not let me manage the money. That is to say they wanted to spend more money than we had coming in. If your GF wants more tell her to get a job. She may not like it because she prefers to stay at home and watch TV all day. Just remember if it does not work financially it doesn’t work at all.

  2. I am new to mobile phones and have just got one at New Year. I went to MBK as everyone said that was the place to go. I got a Semens C45 just on the looks of it. Last week I decided to exchange it for a Nokia because there were things about it I did not like – ring not loud enough etc. Anyway I had to return one faulty battery, and two faulty phones to get one that worked. OK they exchanged them no problem but I had to make 3 extra journeys to MBK to get one that worked.

    What I think they do is just try and re-sell the faulty phones and batteries until someone does not bring them back. It may be better to pay a little more at a shop and not have the hassle.

  3. Girlfrombar,

    Thanks for your input. I did get very uptight because I felt the students were not being respectful or indeed rude. I did not teach English for very long in the Thai school because I got a better offer. But also because I felt that only about 5 of the 45 students in the class had any interest in the subject. I was there because they needed to hear a native speaker speak English to help them with pronunciation. I worked with lots of young classes and they were fine. It was the Top (the best ?) class of 16 year olds that I had a problem with. It seemed cool not to understand anything. Many students would talk at the back so the others could not hear me.

    I am not an English teacher by training but work with students who have learning problems. I have all the patience in the world for these students who can’t do much but try hard. But none for those who are bright but don’t try.

  4. The situation was that I, the teacher, was asking the student a question. They turn to their friend and said “Ari Wa!” They should have said to me “Ari na Krap.” No matter how you look at it I think that it was very disrespectful. From students who are supposed to be respectful of teachers!

  5. My girlfriend left me and now I am free to do what I like when I like. Eat food other than Thai food. To tell the truth I am not hat cut up about it. It’s her loss. Plenty more fish in the sea and all that. Had a Scotch egg for lunch, very nice.

  6. Thanks for that input on “mun khiaow” Meadish it was said in that sort of playful context. I am quite please because if someone said that with no thought that you may understand they most likely mean it!

    As a teacher I was always cross when my students said “Ari wa!” to each other when I asked them a question. Is the use of the word “wa” as offensive as say – “What the <deleted> did he say?” or is it more like “What the heck did he say?”

  7. Some months ago I accompanied a friend of mine to the police station to talk to his ex-girlfriend regarding a domestic dispute they had had. They had fallen out and at some point the girl had left his apartment and kicked the door causing some damage to it that had to be paid for. He wanted the girl to contribute something. It was a work of art the way the police dealt with this. They twisted every little detail round to make out that it was his fault and threatened him with everything from arrest, confiscation of passport, jail, kicking him out the country – just to get him to drop the matter. He stuck to his guns and eventually they said that she had to give him half the cost. I was very impressed as I think that I would have just given up and gone home and paid for it myself.

  8. Don’t get me wrong I have no problem with the even-handed application of the law. What sickens me is the sight of a middle aged man sitting like a school child with a finger wagging twit in over tight brown uniform lecturing him for farting in the wrong direction when 50 yards away there are thousands of similar offences being committed by people who have different colored skin and no money that rate no attention what so ever. While these robbers in uniform collect their beer money for the evening.

  9. For the second week in a row I have seen the tourist police fining some poor farang tourist on the bridges over the road near the World Trade Center. Last week two lads handing over 500 baht for some minor infraction – dropping a fag end I suspect. This week a middle aged gent getting a lecture about his behavior (don’t know why) from the brown slime.

    If you are in this area – or any tourist area for that matter- be on your best behavior. Don’t give them an excuse.

  10. I have just finished one of Big John’s Cornish Pasties! He is on Thong Lor and Asoke now I think. But they are now available form Villa! It was the best pie I have had here, much better than the pies I have had at the Off Shore, or the pies that Villa normally has. He is not paying me for this – unfortunately.

  11. Some of those phrases don’t seem too useful!!?? But I will look out for that phrasebook sounds like a laugh.

    Ron chip ie! Its bloody hot!

    Ari wa! What the ###### did you say!

    Yet mer mung! <deleted> your mother!

    Het Ee yang wa! What the <deleted> are you doing! (Lao)

  12. I can see no cons apart form that it is difficult. Don’t think about the tones just say the words as you hear them. I find it easy to speak Thai with my partner but not with others – I think it’s a confidence thing.

  13. The message is Mr Sniffer – take your money somewhere else the Thai government and people no-longer need it! Anyone who want a holiday where they can party past 12.00 should go to another destination. This is the Cinderella state now. Tell all your friends.

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