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Posts posted by micksterbs

  1. What's your point? This is not your country. Do you think you have a god-given right to be here?

    Well, well looks like you my Mother she can say this is not your country but not you.

    Only low class people use the name of the lord in a supject.


    I want see wat you do if you can't go to the border to make you visa run.

    Every body can walk now but if you older and older and you can't walk anymore than all of you are criminals than you stay illegal here.


    Well, we're rapidly coming to the end of Page 2 and you still don't seem to be getting the message, do you? You are a GUEST here. Got that?

    I never thought I'd say these words on TV, but if you don't like it here, you know what you can do...

  2. quote: Is it possible (legal) to drive around in a fender less car

    No idea, but the Toyota Vigo is sold without a back fender/bumper, If you want one then you must pay extra !!

    here there is a 2 week old one, and my nighbours is 9 months old, both are fender less

    Aha. Britain and America. Two nations seperated by the same language. I think they are talking about mudguards here, not bumpers.

    Well yes. But, the VW in the pic has had the wings removed. However, the addition of mudguards, a la Caterham, Wingfield, etc would answer the problem. Trouble is, the BiB would be forever stopping you, I reckon, even if you weren't actually breaking any laws. We know what they're like, yeah?

  3. Everything that was said above is more or less true.

    not really an alternative to thailand - something different all-together. People that dont know the difference between taiwan and thailand generally like the Philippines. Keep in mind that there has been an Army base there for sometime, so their perception of falangs is equated with army boys on leave.

    but if we want to talk about positives....

    1. good beer - san migul is one of the best

    2. they speak English - all of them - even the housekeeper or street sellers will speak better english than the prime minister of thailand.

    3. you can be friends with the men. - I mean they can be your buddies and brothers like another falang. There is a level of understanding.

    but ohhh the food. its just horrendous. (except the buffet at the sofitel)

    1. Personal taste.

    2. A massive exaggeration. A lot of people in the Phils learn English at school and then promptly forget it. Some know a bit of Taglish. Presumably you just know Manila. And anyway, everyone speaks English better than Samak.

    3. I'm not quite sure what you're saying here. You seem to know either very little about Thailand, the Phils or both.

    As for the food, I agree with you 100%. Is it my imagination or do chickens in the Phils have three times as many bones as the rest of the world? But like I said in 1, that's just my personal taste.

  4. What got this thread out of intensive care?

    S'funny, as I've been thinking about the Phils a fair bit recently. I reckon that if you could take everything about Thailand, its people, infrastructure, culture, religion, food, etc and put it into the Philippines and then vice-versa, you'd have pretty-much the perfect SE Asian country. Oh, hang-on, take out the earthquakes as well. Do that, and I'll be on the first 'plane to Cebu.

    P.S. Keep the Jeepneys. I just love them!

  5. Thanks, all! It wasn't until a card was mentioned that I realised that this must be the same Makro that we have in the UK; to be honest, the penny hadn't dropped. Not for the first time... :o I actually have a Makro UK card somewhere although I'd bet a pound to a penny that it means nothing here, almost certainly. The cards in the UK have to be obtained with a company name; I'm pretty sure you can't just wander in off the street and get one there.

    Anyway, that's all acedemic. Thanks for the info and I'll certainly be paying them a visit and getting a card, etc. It'll be worth a visit just to see what they've got in stock. Now, all I need is a good bread-maker...

  6. I enjoy shopping at Makro, It is very much like Sam's Club and Costco in the States. Some items are bulk but many are not.

    In Burriam there are three main Store and the price on certain things are different in each as a rule I do not shop prices but I am amazed at the difference between Makro, Big C and twickets here.

    Makro has a excellent selection of cheese, mostly in BIG packs of a couple KG so if u have a friend buy and split or like me buy and freeze.

    Do try the store. IMHO

    Yeah? Hey, I'd go there just for that! :D If there's one food-item I really miss (actually, there are loads :o ), it's decent cheese. Tesco has a selection of processed tat and, just occasionally, some half-decent Cheddar which comes from the Philippines, believe it or not. But I'll have a gander this weekend. Cheers, Ron. :D

  7. A Thai friend, the other day, described Makro as a place that I ought to shop in as it has food that he reckoned I'd be interested in. I've never been there although I've driven past it many times. I always thought that it was a wholesale outfit geared towards "Mom-and-Pop" stores. Is there a retail side too? Does it, in fact, have anything inside that I'd be unable to find in Tesco Lotus? Is it any cheaper?

    Thanks for any info. :o

  8. It isn't much fun when the strong wind that always precedes it blows out six of your roof panels just before the deluge starts.

    Yeah, bamboo screaming, cocunuts falling, plastic chairs skidding across the floor...it certainly does arrive with a bang

    Arrive with a bang? Well yeah, but last night it left with a bang. We've had pretty good thunderstorms all week here and yesterday afternoon/last night was no exception. But just before 10.00 last night, the whole place lit-up with a blinding flash and before I could even form my lips to begin uttering a well-known Anglo-Saxon expletive there was an almighty bang that shook the whole house and set all the local dogs barking. Not that that takes much but you get the picture. The missus and I must have jumped about a foot into the air; for a moment she had the complexion she's always dreamed-of. Even the car alarm went-off. I think it probably struck the 'phone mast which is about 200m awayYou could hear the echo of the thunder going on for nearly a minute. I thought I'd been near lightning but never as close as last night.

  9. Well teach will be proud to know that a very kind poster sent me by pm a link to a website to download a spelling check thing and it is very easy to use.

    The worrying thing is the number of red lights that come up on my typed posts when I check it. So I hope that with this new invention all you teacher wannabe's can just leave me alone now and go do more meaningful things like pull the wings off mosquitoes.

    I cannot promise it will be perfect or that I will use it every time, especially after a drink or 2 or something me doctor prescribes for me.

    Well, I suppose it's a step in the right direction but be aware of the fact that it's merely a spell-checker; it won't correct grammar. In other words, it can't see the context in which a word is placed so, nine times out of ten, it won't flag-up the difference between, say, "there" and "their", "for" and "four", "your" and "you're", etc.

    Anyway, please don't use the spell-checker; your posts would lose 99.9% of their entertainment value. :o

  10. Thanks, Taxexile, for an informative and well-written post. I'd be interested to know what their view would be of the recent attempts to have the name Thailand ditched in favour of the far more inclusive Siam. Whilst the Ministry wears its culture with a capital C hat, and "emphasises how varied Thai society is (in ethnicity, region, urban/rural, occupation), and how dynamic it is as part of the modern globe", you'd be forgiven for thinking that they would look favourably upon such a proposal. Of course, like a lot of things in Thai society, it's window-dressing. The rest of the booklet shows that the culture with a small c outlook would never tolerate such a thing and will always assume that the Thai are the dominant race in this land.

  11. Certainly healthier than actually going out and venting these frustrations, as all that does is fuel the police conspiracy/tourism will come crashing down threads/another murdered foreigner (or local) threads.


    Well yeah, but I'm just sick of 'em. There ought to be a sand-pit forum where they can argue about whose turn it is with the bucket and spade or compare willy-size or something.

    Just my 2 satang's worth. :D

  12. Reminds me of Bicutan market in Manila. The first time I was there, I just assumed that the market was built on the site of a disused railway; understandable, as most things look disused in the Phils. :oAnyway, I hear a train siren and don't really think much of it until I realise that the whole market has changed shape and size in the twinkling of an eye and a woman in the nearest store is beckoning to me urgently. "Blinking flip, it's a train!" was probably the gist of what I said although it might have been a little more Anglo Saxon, I don't recall. I never really got tired of watching the market transform itself.

  13. Is it my imagination or are we getting a lot of these pointless "testosterone" topics lately? Hey, let's dream-up a contrived set of circumstances or totally invent "something-that-happened-the-other-night" and then try and out-do each other with childish, immature reminiscences or macho, "Well, this is what I'd do!"-type comments.

    Some trolling can be amusing; this is just tiresome.

  14. ok, you want facts ...

    each country, nation, community has at some point in their history (except for the USA, they are heading for that point in history) come to the conclusion they had to eliminate jews out of their society in order to survive ...

    so, how do you explain that?

    is it just racism (I hate it that it's called antisemitism, they have their own word for it, that ex[plains a lot already) or is there's actually something wrong with these people?

    obviously, I think the latter ... they're the biggest racists of all, that's why they refuse to integrate and think it's ok to screw their hosts ... and that's why so many countries for centuries has tried to eliminate them ... what goes around comes around ...

    it's nothing personal ... it's mathematic, the change you get cheated is too high ... it's a matter of risk management

    I feel the need to have a shower having just read this post. I am just...speechless.

  15. Reminds me of that Welsh rugby enthusiast who cut-off his <deleted> because his team won. I mean, I could almost, sort-of, understand it if they had lost but he did it to celebrate! Oh, and he did it himself. Mind you, he was Welsh... :o

    P.S. His knackers would have been safe if he'd been English; we hardly seem to win anything these days.

  16. Try "The Girls" by Lori Lansens. The story of two conjoined twins growing-up in Canada. My ex-partner leant it to me when she and our daughter came over for Songkhran last year. I must send it back! It's a great book; I really enjoyed it. :o

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