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Posts posted by drummachine

  1. Hi LS,

    Thanks for the offer, it looks like I will just drive down to BKK myself in the pickup and pass the gear onto the company that I have arranged there. The larger items are going onto my new place in BKK. One of the bikes are coming with me though! Wouldnt leave em with anyone or sell until they have been buckled on mountains.


  2. Hi All,

    does anyone know of a small removal company in Sakon. Need mountain bikes and small items removed to BKK then to UK. Unless anyonbe has experience of PB Air and charges?

    Happy Days, going home for a while, greggs pastys and big knockers. Class!

    Thanks all

  3. Hi All,

    The Missus is pregnant so was wondering on any ideas for hospitals in Sakhon area. I know the central ones are not so good, was wondering if the army hospital is any better? Maybe just worth going to Aek Udon for checks etc?

    Any advice welcome.

  4. My urine is tested routinely at work. I dont think one should be to worried, unless you on the red devil tablets from hel_l. Chiang Mai used to have regular checks in Bubble Disco and so on, I just used to walk out the door, stoned out my wee mind I was. Never stopped once, take a positive stride and dont stop.

    Rave on. :o

  5. I remember leaving Universiity on that day. My Dad said well done and Mum was smiling gladly, all expectations. A young lad who did well. It was my freind who said "lets go travel man". So I packed up my troubles and kit bag and smiled. Maybe Vietnam and all the other peices of a puzzle were coming together.

    I think when I passed through Bangkok I bought all in black for the disco, my mate was pissed and headed to the room with a tart. I stayed in the scene because I like a drink. She pulled me away for the last order of 1500 THB and to be honest I couldnt make it to the taxi on my own. As I jumped on the hookers stage, tits and ass hangin out, I fell and broke my collar bone, popped out like a jack in the box. She popped it straight back in, so clever aint they.

    So the years passed, watched the wanke_rs in Udon Thani turning it into Pattaya and the clever lads afar with shit bars in Khon Kaen thinking Mor Lam great aint it. Then, BANG. Up the duff and hammered this site for all the info I could get ,Scouse and the other kid who got barred, all the lads chipped in to help me. Back and forth I went, Thailand, England,Thailand, England, like a small chilld swapping mud for lolly pops. I kept up travelling around Thailand when I got the time. Seen it all. beaches, villages and temples, all that stuff.

    Just wanted to be happy, had my Son and Wife and house, car you know the score. Bang, hate all them.

    The End.

  6. Back to the original question. I think backpakcers are grubby, drink silly buckets of whisky and coke and talk about how they own the world on a gap year.

    They annoy me and I feel this way because... one time on Krabi I met a group of dreadlocked worldwise bums, who sat with myself and friends and drank themselves silly. Later in the evening one of them started to get lippy to the Thai guys around and in good fashion i told him and his freinds to move from my table or they would be removed. On asking them to pay their bill they emptied their pockets to reveal broken cigarettes and dirty hankys.. who paid, oh yes me of course...this isnt the first time pished worldwise travellers have attached themselves to me in Thailand. If their mummys dont give them enough pocket money for their gullivers, they should stay at home and stop trying to pay with shiny shells and beads....

  7. This really puzzles me.
    Parents of the 13-year-old, who was big for his age group.

    Why would they even say that? Because he was big it means she didn't know (She was tutoring him) or because he was big it makes it OK?

    Maybe they are trying to say his little dinky is bigger than a pinkie?

    Please can anyone explain why or what is the point other than trying to make less of an issue out of it.

    There is no such thing as consensual sex with a 13 year old and I find some of the comments made here by members really appalling. Think back when you were 13 and how you thought you knew it all but now you can say WOW I didn't know sh@t, well now put that same scenario in a room with a predator and surely you can see the manipulation scenario.

    This will hurt him in the short and long run especially in this culture, he will only be know as the boy whom was raped by his teacher regardless if he wanted to be with her or not, even if he wants to try to wear it like a badge.

    She took the trust given to her and stepped on it regardless if he pursued her or not she should have taken a stronger moral stance and known it was just his hormones out of control and since his pillow or some hot apple pie wasn't there to hump :D he wanted whatever he knew would put out.

    I think this will be more traumatic now it is publicised. These events should be dealt with in more of a reserved manner, better for all involved. Now he will be known as the lad who damaged the teacher and she as the teacher who damaged the lad.

    Why would you think that? If it was a falang they would be plastered all over the TV now that it is a Thai and a women let them see they have social issues that need to be dealt with also. But for Gods sake keep the boys name out of it.

    You have basically repeated what I said... :o

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