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Posts posted by Insight

  1. There are a few farang females I've met in Bangkok who I keep in regular contact with and are a really good laugh, so don't like bitching too much on this subject, but there are some very valid points...

    On a recent trip back the UK it came to the mad-2/3am-dash-for-rip-off-taxi to get home. Of course, the waiting population outweighed the amount of available taxis, so it was a bit of a hunt trying to track one down.

    For one girl trying to flag one down, every taxi that went past she was screaming (and I mean really shouting-screaming) all sorts of abuse and curses to the taxi driver, just because he didn't stop - don't blame him after that!

    How many Thai girls (or guys) have I seen acting in a similar manor in my time out here? You guessed it...

  2. I believe it only has to do with the feminine mindset that attracts many farang to Asian girls. They are just so much more feminine.


    Yep, got to second that.

    I consider myself a gentleman. I treat everybody I meet with respect, and expect to be treated with respect back just for that reason alone. This *always* happens with Thai girls, but not so much at all with farang girls.

    I personally believe that many farang girls are under a paranoia that if any guy is polite and open towards them, the guy’s intention is to bed them, so instantly a defensive (and often rude) wall comes up. With Thai girls, the opinion seems to be much more of “this guy is being nice to me because he’s a nice bloke” – A lot more down-to-earth, thank you.


    Farang girls are also fat and ugly.

  3. A few weeks ago I was driving somewhere around Rama 9, with my girlfriend in the passenger seat. We came to a set of traffic lights, they turned green, yet the car in front spent another minute deciding whether to turn or go straight on.

    I started gettting frustrated, was about to let rip on the horn, when my girlfriend stopped me and said "Jai yen yen - It's a woman driving!"

    I love this country :o

  4. I'm heavily into my techno / trance (cheese free) - the best deal in Bangers I reckon is Lucifers, Patpong. Occasionally some naff "Eurodance", but the majority of tunes are decent enough.

    Obviously, don't expect Van Dyk / Oakenfold / Tiesto standard, but it ain't bad...

    Also, IMHO, it doesn't have the pretentious (and pointless) element of Q-Bar, Bed Supper and Mystique - prices are reasonable also. Yes, it is full of bar slappers, but UK clubs are full of, well, slappers! No intimidating atmosphere by any means if you’re with a couple.

  5. Yes, Apriak...     Vote for Chuwit... get real, the guy is mafia scum with zero political experience.   Or any experience, for that matter, other than pimping out women.

    Really? Da*m ( <- Looks like that word's censored. I really mean "mother######ing bastard") propaganda. And I thought I could trust everything I read...

  6. No I don't Tata and neither do I think that songs such as 'Sexy, naughty, bitchy me' are doing any good to Thai culture - it's more western pollution teaching kids that it's cool to be a bitch and be nasty and screw around being unladylike.

    Hear, effin' hear...

    I can't bear to turn Thai radio on any more. When will Thai people understand that singers/boy bands/girl bands/any form of manufactured music of any kind is the subject of ridicule back in the Western world?

    It's written to be sold to simple people. Well, you're all proving yourselves there...

  7. Got no plans to return really.

    Try and fly home every year to catch up with family/mates etc., but after about a week I start getting depressed... :o

    Got a good job out here as most of my work comes from overseas (in other words, I can be based anywhere). As long as that continues, happy days!

  8. Funny you should mention it, Wooderson - I ordered something from the UK recorded delivery 10 days ago myself (a week last Wed.), and I"m still waiting...

    Usually (and I order from the UK regularly) it takes around 6 days on average. For some reason though, over the past two weeks, it's taking much longer. Giving it another two days before I start scouting around.

  9. "England's great!"

    "England's sh*te!"





    If you could develop compression software that looked for these patterns in forums, you could probably get massive ones such as this down to a few bytes big...

  10. Just curious...

    I get a good response when watching the following UK comedies with my g/f:

    Father Ted - Lots of silly visual humour

    Faulty Towers - Easy to relate to Manwell's language barrier

    The Fast Show - Drawing parallels with Scorchio TV and Thai TV

    Any suggestions that go down well with you and your other half?

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