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Posts posted by Insight

  1. Free money if you vote for Chuwit!

    He's my pic - *may* of been responsible for the Sukhumvit Soi 10 demolition :o But he seems a bit of a laugh...

    I also don't recognise any of the other names, apart from the blindingly obvious...

  2. It ain't bad, the UK - we've got a lot of things to be proud about. It's just that it ain't good either in comparison.

    I was offered a job here while in the UK, took a trip over to visit and found the lifestyle to be much better, so I moved. When tempted with a better lifestyle, who wouldn't take up the option?

  3. The interesting point to emerge is why so many underachieving, half-educated Brits gravitate to this forum with their yobbish and ignorant comments on the royal family, immigration etc etc.I suspect that in many cases these people come from the disaffected lower middle class with little money, educational or intellectual resources.They would have little chance to survive in a competitive environment and thus drift to places like Thailand where standards, how to put it politely, are not so demanding.

    Appreciate the positive comments about England, Boris, but.... Steady On!!! :o

    Thailand, although a very enjoyable place to live, can also be quite demanding. Unless you've got money flying out your a*se, to make it long term you have to learn the language and make a decent, honest attempt to "fit in". This is what I've found anyways...

    Reading the posts of many members of this forum, I believe they've done just that. There's a much larger percentage of people that come out here with the wrong attitude, then find themselves leaving 6 months later pennyless.

  4. Farang girls that are cynical of (all) Thai girls. Met a few of those...

    Speaking to one farang girl who was as jaded as they come. Asked her if she'd like to join me and my g/f for a meal in an attempt to sway her opinion. Went home, thought about it then decided not to - even the look on her face during the meal would turn the mood to stone.

  5. Here's one that makes me really cringe - People who just can't help themselves having a stab at the Thai monarchy. Either because:

    a) They come from England and therefore instantly contrast it with their own monarchy, which is a joke. They can't understand why Thais (and seasoned expats) hold a deep sense of pride and respect for the system.

    B) They come from the US, therefore have no monarchy.

    This hasn't happened much when I've been introducing visitors, but when it does (and it's happened within earshot of the locals), I've honestly felt like walking away and leaving the hopeless b*stards to figure the rest out for themselves.

  6. I normally go to bed at around 4-6 am and sleep until 2 in the afternoon.

    Same same.

    I sometimes fall into this gap, but hate as everybody else I work with needs to be in the office for 9-ish - can't help feeling guilty (and lazy)...

    The reason this happens though is the work I do is set on dates, not times, so as long as I finish within that time, it doesn't matter what hours I work.

    What's your lifestyle like when it's in this range? Are you night owls because that's the way you are, or do you have some commitments which bring this upon you.

    Just curious...

  7. If I'm out with the guys I work with, I'll go on and on about these amazing all-purpose solutions we could develop and take over the world with (proper geek like) saying they'll only take a few days to develop and it'll be just what everybody needs because it'll be great!!!

    Then I go in the office the next day with a fuzzy head and browse websites all day instead :o (including this cursed (but also great) attention-grabber)

    I'm one of those friendly-drunk people, although there's been one or two times when I have slightly lost it...

  8. When alone, usually between 2-4am, wake up 8am-10am. Good 6hrs pretty much every night.

    Take it really easy when waking up tho. Switch on some tunes, check my mail, read the news - Get in the office between 10am-12pm.

    Sometimes end up working on some code right through the night - think that if I sleep I'll loose focus on where I am the following morning.

  9. Lost identity is a big issue in England now. People don't know what it is to be English.

    Too true, but I think if you try swing the blame at immigration laws, you're looking at a bit of a scapegoat.

    I was only a young boy in the 80's in England, but the picture that I gather is that between late 70's to early 80’s was that you either have it or you don’t. You’re either minted and can own anything you want, or poor and belong on some poverty-ridden estate – we managed to step back a good century or two. Of course, the majority are going to fall into the latter, and that in itself will kill any patriotism.

    The picture might not be that bad nowadays, but the general attitude of people is “It’s sh*te ‘ere…”

    Any service anywhere is terrible because people generally don’t care – you’re problems are you’re problems, doesn’t matter how much I’m being paid to sort them out.

    Then pile on top a “my rights” attitude that everybody has – “my right” to do this, “my right” to do that etc, it’s a very grim place to live. Walk into any bar in any city and notice the eyes staring at you, looking to make contact in hope for the slightest bad gesture, then watch the only entertainment available begin.

    Then people from the UK come to Thailand and are completely overwhelmed by the whole experience – people *make an effort* to get on along with each other, assist where necessary. True, there’s a class divide, but this isn’t entirely obvious to any newcomer. The general facial expression is a pleasant smile, not a grim frown. Even the language barrier doesn’t stand in the way of it!

    In my own opinion, to sort the problems of the UK out, a sense of national pride needs to be restored for everybody, regardless of race/religion etc – I have a fair few “non-white” UK friends who are just as British as I am – you can tell that by how grim they are :o If people living in the UK are not proud, how can they expect any visitor/immigrant to be?

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