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Posts posted by Insight

  1. Toyota Soluna 1.5i. Very sensible car but no fun what so ever. Most I've got out of it is 160kph. (And it's a bloody auto)

    Still, it's got me many places around Thailand. Drove from Bangkok to Ko Samui for last New Year - one very smooth journey.

  2. Hi Rainman,

    Understand your grief. I'm 24 and wanted to avoid a relationship with a girl working in a bar - Nothing against them personally, it just didn't work out.

    Had a few relationships with BG's and non-BG's - all were fairly typical in the speed they wanted to get their toothbrush in my bathroom :o

    In the end, decided to start dating a girl in the office (despite my boss telling me this was a no-no). It took months (and I mean months) to develop, but has turned into probably the most satisfying relationship I've ever had. The only problems we have are the occasional communication and culture barriers, but that's all part of the learning curve IMHO.



  3. That is like soooooooo true, but you have to like, admit that good looking western girls know what's kewl and what's not. Less attractive ones are like sooooo insecure and try and pretend they're not and beautifu-

    *Looks at Gucci watch*

    I like so have to go now and watch the last episode of Sex And The City.

    You have to admit, there's a trend of middle-class Bangkokian Thai girls following that lead - Just take a walk around Siam of a Saturday afternoon.

    Looks like they O/D'd on way too much Cosmopolitan, Sex in the City and religiously follow MTV on what's "cool", thinking they're "elite" but have less individualism than a rotten spud.


    Over that, give me a much more humble companion from the countryside anyday....

  4. To ban the 2 drugs that are responsible for 97% of all drug related deaths makes sense to me, dunno about the rest of you people.

    Everybody knows the harsh, no-arguing penalty for importing drugs into Singapore, yet according to many Singaporeans I work with, they still have a social drugs problem.

    Banning anything is not the answer as it's impossible - where there's demand, there's supply etc etc.

    What's needed is good, solid education on the hazards and social impacts of such drugs, whatever they may be. Yada, yada, yada…

    Alternatively, we could ban booze, ban drugs, ban nightclubs, ban drinking outside 7-11's at noodle stalls, ban noodle stalls themselves, ban customers, ban girlie bars, ban karaoke, ban anything service orientated and just outright ban any cause of any problem that has happen, will happen and even slightly could happen. Perfect society. What bloody society??? :o

  5. Nothing constructive in any way comes from anything he says. He's obviously on the wind-up, but making more a fool out of himself in the process.

    True, he's good to laugh at, but when innocent threads get hijacked with his flawed, senseless rhetoric, that is then taken a step further by insulting all Thai’s with this this post, I feel a line should be drawn.

    Truth is, if he walked into any bar (never mind the ones he continues to slate) with such an attitude, he'd more than likely end up walking out with eye make-up of the natural kind, and I'd be more than happy to apply it.

  6. Hi,

    Was wondering if anybody knows if it's possible to get any DSL access installed in your home/apartment on Samui? If not available now, any idea when?

    I've read the website for that IT Center place, but it seems you can only get access if you rent some of their office space - a move a bit too much just for fast net access.



  7. Did have a reply in mind, but think erco done a good job of ruining the tone of the thread.

    What I like about Thai girls, more my girlfriend specifically, is her understanding, patience, "positive thinking" attitude and that smile (and 1,000,000 other things besides) :o

    She'd probably even try her hardest to come up with something positive to say about erco's attitude if she had to - something I'd find impossible to achieve.

  8. From Birko (Birkenhead) in Merseyside, UK. Nobody outside the UK seems to have the slightest clue where that is, so most the time I end up saying Liverpool, so here I go...


    Thank god I'm not in a Bangkok taxi when saying that - The rest of the journey then usually consists of the taxi driver naming every single football player he can think of...

    "Rob-ie Fo-wler!"


    "Mich-eal Ow-en!"


    "John Barnes!"

    "Yeah, him too..."

  9. I can cope with most things around the city people seem to get frustrated about, but a few problems spring to mind:

    1. What you said about motorbikes on the pavement (sidewalk) - Frustrating, and embarrasing when your on the back of a motorbike that decides to take that "short cut".

    2. This half-a*sed 2am closing time lark. They've been going on about this zoning for so long, why can't they get on with closing down the non-zoned areas at whatever time they eventually decide on, and keep the zoned areas open all night? Whatever they choose, just get on with it!!!

    3. Probably something nobody else on this forum will have a problem with, but I can't get hold of any modern vinyl (records) out here. I've picked the worst city ever to start DJ'ing for a hobbie, but it's starting to get like that the world over.

  10. On the "farang" subject, I remember sitting playing cards with a few Thai friends. Some girl who just met me and couldn't remember my name shouted out to me "farang, gin khao mai?" - If I didn't find it funny, I probably would of been insulted.

    What really wicks me is trying to get to a legit late night bar in Patpong past 2am - So many touts making it difficult. If a guy was acting the same way to other people in my home town, he'd be quickly knocked to the ground.

    The same type of touts annoy the <deleted> off me in Pantip. Walking around with my girlfriend, they still have to come up to me, shove a load of DVD covers in my face and say "seexxxyy moovvieee" - ARGH!

    And lastly, waiting for a Thai girl to finish at the ATM - It isn't rocket science, it's a bloody ATM! Pin code, ask for money, get money, take card - sounds simple, doesn't it? So what on earth are they doing standing there for 5mins+ a time??? In a queue behind 5 girls, you're best of finding another ATM, even if the closest one's in Cambodia.

    I've ranted far too much. Love it here really :o

  11. While I can relate with many of the positive comments on this thread (after all, who wouldn't want to leave the 400-baht-a-day paddyfield lifestyle for the chance of a fairytaile existance with a rich Westerner), there's so many cases where "survival" turns to "greed", and all the negative aspects that go with it.

    It's a two sided coin, no doubt about it - It takes a*seholes to make a*seholes.

    I knew a girl working in a restaurant who decided to take the dive and start working in the farang bar scene. One year on, she's nothing like the person she was back then.

  12. Insight, my apologies for my limited english, "live and work out here etc."

    does it mean you need a work permit to work out?

    If so, where and with who?

    To reply your question, I have a work permit since 1992, that's the 20th century. During last renewal, I told them, my main job is to prepare the yearly paperwork for extension. No time, to do anything else.

    By "live and work out here etc.", I mean "live and work out here etc.".

    Seriously, thanks for all the replies.

  13. LovelyCutie, I'd hazard a guess at the only place he's possibly traveled is just Thailand. Seasoned travelers and expats I've spoken to have two qualities in common: patience and understanding. This guy has demonstrated neither, just perpetual arrogance and stupidity.

    The only thing this guy has got from traveling is Air Miles (if that). The altitude of flying, however, seems like it’s had a massive negative impact on those neurons – god help him if he was born like this.

    Boon Mee, while you suggested he does have a valid point about a certain group of expats not learning the language or culture, I’d still say that a large percentage of those expats still have more respect and consideration for Thai culture than this guy has presented.

    If it wasn’t for the humour, this thread would be a massive waste of bandwidth.

  14. I'm almost constantly amazed at the levels of stupidity around the globe the Internet has enabled us to observe. What I love the most, however, is this:

    you came to late to the party. SORRY ..thermae is done, so is patpong -YEARS AGO. guess what -nana, pales to its former glory and soi cowboy, well that was done even before i hit the scene

    Hang on - You're saying you've been there before, and then you're criticising the members of this forum for paying for sex, of which most members (including myself, needless to add), wouldn't touch a bargirl with yours…?

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