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Posts posted by billd766

  1. I have no idea if this post will get through or not.

    how are you for food and water ?

    sounds like the last words of some besieged colonel in a colonial outpost as he and his gallant band await the arrival of troops to rescue them from marauding savages. :o

    My wife went to the market for food this morning and it is pissing down with rain so food and water will be OK for a while.

    However I am suffering from TVseriousinteruptis.

    I hope it is not fatal!!

  2. Can somebody please help me.

    I can log into Thai visa but I have been unable to read anything since 09 September.

    I am using Firefox as my default browser but it is the same with IE6.

    I have no idea if this post will get through or not.

    I can reach any other web pages that I want so it is not my GPRS connection or browser.

    What is the problem?

    You may have to email me so that I will know if it is OK or not.

    I try to read Thai visa 3 times a day.

    Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppppppp :D:o

  3. I went to Suan Phlu yesterday morning to renew my Thai wife support visa.

    In the 2 months since I last went to get a re-entry visa the whole downstairs has changed.

    Before room 101 was down at the back and a little bit scruffy, yesterday it took up most of the downstairs area in front of where it used to be.

    Now you go to the information desk and tell them what you want, they give you an number and you wait your turn. The payment for a new visa is done in room 101 and the whole process seems to run a bit faster and it is much nicer.

    As my 13 month old son was in hospital I could not bring my wife as she was staying with him so I was given a 2 week extension to give us enough time to be there.

    The staff are as friendly as I have always found them to be and the biggest problem there is car parking as usual. However if you try after lunch there is a fair chance that you can get a parking space though I use a taxi and the Skytrain myself as it is easier and the cost is not high.

  4. Do you know what is better than a first time dad being nearly 50?

    Being a second time dad at 60.

    I am.

    You don't forget the basic skills but you have go go back a long way in time and your memory to find the right songs to soothe the baby and help him sleep.

    You also have more time and patience and you can relax a bit as you know that some of the things that panicked you the last time are easier to understand this time around.

    I was 60 and my wife was 38 when Tiw came along, a big surprise to both of us, but then my dad was 55 and my mum 40 when I came along.

    Tiw is the best and most precious present that my wife could ever give to me and I could not have imagined anything like this happening in my life in Thailand.

    the 3 of us


    himself on a good day


  5. We have 5 or 6 or 7 dogs here up country. The number varies on how many puppies the bitch has, 4 last time but we gave 3 away, and how many get killed by the stupid bas****s who drive too fast and just dont look.

    Most of the time they are OK but there is one guy with his pick up that comes around at about 6 am and the dogs sing (howl) to him for about 5 minutes. I don't know why him but they don't howl at anyone else and I am too lazy to get up and turn the hose on them.

  6. I just bought an Acer 4152 NLCI and I upgraded my Ram FROM 512MB TO 2 Gb and it cost me 13,000 baht.

    I have been so busy since yesterday I haven't even turned it on yet.

    It is good enough for me or it will be by the weekend.

    quote firefoxx

    BTW, according to Acer's brochure, there's a promotion going on. Buy any notebook, and get a 2-month free subscription to True's ADSL. Also, you can buy an extended warranty (3 years... from 1 year standard) for 2,990 baht.

    I didn't realise that so I will get that done asap. Thanks

  7. My wife had some land up in the central region 50 km from Khampaeng Phet near a national park.

    We live 6 km outside of the village, not many neighbours, fresh air, cheap to live, no bars and not many expats either though I see a few in the village now and again.

    Peaceful, yes, boring, not really you just have to change your lifestyle and learn to relax.

    Love it here?

    Absolutely. :o:D:D

  8. Many of the respondents seem to be living in relatively low value properties in Nakon Nowhere (no offence) and would not want to live there without their wife. However, if you are paying a lot of money for a house in Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, etc. then I'd go the company route no matter how much you trust the misses. You can always sell the house from the company to the misses later if you feel like it. Most lawyers and almost all real estate agents will advise the company route as they have personally witnessed the large number of foreigners who have lost everything when property is in the name of the Thai wife/Thai husband.

    Well I suppose 2 1/2 M baht is relatively low value compared to Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya etc but where I live waay out in the sticks I feel that I have a much better standard of living than in a city. I have fresh air, no traffic jams except for the 2 minute jam on market days. When I go to the village people talk to me and smile a lot and are genuinely friendly, nobody rips me off and I pay the same as Thais do.

    Are you serious when you say that you would trust lawyers and real estate agents rather than your wife?

    They are in a business to make money and when they have made it they don't care about you any more.

    I was married in the UK and when I got a divorce it cost me much more than it ever will in Thailand should my Thai wife ever divorce me.

    I trust my wife with all that we own which is more than I would ever do with a stranger such as a lawyer or real estate agent.

    What is the main difference between a shark and a lawyer?

    Lawyers eat sharks but sharks rarely eat one of their own kind.

  9. I am here because 12 years ago my company sent me here for a couple of months whch is when I first met my Thai lady. They sent me back after a year and I stayed fo about 4 years. Now we have been married 5 years and have a 1 year old ankle (now up to the knees) biter.

    We live outside of a village in the the North and it is the best thing that has happened to me in my life.

    This is my wife's house as the house land etc is all in her name.


    blimey billd, that is one eck of a mast you got there, are you trying to contact life on another planet :o lovely house by the way

    It was the only way we could get 2 1/2 channels of Thai TV. The 1/2 channel ghosted so if my wife wanted to watch it the TV engineer (me) had to go outside and turn the pole and communicate with 'er indoors in the traditional manner (shouts of left, right or OK).

    Of course when she wanted another channel I had to go outside and etc, etc.

    Now I am working in Pakistan, this month she got a 2 metre sat TV dish put in and I hope that has got a motor as I am buggered if I am going to shift that a couple of millimetres at a time. I will find out what that is like when I get home.

    My wife got a friend to design the house and she spent about a year on site with the builders making sure she got what she wanted. It is good inside as well. The bottom half is brick built and the top is teak salvaged from an old house she used to own.

  10. I am here because 12 years ago my company sent me here for a couple of months whch is when I first met my Thai lady. They sent me back after a year and I stayed fo about 4 years. Now we have been married 5 years and have a 1 year old ankle (now up to the knees) biter.

    We live outside of a village in the the North and it is the best thing that has happened to me in my life.

    This is my wife's house as the house land etc is all in her name.


  11. The obvious reply here is that its not Thailand thats changed but you. Have you become boring?

    Once the single party goer, now the family man, few less drinks at the clubs and more drinks in front of the tv at home.

    Have you turned Thailand into that life you was trying to escape from in your home country?

    Mate, i think you are probably right here.

    Yes, I have turned Thailand into something I never thought I would like, but with family you must change.

    maybe it's not Thailand, just me :D

    I think age has got a lot to do with it. I also would probably have got a bit bored with the old family life here if in my 30's. Now in my 50's and been everywhere and done everything I don't get bored. Besides my missus is letting me have a week's holiday in Pattaya next week, when she goes to see the folks :D:D

    See her folks? Are you that naive? She is going to see her boyfriend while you shag other Thai girls in Pattaya. She is not stupid buddy.

    Here we go again :D

    Know that for a fact do you? :D

    May I ask how old you are, if you are married to a Thai lady and how long you have actually lived in Thailand?

    Because if you are young, not married and have only been here a short time IMHO you are talking out of you a**.

    On the other hand I suspect that is where you are talking from anyway. :o

    Not sure <deleted> it has to do with you but i'm 32 and i've lived in pattaya full time for 4 years with my wife of nearly 2 years. :D

    Are all thai wives the same?

    Do you agree with this comment?- "See her folks? Are you that naive? She is going to see her boyfriend while you shag other Thai girls in Pattaya. She is not stupid buddy".

    Dave, I think billd766 was commenting on thaidancers absolutely garbage post, not about yours :D That's the way i read it anyway.

    Sorry Dave.

    I was trying to comment on thaidancers post and not yours.

    One day I will learn how to get these quotes right.

  12. ....any one else this lucky or are you stuck with the most conservative ( zenophobic ) eating culture I have experienced

    My missus is a first class cook ( Thai food)

    As for your comment, I can't agree. Thai food is not at all conservative, There is plenty of variety.

    Maybe you mean that the Thai people are unwilling to try foreign (to Them) food?

    Many western foods are expensive. I have found many Thais unimpressed with Hamburgers etc (McDonalds)(Crap) . I can't blame them for this.

    Most seem to enjoy Pizzas.

    I was not refering to the Thai food just their eating culture ....not trying other countries food ( I do not mean Pizza , KFC ans Big Macs ) Lamb , chesses, pates ,curries , baked potatoes , Mexican food , Korean Food , Greek , Proper italian ....etc ..etc etc..to quote Yul Brinner :o

    My wife has enjoyed the local food in Germany, Holland, Denmark, Portugal except goats cheese ( I have never seen her make a face like that before ) and some good pub food in the UK. We had some good curries in Portugal but if she is away from home too long she tends to suffer from papaya pok pok withdrawal symptoms.

  13. The obvious reply here is that its not Thailand thats changed but you. Have you become boring?

    Once the single party goer, now the family man, few less drinks at the clubs and more drinks in front of the tv at home.

    Have you turned Thailand into that life you was trying to escape from in your home country?

    Mate, i think you are probably right here.

    Yes, I have turned Thailand into something I never thought I would like, but with family you must change.

    maybe it's not Thailand, just me :D

    I think age has got a lot to do with it. I also would probably have got a bit bored with the old family life here if in my 30's. Now in my 50's and been everywhere and done everything I don't get bored. Besides my missus is letting me have a week's holiday in Pattaya next week, when she goes to see the folks :D:D

    See her folks? Are you that naive? She is going to see her boyfriend while you shag other Thai girls in Pattaya. She is not stupid buddy.

    Here we go again :D

    Know that for a fact do you? :D

    May I ask how old you are, if you are married to a Thai lady and how long you have actually lived in Thailand?

    Because if you are young, not married and have only been here a short time IMHO you are talking out of you a**.

    On the other hand I suspect that is where you are talking from anyway. :o

  14. Hi

    Can anyone help me please?

    I am in Pakistan and I will be back at the end of the month and I want to buy an Acer laptop and the place I went to last time was called (I think) Global Solutions on the 2nd or 3rd floor of Panthip Plaza.

    I have done a google search but I cannot find it.

    Does anyone know of it and perhaps the phone number or email/web address?

    Thanks a lot.


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