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  1. This is why I don't eat fish anymore.
  2. I don't know which is worst Japan dumping radioactive waste or China dumping all their raw sewage in the ocean?
  3. He will never make it, as there is a large jail cell just waiting for him and his family. You do the crime you do the time.
  4. Yes they are, show us the little green men and their spaceships up close.
  5. Surly if this is a Miss Italy pageant real women should win hands down. As they got the bulges in the right places.
  6. We lived are life in the best of times, yes we are the lucky ones.
  7. Yes, out with the old logo in with the New. Free speech at last, go Musk!
  8. So what are we suppose to do? Forget about all the wrong doing? Jail is where they are all going and I only hope there is enough jails to hold them all as it is not just Joe and his family.
  9. Confession is good for the soul, Joe and Hunter should try this before the water gets too deep.
  10. This could be the reason? https://fb.watch/lYbdoYCiRK/
  11. The Democrats gets the star for the most loony party of the year. RFK Jr is your only hope in turning your party around, JFK who was loved by most, would support RFK Jr and not the progressive left if he was still alive.
  12. He's the man!! https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=tab
  13. Yes, Biden is looking better these days. A shorter ladder on Airforce 1, really nice looking sneakers, I hope they are non-slip. All these changes but he is the same inside, controlled by a unknown force.
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