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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Either these ladyboys are very, very smart or these tourist are very, very dumb. Just stop hanging around with ladyboys, problem solved.
  2. If you really want to hurt them take their bikes away for a month or two so they have to catch the bus to work. What a <deleted>- off that would be.
  3. I would hate to pass wind next to her.
  4. Or who's ever left after the smoke clears?
  5. So how do you know you have tomato flu ? Does it make you blush?
  6. When they don't pay the unemployed how would they know?
  7. They look like empty boxes, I wonder where the goods went to?
  8. There are a few places but their all under water. https://phuketdivecenter.com/courses/?gclid=CjwKCAjwu5yYBhAjEiwAKXk_eI6A-gyCQ-BMIUNIh7T_tUkdQbP5NMEyDi5w46FapB0WOxUH01pbWBoCd0QQAvD_BwE
  9. Where is all the good news, there must some out there? We really need a break from gloom and doom.
  10. That would be nice but would it not be better if you just take the keys off of them and make them walk?
  11. Quality tourist, you mean Nerds? It's like a box of chocolates you never know what kind you will get.
  12. It's not just Covid, it's dengue fever, it's floods, it's people that can't fine jobs. The list goes on and on. I really take my hat off to Thai's, that for some reason they never get a increase in pay and the pension remain the same for years on end when prices are going up and up. How do they do it?
  13. You know those dolls can do anything, except swim, poor thing.
  14. If they are going to race go to a race track and for goodness sake get some real motorcycles.
  15. I have seen 4 of these squirrels bring down a pigeon. Really
  16. No, but we do have squirrels that eat meat and not nuts. Does that help?
  17. Nice try, the road runner only goes Beep, Beep. so he's ok.
  18. Yes, the temples in my area are full of very hungry dogs. I am sure the tourist would like to visit them.
  19. Thailand did have troops in Vietnam but not many but they were good fighters. But the best fighters in Vietnam in the year that I was there was the South Koreans which had 2 division's.
  20. Now let me see 33 years or death? Some how it just doesn't seem fair when murders do a lot less time. She will have plenty of time to think where she went wrong in life.
  21. In my area, I know of a guy that had 5 different vaccines for covid plus had covid and now yells at everyone and he doesn't know why? Long covid needs to be researched in full.
  22. I wish the government would have said this to me when I was young. Who knows maybe they might have lower the drinking age?
  23. If Trump doesn't go to jail on some trumped -up charges he will turn things around. But there will be so many impeachments and so many going to jail you better wait until the smoke clears before you think about going to the USA.
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