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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. When trash has move value than us maybe we should start packing our bags. Please remember garbage doesn't complain, it only takes up space.
  2. There is no antidote for stink but if they burned it at higher temp. instead of throwing it in a shallow hole, that might help?
  3. If they have kids it's all sweet until he dies. Than nobody wants her. Years go by and she runs out of his money, than the hard life begins. Very sad. But if they don't have kids life is good for her.
  4. What next Opium Poppy Fields? That's right keep us all stoned as things are really going bad.
  5. Seven in Star trek voyager, she is sooo nice in her tights.
  6. You Dems. are trying to get Trump for Jan.6 nothing else. The RAID on his house was to get more info on anything he did wrong while he was President. This was another stupid Democrat plan to get Trump before he announces his plan to run in 2024 Well it backed fired and this has made him stronger than ever to run in 2024. Go Trump!!!
  7. No my pal is Mark Levin, why don't you ask him about Obama's Doc's.
  8. And what about Obamas 30 Million docs. that he took and never gave back? I am sure the DOJ went over them with a fine tooth comb. All the Presidents are guilty but none are charged only Trump. This is not Justice, it's Just us!!!
  9. Besides America don't have to worry about out going nukes, only incoming nukes.
  10. Just more leftist BS, it will be so nice to see him back as President again! Russia, Russia, Russia never worked and all the other leftist made up BS never worked so why should this.
  11. It's very important to protect our fish as well as our soi dogs and stopping the Chinese from dumping their waste in our waters. Very important!!!
  12. You are so right, I had a reflected car cover on my car for only a short time and mice ate a lot of my wiring. Such a pain to fix.
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