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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Is there anything that Thailand did to help Ukraine? We could send them a few bags of rice?
  2. I ate at the Rimkok many times and it was always a joy. Thanks for you info.
  3. I guess most here don't but I am sure they are wrong. All you have to do is look around. The birds the insects, the animals including us and lets not forget the oceans full of much life. Also when the night comes and the sky is full of stars one can only believe in God, as I do.
  4. The reason no one is stopping him might be that he is in a bunker with his finger on the nuke buttons? Crazy yes, smart yes, there's no way out for him. He alone killed so many people that just wanted to live a normal life. The world hates him.
  5. Most of the tourist I have talked to don't want to drive here. A book of the rules of the road is one thing, but when you see scooter drivers driving on your side of the road going in the opposite direction and on the sidewalks it says there are no rules here.
  6. When I first came to Thailand many years ago I was riding without a helmet. One day while riding my motorcycle I rode into a swarm of bees and had many stings in the face and neck. So now I always wear a full face helmet, lesson learned.
  7. It gets very hard for most Thai's as prices goes up even for the basics, but their wages stay the same. Most Thai's that I know have 2 or more jobs now just to make ends meet.
  8. Even when I go to the bank and they want to see ID I show them my Thai driver's license and that's ok I wonder if next they will want to see ID for a debt card?
  9. If you buy F-16's instead you can buy more. Also Chine would not be so friendly with us
  10. If we had more satellite's and drones in the air, that knew where Putin was at all times, maybe he would not be talking about nukes.
  11. The girls start at a early age here, if they start having sex at school at a early age some parents look at the money aspect
  12. Where I live most are making 10,000 baht a month if they are lucky. Full government jobs start at about 15,000 baht a month.
  13. I find it very hard to believe this happen in Thailand. All those kids and people. RIP to all, except him as he must be feeling the heat now.
  14. I have stopped eating out for some time now because they put this <deleted> in my food. It's not msg, it doesn't make your food taste better. All it does is increase the price on eating out.
  15. Your right, they know people are there to get money and may have people waiting behind them in line. What gets me upset sometimes is the ATM says my card is time expired when it's not. So I put it in again and it works.
  16. It's was not her fault, it was the truck driver the one with big balls. I have been pushed off the road a few times in my 20 years of riding big bikes here in Thailand. The bigger the truck the more they want you to get out of their way. RIP young lady, God be with you.
  17. No, wait for his going away party and invite all the fathers who had their kids smacked by this guy. What a send off!!!
  18. So what about us when we get old? Can't they work out a deal for us, not only does the insurance cost a arm and a leg when you are over 70 [ as much as some pensions] if you can find the coverage. I'm not saying 30 baht a day just something reasonable so we can plan for it.
  19. The floods are everywhere, I have been thinking about buying a boat if it's not too late.
  20. Last year I got my first electric blanket and it was great. You right, after living here for more than 20 years you start feeling the cold and this year is going to be a cold one. I feel it in my bones.
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