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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Dr. Supakit said that key reasons why elephants leave their habitats to search for food include water and food shortages. So if we feed them more and give them more water problem solved? Soon we will have just humans on the planet.
  2. One would think with all the USA debt you would need a wheelbarrow full of dollars for 1 baht? https://www.pgpf.org/national-debt-clock?gclid=Cj0KCQjwvZCZBhCiARIsAPXbajuHQMZ31TaecsGe3a7FljCFTjwqmjBRZucsAe_15UkOZx8itTKiHaYaAtdNEALw_wcB
  3. At first when people steal there is much shame within their selves, but when they steal over a long time the shame is less and less until they get caught. I guess she will say the devil made me do it?
  4. I hope they are not selling this mix of meats coming from who knows where to where I shop. I bet a lot of it ended up in the local markets.
  5. What you are saying is rear. Until you become a beggar yourself you will not know the meaning of desperate/
  6. Begging happens when people are desperate, It's not a job, its survival. It happens in many countries all around the world. The women with 3 kids needs Help not a jail sentence.
  7. It depends on which hospital you go to? Knee surgery should be no problem, but brain surgery is where I draw the line.
  8. I think you could have sold this guy the London Bridge.
  9. He needs a work visa, Thailand not the place to work selling beads. But I take my hat off to him for being a young world traveler. It's no fun seeing the world when you are old. Good luck and remember in your travels if you ever need help, only the poor people will help you, the one's with little more than what you have.
  10. Who does the laws benefit? With all the prices going up on everything every day and Thais not getting any cost of living increases in pay. It will only make things worse and corruption more.
  11. So what country are you visiting? As floods are everywhere up northern Thailand.
  12. It'd pretty hard to go sight seeing when the roads are full of water and mud. Do the tourist come here for the hotels?
  13. 300Baht, Did they ever think it might be the crappie rainy weather that might be stopping tourist from coming here? Now do something about that.
  14. We must be hard- up for tourist, I hear Russia is in great need for tourist?
  15. Go King Charles 111, but you might have to slow your talk on climate change even though you may be right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgmYOh-B-4M
  16. Between you and me I think Harry and Megan need to be removed from all Royal Family activity.
  17. Just when I think we are headed in the right direction they take this neutral stand. Yea, plenty of discounted oil and gas while the EU will be freezing soon.
  18. Yes, I know but you will have to travel to the USA.
  19. Respect for the great lady is very good to see! Good on you Thailand.
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