I agree what you say about the age process, but a lot of my friends are still suffering with long covid months after having covid and most are having trouble sleeping every night.
The trouble with Thai parents is they don't teach the kids discipline when they are young so when they get older they get more and more out of control.
A lot of these countries I would not like to retire in. Thailand and Taiwan are my first choice. But with China ready to expand it's borders I think I will just stay in Thailand.
Yes America has more guns, more people, and far more crazies running around with guns than Thailand, that's what makes Thailand such a great place to live. Why else would we be here?
FBI, Yes follow them as they know a lot, as they had Hunter Biden's laptop for years and they still don't know what to do with it. Maybe in 25 years we will know something. who put the I in the FBI?
I agree this should be stopped and Thai people must be responsible for their dogs from birth to death. A chip system must be mandatory showing the dogs owner's address and ID card no.
People have to learn that when you are in a different country you must know the laws of that country. So if you do a crime you do the time. In some countries it may be the death sentence for drugs.
Some people just go nuts when driving. I knew a guy a long time ago that hated being passed by another car. He would chase after them and pull them over and smack them around until they said sorry for passing him. I wonder where he is at now?
I had some noodle soup the other day and it tasted odd so I told the lady in the shop. She said I must have put too much weed in. Better stay at home and cook your own food these days.