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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. They know, but the way Thai driver see things is the bigger you are the more right of way you have. Example, people yield to motorcycles, motorcycles yield to cars, cars yield to trucks. The bigger you are the less you yield to. After driving here for 20 years this is how I see it.
  2. They know just what to do and when to do it, sounds familiar to me!
  3. Will we ever know the truth behind these killings? Shinzo Abe or JFK the cover up has no ending.
  4. Very sad to hear, in my area the roads around the hills are very narrow and many cars and trucks go over when trying to pass. Maybe if we knew the whole story we could have better comments.
  5. Prices are only going one way, and that's up with this President that blames everyone but himself. He's not in charge and never has been. America is circling the drain and the greenies are happy.
  6. The only good currency is the Russian but this won't last and America is already in a recession but don't want to admit it. But when you are feeling bad just lesion to this good old song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TBqhGEU4FA&list=RDMM&index=4
  7. If they don't make the products somebody else will and who knows they might be friends
  8. I would rather live in a cave and eat worms than call China my friend.
  9. If they want more business they have to give us more oil. And keep hanging up on President Biden as he can get his own oil right there in the USA.
  10. It must be a hard job to be on everyone's side, but hey, somebody's got to do it.
  11. I would have to go out with her a few times to see if she had a chance.
  12. The latest is news is America is sending it's SPR [That's reserve oil]to Italy Netherlands and China. Isn't that great. America last, why isn't he impeached?
  13. This is good, now if only American Greene's can see the light we might have the lights on for another 6 months but everyone would still be walking to work.
  14. What comes next? A setup like Bali where you pay according to your country, Japan than America pay the most than Europe than Australia so on down the line. They might have stopped doing this as it's been 25 years since I been to Bali but I still remember seeing the signs with all the countries listed and their prices, it really <deleted> me off at the time.
  15. Doesn't Blinken have anything better to do with his time? Thailand can't afford the f-35 jets no matter how big your discount is.
  16. You must be talking about Biden As 89% of Americans and 78% of Democrats thinks America is going down the drain with Biden and his party of reprobates
  17. Words with no meaning! I am sure the WH corrected him as they usually do when he talks this BS.
  18. As usual they won't to find anything on Trump, as the Dems, really don't want Trump to run again as they know he will win in a landslide. Now if you are really looking for dirt look no further than Sleepy Joe and his family of thieves. But don't ask China to help as they just love Joe.
  19. Hard to understand, weaker Thai baht ,prices going up everywhere and the price of Gold falling down. You would think the USD would be taking a nose dive with all the debt they have.
  20. Where dose Thailand get it's oil from now? Russian oil has a way of seeping in without countries even knowing about it.
  21. Drill baby drill, I bet there are plenty of old Dinosaur's beneath our feet.
  22. Mask on, mask off, mask on again we better get use to it. Soon Australia will be mask on again as covid is spreading once more at a high rate. Maybe we should ask the Chinese what they put in their formula as it's never ending?
  23. There goes cheap Thailand, he's going to double or triple the prices on everything a foreigners wants or needs and that's including hotels. If that's the case why would tourist want to come here and why would we want to stay?
  24. We also have the hot weather here so nobody is going to freeze to death. We should be able to buy our oil and gas from who ever we want not from some madman that lives in a dream land.
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